Posted by mark | r on 05/17/05 16:40
"David Dorward" <dorward@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> mark | r wrote:
> > www.neue.co.uk/quest.htm
> >
> > anyone got any tips on making a multipe choice quiz accessible - how do
> > you make radio buttons attach to a label (becaus theres more than one of
> > them so how would for= work?)
> Radio groups are created by adding multiple radio inputs with the same
> The label element references an element based on its ID.
thats my point...
> > also would the label tag be around the text
> > question or the values of the radio buttons 1,2,3 etc?
> Its rather difficult to associate data properly with the format. I'd
> probably structure the data more along the lines:
> <h2>External Focus - Strategic Thinking</h2>
> <fieldset>
> <legend>Anticipates, identifies and evaluates current and future
> opportunities and threats</legend>
> <div>
> <input type="radio" name="q1" id="q1a" value="a">
> <label for="q1a">Disagree strongly</label>
> </div>
> <div>
> <input type="radio" name="q1" id="q1b" value="b">
> <label for="q1b">Disagree</label>
> </div>
....hmm never thought of it like that
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