Posted by Stephen Johnson on 09/10/05 02:45
Is there any particular reason that you do not want to mix both type in
I have a few that mix $_SERVER , $_COOKIE, $_POST, and $_FILES.
I do not see a particular performance hit with mixing these since they are
available regardless of whether they are populated or not.
On 9/9/05 4:46 PM, "bruce" <bedouglas@earthlink.net> wrote:
> hi..
> quick question.. a basic link <a ref ="foo.php?a=1">blah</a> allows you to
> process the vars in foo.php using $_GET, easy/basic enough. however, if i
> have a form from cat.php that does a 'post' of the form information/input to
> the foo.php, i'm then going to have to either change the form to do a 'get'
> or else i'm going to have to do both a $_GET, and a $_POST within foo.php to
> access the vars from the pages that are interfacing with foo.php.
> is there an easier/cleaner/better approach??
> or do i really need/wind up doing something like
> if ($_GET['foo'])...
> if ($_POST['apple'])...
> and just have a mix of both methods within the code...
> thanks
> -bruce
> bedouglas@earthlink.net
Stephen Johnson
The Lone Coder
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