Posted by Neredbojias on 11/14/98 11:27
With neither quill nor qualm, Stephen K. Gielda quothed:
> Well, I didn't put much stock into the burst.net fiasco that happened in
> nanae a while ago (my mistake). They offered inexpensive servers with
> unmetered bandwidth and I did not need to run e-mail so I decided to try
> them out anyway, just to see what the service was like. I was with them
> about a week before I cancelled.
> First I could not get ipf to run with freebsd on their setup. I've set
> this up thousands of times, however something in their setup was causing
> the server to remain unavailable after boot (not their fault, but does
> mean it will take a few tries to figure out why, especially without
> console access). The first time I thought it was due to differences in
> ipf on fbsd 5.x (I'm a 4.x guy). So they reprovisioned to 4.x (which
> was what I had originally requested in the order anyway).
> I tried to compile in ipf again on 4.x, same thing on reboot, server not
> responding even though my first two rulesets were pass in quick from any
> to any and pass out quick from any to any. But it had rebooted ok.
> This is an easy fix, at the boot you just tell the boot loader to load
> the old kernel and you are back. I didn't expect support on this, just
> get the old kernel back so I can adjust. Not possible for Burst, first
> they had to tell me that because they did not write ipf they could not
> support it (I didn't ask them to support it, I asked if they new of any
> hardware issues with their setup that might cause this and if they knew
> of any unix os that would work with a firewall on their servers). Next
> they decided to reprovision the entire box again. Ok, well I was next
> going to attempt to compile a new kernel without ipf default block,
> because it is possible that the default block could be causing trouble
> if things attempt to load before the firewall rulesets load. But I
> never got the chance.
> They had reprovisioned again and this time the root password was wrong.
> I logged in as admin, tried to su root as I'd done with the other two
> provisions, no go. Easy fix, it means they provisioned it with a
> different root password and just hadn't reset it. Ha! Nope, every
> message I sent to support was returned "We don't support logging in as
> root, you have to log in as admin first". I respond "I am logging in as
> admin, I cannot su root". Response "we don't set up root to be able to
> log in, you have to use admin". After two full days of this I had had
> enough, I cancelled. I certainly learned my lesson, clueless about e-
> mail and spam means clueless about all.
> I gave Burst the opportunity to respond to this before I posted, this is
> their response:
> "We regret that you were unable to fully make usage of your server,
> however, we cannot help it if you are incapable of administrating your
> server properly. Such being the case, we highly recommend that you
> order a control panel in the future, witch will handle most
> administrative tasks for you. Alternatively, we recommend that you
> purchase from our Maximum Admin product line, which is FULLY managed
> service, with which we can assist you with configuring more complicated
> things like APF for you."
Well, your whole message was *way* over my head, but I'm really sorry
the bad guys burst your bubble. Still, reading about other people's
troubles frequently cheers me up.
Contrary to popular belief, it is believable.
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