21 Tips For Writing Benefits
Category: Copy Writing - sales copy | Date: 2003-05-13 |
Remember that benefits show how your products/services will help your customers and how good they will feel. With that in mind, here are some tips to writing
effective benefits.
1. Use words that persuade.
2. Know what people purchase.
3. Be aware of what makes people purchase.
4. What motives make people buy?
5. Use word techniques that persuade the best.
Then ask yourself these questions.
1. Who can benefit from my message?
2. What are their basic needs or wants?
3. What are the most attractive benefits?
4. What is the key benefit in my message?
5. How can I present the key benefit in one simple sentence?
6. What words will best convey these benefits to my reader?
7. What experience or anecdote will help illustrate my message?
Your next step is to write your "sales message" using words that will:
1. Get immediate attention.
2. Arouse instant interest.
3. Create strong desire.
4. Ask for prompt action.
The basic purpose of all communications is to gain a favorable response from your customer. So the words you select to use will be determined by the purpose of
your message. But the greatest words in the world cannot gain a favorable response if your proposition lacks appeal, has no market, or if the price is not right.
Here are some suggestions that will help you string together every word that is important to help you get the desired results.
1. Plan--think before you write.
2. Get all the facts.
3. Know your purpose in writing.
4. Put yourself in the readers place.
5. Write from the readers point of view.
About the author.
Writer/Speaker/Consultant, Kathy Thompson, provides various writing/administrative services. For a FREE report "How Your Face Reveals Your Health" send a
blank email to; healthface@demandmail.com.
Feel free to publish this article. Do not change any nformation. Please send a courtesy copy. Thank you.
:To contact Kathy online see details below.
effective benefits.
1. Use words that persuade.
2. Know what people purchase.
3. Be aware of what makes people purchase.
4. What motives make people buy?
5. Use word techniques that persuade the best.
Then ask yourself these questions.
1. Who can benefit from my message?
2. What are their basic needs or wants?
3. What are the most attractive benefits?
4. What is the key benefit in my message?
5. How can I present the key benefit in one simple sentence?
6. What words will best convey these benefits to my reader?
7. What experience or anecdote will help illustrate my message?
Your next step is to write your "sales message" using words that will:
1. Get immediate attention.
2. Arouse instant interest.
3. Create strong desire.
4. Ask for prompt action.
The basic purpose of all communications is to gain a favorable response from your customer. So the words you select to use will be determined by the purpose of
your message. But the greatest words in the world cannot gain a favorable response if your proposition lacks appeal, has no market, or if the price is not right.
Here are some suggestions that will help you string together every word that is important to help you get the desired results.
1. Plan--think before you write.
2. Get all the facts.
3. Know your purpose in writing.
4. Put yourself in the readers place.
5. Write from the readers point of view.
About the author.
Writer/Speaker/Consultant, Kathy Thompson, provides various writing/administrative services. For a FREE report "How Your Face Reveals Your Health" send a
blank email to; healthface@demandmail.com.
Feel free to publish this article. Do not change any nformation. Please send a courtesy copy. Thank you.
:To contact Kathy online see details below.
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