Posted by Mimic on 08/24/05 20:55
Noodles Jefferson wrote:
> In article <pan.2005.>, PerfectReign
> (root@ dropped a +5 bundle of words...
>>On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 00:19:25 +0100, Mimic pretented somebody gave a rat's
>>ass and spewed forth:
>>>A List Apart have just released their redesign.(like within the last 8
>>>hours :P)
>>>Given the amount of webdesign talk around here, I think alot of people
>>>could do with looking at it.
>>>Looks GREAT, 100% valid code and xbrowser compatible. Take heed.
>>Very cool, dude. I passed this along to some of my co-workers, as we've
>>been trying to get pure CSS-compatible code done, where we even exclude
>>the use of tables as in this site.
>>Unfortunately, a few of my developers - when I gave them this link - asked
>>if it could be done in Front Page.
> I have to admit, that's a pretty incredible layout. I don't think I've
> seen anything like it. That No. 201 picture's freaking me out. You
> can't make an underline do that, it has to be a rollover effect but I
> can't a link to a js file, no script tags, no nothing. SO HOW IN THE
> HELL IS HE DOING IT? The underlining for the headers too. That big one
> where only the ends are highlighted. How the hell's dude doing that
> too? The layout's just incredible. I'd like to pull some nifty ass
> tricks like that.
> I see but I cannot believe. Like I said, I don't think I've seen
> anything like it. Goddamn.
Simply the power of CSS. Something certain people in this group like to
ignore in place of old and less effective technologies such as js ;)
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