Posted by David Haynes on 05/19/06 11:58
Dynamo wrote:
> Many thanks for your time David. I have however opted to use Kimmos code.
> Nothing personal but he does mention that in html 4.01 that numbers should not
> be used in variable names which I was doing.
> Kind Regards
> Dynamo
As with most things, there are many 'right' answers. One potential issue
with Kimmos code is that the delete operates as a transaction in that
*all* the ids *must* be present for *any* of the ids to be deleted.
Since I essentially unroll the transaction in the foreach loop, *any*
ids are deleted if they exist. A small but subtly different behavior.
Which works for you will depend on the data access characteristics to
your database (i.e. do you have sole access or are there other programs
which may affect the data?)
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