Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/03/34 11:36
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <> skrev i meddelandet
> news:43bc05b6$0$15213$
>>Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
>>>I am under the impression that you did not understand what I wrote
> above.
>>>Would you mind to cancel the page which you had on your website where
> you
>>> the name of my one-man business or do you have anything against it?
>>(This may be a mistake to continue) What are you talking about? On *my*
>>website? I have your *website* listed? Where?
1. There is *no* link to that page in my website.
2. It is *hosted* on my server in my 'temp' folder as with all my NG
3. It is *my* code with *your* content in a *failed* attempt to help you
understand how not to abuse tables for layout and how to float sections
4. I intend to delete it when the thread to which the example is linked
expires, else folks who really want to learn something would not have
the benefit of the example to make use of the tread.
5. Maybe counseling might help that paranoia, eh?
Take care,
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