Posted by ThePsyko on 11/14/74 11:27
On 21 Sep 2005 in alt.2600, Fly Cooter <fly_cooter_@example.com> made
their contribution to mankind by stating in
> In article <Xns96D869C269BDFLifeIsGood@nntp.petitmorte.net>,
> ThePsyko@itookmyprozac.com says...
>>On 20 Sep 2005 in alt.2600, Fly Cooter <fly_cooter_@example.com> made
>>their contribution to mankind by stating in
>>> In article <g961j15lrt448dt4v10caudce7t3u9n3bm@4ax.com>,
>>> usenet@backwater-productions.net says...
>>>>On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 15:27:32 -0700, Bitey <Bitey@Toothy1.r00lz>
>>>>>Sean Monaghan wrote this gem. Seriously... :
>>>>>> ThePsyko wrote:
>>>>>>> On 18 Sep 2005 in alt.2600, Fly Cooter <fly_cooter_@example.com>
>>>>>>> made their contribution to mankind by stating in
>>>>>>> news:1127099351.ea3615c77806b9528aa5b9f6bbbed8dd@bubbanews:
>>>>>>> > In article <Jqidnf1WO5vysbbeRVn-tw@comcast.com>,
>>>>>>> > none@noemail.invalid says...
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> > > In news:Xns96D3879A4D2A0LifeIsGood@nntp.petitmorte.net,
>>>>>>> >>ThePsyko <ThePsyko@itookmyprozac.com> typed:
>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>> >>> On 16 Sep 2005 in alt.hackers.malicious, "TJ"
>>>>>>> <none@noemail.invalid> >>> made their contribution to mankind by
>>>>>>> stating in >>> news:U_CdncOgZOYGvLbeRVn-qQ@comcast.com:
>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>> >>>> In news:Xns96D37B589874ELifeIsGood@nntp.petitmorte.net,
>>>>>>> >>>> ThePsyko <ThePsyko@itookmyprozac.com> typed:
>>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>>> >>>>> On 16 Sep 2005 in alt.2600, Fly Cooter
>>>>>>> >>>>> <fly_cooter_@example.com> made their contribution to
>>>>>>> >>>>> mankind by stating in
>>>>>>> >>>>> news:1126893316.06d72b73cbb9460e9065390fd9e88119@bubbanews:
>>>>>>> > > > > >
>>>>>>> >>>>>> TestiClees tried to pull another fast one. He got one of
>>>>>>> >>>>>> his friends to email me. He tried to get me to stop
>>>>>>> >>>>>> Larting him
>>>>>>> and >>>>>> start ignoring him instead. I guess LP won't have
>>>>>>> his homo ass.
>>>>>>> > > > > > >
>>>>>>> > > > > > >
>>>>>>> >>>>> wow. you're even dumber than you look.
>>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>>> >>>> Yup. And the email he posted came from me. I admit it.
>>>>>>> >>>> I've
>>>>>>> read >>>> a lot of his stuff and I don't much care for hatter.
>>>>>>> Still. The >>>> dude "outted" my email address after I asked him
>>>>>>> NICELY not to.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I don't give any free respect to anonymous cowardly bitches
>>>>>>> > like you.
>>>>>>> > In your email your initials were WFB but in newsgroups you
>>>>>>> > post as
>>>>>>> > TJ. Why are you scared to use your name, cunt?
>>>>>>> Why are you?
>>>>>>> > > http://wintruder.tripod.com/fly.htm
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I've got all your tracking info, asshole. You are a STUPID
>>>>>>> > fuck.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> troll.
>>>>>> Even if Fly Cooter is a torll (or Hatter sock), both of my
>>>>>> nominations stand. He is a spineless coward of epic proportions
>>>>>> - qualifying him for Coward of the Month. He is also a pathetic
>>>>>> excuse for a human being - qualifying him for the Pathetic Anal
>>>>>> Pineapple.
>>>>>The pieces aren't fitting together correctly. Methinks this is a
>>>>>malcontent chameleon.
>>>>Couldn't be, his failing endeavors are focused on me and those who
>>>>would normally be in direct opposition to me (ie Petitmorte).
>>>>There's never been any middle ground contenders that have sided
>>>>against both.
>>> You're all fucking nuts. All I'm doing is looking out for number
>>> one.
>>> All of this bullshit started with the fag composites you made,
>>> TestiClees. My problem with Petitmorte came out of the nomination
>>> for the virtual award shared with you. PJR and Sean have virtual
>>> accounts on Petitmorte's Westhost server, so I had to act vigilant
>>> to get results. I didn't fuck with any of these people first.
>>Sure you did. All you had to do was email me and I could have seen to
>>it that Petitmorte adhered to our hosts ToS. But you chose instead to
>>just jump up the chain and play vigilante.
> Why the fuck would I email you? Are you Alexandra Kittrie? You're a
> chick?
> Damn what a psycho bitch you are. You must be married to John Bobbit
> or
> Joey Buttafuco. Whoever you are, stop the fucking bull. You know Tom
> and Chuck didn't want those pictures up because you replied in
> newsgroup threads where PJR posted the links. You had your chance to
> act like a responsible virtual host but you didn't and I had to prove
> that you are not in full control of your own site. And you should
> keep your house in order if you don't want to be Larted again. Tell
> Sean Monaghan to drop the nomination of me with TestiClees or I'll
> have his site pulled too. Sean and PJR brought Petitmorte into this.
> You didn't keep their asses in check so you got Larted and you'll get
> Larted again if they don't do the right thing.
>>If you really wanted to piss off the wrong people, you've done a good
>>job at it (and I'm not talking about me - I have better things to do
>>than dirty my hands with the likes of you). I hope you're comfortable
>>in your proverbial bed! Might as well get used to it - you've pretty
>>much secured that the online existance of 'fly cooter' is going to be
>>a miserable one.
> Fuck you, cunt. I'm not trying to piss anyone off but if it happens
> SO BE IT. I'm defending my dignity and my IP, and helping other
> innocents in need as I go along. There's about fifty others on Sean
> Monaghan's site that might need to be contacted by my representative.
awwww .. is the little homo all upset?
Look, it's not MY fault you were photographed giving some fat fuck a
blowjob. I feel for you.. I really do...
oh no wait.. I just had to fart. Never mind.
Public Enemy #7
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