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Promote Like an eMarketer!

Category: Affiliate Marketing - Basics Date: 2003-04-28
Affiliate marketing is the hottest trend to hit the Internet marketing world! As an affiliate, your job is to present merchant products and services in an attractive and interesting way that makes clicking on affiliate links almost irresistible. Although it seems like a daunting task, you can easily accomplish this by utilizing proven tricks that professional e-marketers use. But before you promote like a professional, you’ll need to develop a website with clean design and valuable, beneficial content.

Presentation + Value = Clicks = Sales = Commission

Good content, design, and presentation are critical to getting clicks resulting in sales and commission. To get that critical click make sure your sales pitches are effective but not blaringly obvious. When designing your site, scatter a combination of visual product images, personal product recommendations, and engaging text descriptions and directives throughout your site. This will add a personal touch and give value to your visitors.

Now that you’ve got a well designed site, put your e-marketer thinking caps on and think of new and innovative ways to promote your site.

Did you get anything for Mother’s Day this year? What about graduation? Even if you’re not a soon to be graduate, you can give yourself the gift of extra commission. All it takes is a few strategically placed images and affiliate links on your homepage. Remember, every holiday, season, occasion, or even the Monday blues can be an excellent opportunity to promote your affiliate links, especially product links.

Viral marketing, a technique that promotes products in a way that encourages rapid growth and adaptation is a hot new buzz word among professional e-marketers. An example of a successful viral marketing campaign is the proliferation of hotmail.com email users throughout India despite lack of marketing efforts there. Because hotmail provides a free and valuable tool, it is highly promotable through word of mouth advertising and personal recommendations, not to mention their signature line, "Get your free private email" at the bottom of every message a user sends out. As an affiliate, you can make viral marketing work for you through innovative contests and other original and quirky promotions that can easily catch on. Think about sites that you’ve recommended to friends or have had recommended to you. Mirror these site’s enjoyable and infectious elements and then set up a creative and free way to spread the word.

The educated affiliate gets the sale. Keep up to date on e-commerce stats and trends and incorporate them into your website. For example, a recent survey conducted by the NPD Group shows that e-coupon use has grown from 23% to 27% in the past year and reached it’s highest peek at 30% during the 1999 holiday season. As an affiliate, why not take advantage of this trend? Look for special promotions your merchants may be running, such as 10% off purchases and create a coupon on your site. Another trend in online purchasing is the increase of online travel and airfare. Why not promote it to moms that want to get away from the kids this summer? To maximize clickability, personalize your tone with a snappy, quirky, and interesting marketing angle that fit your visitor’s lifestyle.

As you embark on your new e-marketing experience, remember to put yourself in your visitor’s shoes. Consider how you can bring value and benefits to your visitors and keep them coming back. Once you figure that out, be creative and have fun with your marketing style. The traffic, clicks, and commission will start rolling in before you know it!

About the Author

Kelly Chau is the content editor at CashPile.com, the most comprehensive portal for affiliate success. She also serves as the resident expert on affiliate marketing program news, trends and marketing tricks, advising countless affiliates via the CashPile site and its semi-monthly newsletter. Prior to joining the affiliate marketing gang at CashPile.com, she was an award winning professional journalist and freelance writer.
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