Posted by David Haynes on 05/19/06 12:00
David Haynes wrote:
> Dynamo wrote:
>> Many thanks for your time David. I have however opted to use Kimmos code.
>> Nothing personal but he does mention that in html 4.01 that numbers
>> should not
>> be used in variable names which I was doing.
>> Kind Regards
>> Dynamo
> As with most things, there are many 'right' answers. One potential issue
> with Kimmos code is that the delete operates as a transaction in that
> *all* the ids *must* be present for *any* of the ids to be deleted.
> Since I essentially unroll the transaction in the foreach loop, *any*
> ids are deleted if they exist. A small but subtly different behavior.
> Which works for you will depend on the data access characteristics to
> your database (i.e. do you have sole access or are there other programs
> which may affect the data?)
> -david-
Never mind. It's too early to be posting.
Kimmo uses OR which allows for ids not to be there.
Apologies Kimmo.
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