Posted by Max on 10/10/82 11:24
You definitely can create a windows service out of a php script, I have
several running now.
A windows service is just a program running in the background.
You simply create looped script running whatever process is needed, use a
PHP compiler to create an executable, and use srvany.exe to create the
service. Works great.
Once you compile a PHP script, it is no longer running through a parsing
engine, therefore it's not actually called a script anymore.
"" <a@b.com> wrote in message news:HVuNe.1160$WO2.336@fe06.lga...
> theoretically you can do it if you can work with the window's api...your
> performance is going to suck though. php has no means of making the script
> thread sleep...your script will have to be a continual loop - that's why
> that's a big concern.
> you are simply choosing the wrong tool for the job. and, i didn't know you
> could compile php into an exe. you certainly *can not* make a php script
> work as a window's service either.
> you need to use a non-script language...although tcl/tk is a script
> language
> that *may* be able to do it - with a lot of hacking.
> hth,
> me
> btw...i was just commenting on the shitty grammer of the last respondant
> anyway. ;^)
> "Max" <max@max.com> wrote in message
> news:B7uNe.32545$a81.20649@fe03.news.easynews.com...
> | You guys have completely misunderstood what I'm trying to do.
> |
> | This has nothing to do with web serving.
> |
> | I want to run a PHP script in a loop that monitors some computers. I
> will
> be
> | running this PHP script FROM the computer, from the command line.
> Probably
> I
> | will compile it into an .exe.
> |
> | I'm also trying to figure out if I can run the application as a systray
> app
> | so that a tooltip window pops up when monitored computer goes down.
> |
> | Someone suggested PHP-GTK, which I've worked with, and that might be the
> | key.
> |
> | Any other suggestions?
> |
> |
> | "" <a@b.com> wrote in message news:7VqNe.1870$1g2.229@fe05.lga...
> | >| There are fewer than the fingers on one hand, sites that I visit with
> a
> | > | browser other than FF.
> | >
> | > or can sucessfully. lol. ;^)
> | >
> | > |The other browser is totally insecure just for
> | > | these few sites because I need to use them.
> | >
> | > yeah, most of the porn links *are* where you get your common, garden
> | > variety
> | > trojan horses and exploit hacks. ;^) and, since ff doesn't correctly
> | > handle/support most of the w3c specifications, it is not suprising in
> the
> | > least that it is harder to compromise a system through it when
> browsing
> | > said
> | > sites.
> | >
> | > it has a cool gooie though...almost looks just like "the other
> browser".
> | >
> | > p.s. i'm just giving you a hard time. ;^)
> | >
> | >
> |
> |
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