Posted by Rasmus Lerdorf on 07/29/05 13:27
Norbert Wenzel wrote:
> Hi, I've done something like this:
> class MyClass {
> private $var;
> function __construct($value) {
> $this->var = $value;
> }
> public function printVar() {
> echo($this->var);
> }
> }
> $object = new MyClass('1');
> $object->printVar(); // prints 1
> $object->var = 3; // Fatal Error as expected
> $object->$var = 2; // no error msg
> $object->printVar(); // prints 2
> Hows that possible or what's the difference between
> $object->var and
> $object->$var ?
$object->$var makes no sense. Unless $var is set to 'var' in which case
it is the same thing and you will get the same fatal error as on the
line before. The only way for $object->$var to print 2 in your example
is if you have $var = 'foo' and MyClass has a public property named foo
with a value of 2.
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