Posted by Neredbojias on 03/21/06 01:39
With neither quill nor qualm, Jonathan N. Little quothed:
> Neredbojias wrote:
> > With neither quill nor qualm, Jonathan N. Little quothed:
> >
> >>>>>> Yep, typo is was late last night, and I'm dyslexic with my typing as well!
> >>>>> Have you tried standing on your head?
> >>>>>
> >>>> No but I might type it as "Deah ruoy no gnidnats deirt uoy evah."
> >>> Okay, forget that. It's worse than your regular posts... :)
> >>>
> >> Well, I'm still trying to figure out how standing on my head will help! :-)
> >
> > Oh. Well as I understand it, dyslexic people see things on the wrong
> > side - "cross eyed" in a manner of speaking. Standing on your head
> > would reverse the order which is doubly reversed by the malady (-like 2
> > negatives make a positive) and everything might come out more or less
> > okay. I realize that the letters would be inverted in the process, but
> > hey, you can't have everything.
> >
> Well, some do I guess, but not all. I didn't reverse letter although
> without any thought at a young age I found I could mirror write, like
> ol' Leonardo. But others like me seem to miss letters or parts of words
> while reading and writing. Word processors with spell check have been my
> my salvation.
Perhaps y'alls have like bidirectional brains that miss things now and
then 'cause they don't know whether they're coming or going?
> Actually I just upgraded from Mozilla to SeaMonkey and found that the
> spell checker checks as you type like MS Word, SWEET! Now if I could jet
> get my old Orbit 3+1 theme for SeaMonkey instead of this damn pale grey
> I'll be happy.
I've seen SeaMonkey on the Moz site, but that's only for Linux systems,
isn't it?
Contrary to popular belief, it is believable.
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