Posted by Harlan Messinger on 12/27/07 12:29
charles cashion wrote:
> John Hosking wrote:
>> charles cashion wrote:
>>> I will refrain from repeating the whole message.
>> Cool. But then you go and quote bits from old unrelated posts (without
>> any citation) so the space savings are negated.
>>> John Hosking wrote:
>>> J> A what?
>>> Would you be less irritated if I said "SEGMENT"?
>> Only a bit. I was actually trying to point out that HTML isn't a
>> programming language.
> I have re-read my original post. I called my program an
> html program. In our shop, we write "assembly language
> programs" and "C programs" and "html programs" and under
> dire circumstances, "machine language programs". Would
> it would be better if I said, "program written in html",
> "program written in assembly language", etc.?
A document written in HTML isn't a program no matter how you word the
sentence. It's a document--data--just like a word processing document is
data and not a program. Setting aside any <script> tags and onclick
attributes and the like (the contents of which are NOT HTML, so they are
a separate discussion), an HTML document contains no instructions, no
procedures, no algorithms. Like a word processing document, all it is is
a collection of chunks of content marked up with code that says "This is
a paragraph", "This is an image", "This is a table row", etc. The
document is *read* by a program that interprets the parts of the
documents and follows rules for formatting a paragraph *this* way, for
retrieving and formatting an image *that* way, for formatting a table
row some *other* way.
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