Posted by bigsamurai on 10/14/35 11:33
I have the following statement...
$query = "SELECT ood.ood_watch_officer, ood.ood_start, ood.ood_end,
ood.ood_date, ood.ood_usvn_pop, ood.ood_sen_off_pop, ood.ood_summary,
ood_per.ood_per_no, ood_per.ood_per_name FROM ood, ood_per WHERE
ood.ood_watch_officer=ood_per.ood_per_no AND (ood_date BETWEEN
"$_POST[date1]" AND "$_POST[date2]") ORDER by ood_per.ood_per_name";
The date1 and date 2 variable come in the form of yyyy-mm-dd. i al
looking to get information between two dates.
ANyhelp would be GREAT!!!!
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