Posted by Blinky the Shark on 11/23/21 11:41
Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article <pan.2006.>,
> Blinky the Shark <no.spam@box.invalid> wrote:
>> John wrote:
>> > Hi all - just put together my first site in CSS - interested to know if
>> > I have made any mistakes!
>> For the group: I see doctype declarations within paragraphs. I thought
>> they were supposed to be the first thing in the document. But the W3C
>> validator isn't complaining about doctype. What am I missing *this*
>> time? :)
> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.johndouglas.demon.co.
> uk%2Fallotment.htm> shows the error you are describing.
I could swear that this afternoon I was only getting the three other
errors from a page or two that had the in-paragraph DOCTYPE declaration.
Looking at his doc root index.htm page, now, the DOCTYPE *is* at the top
of the page (I was sure that was one with the imbedded declaration).
Methinks it's moved. :) At any rate, thanks for the input.
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