Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/28/07 14:04
Betikci Boris wrote:
> On Dec 27, 12:51 pm, chima...@googlemail.com wrote:
>> On 21 Dec, 17:50, Betikci Boris <pard...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Dec 21, 1:34 pm, chima...@googlemail.com wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I am trying to passvariablesbetweentwoframesin PHP. I want to get
>>>> a variable from F1 to F2 and the variable that is now in F2 should
>>>> pass back the variable to F1 and call another page.
>>>> Anyone to help? Thanks
>>>> X
>>> Hi, write the values into a text or dat file and second page read them
>>> in that file or use sql database indeed. Ok?
>> Hi, how do I write the variables to a txt/dat file? And please note
>> that these are variables.
> i meant values of the variables of course!..
> Passing values with hidden filed in a form can be easily read.
> You should pass the values with plain file or database will be much
> more safe.
> You can also do this with session variables..
Writing the values to a file is just extra overhead and can cause lots
of problems - like not cleaning up old files. Similar problems can
occur with a database. Then you must pass a file name in a cookie,
session or hidden variable. I would NEVER recommend such actions -
that's what sessions are for.
If the information is private, use sessions - that's what they're there
for. But if it's something which has been entered on a previous form,
hidden fields should not be a problem.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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