Dont Be Taken In By THIS One!
Category: E-mail Marketing | Date: 2003-04-09 |
Spam filters have been the main topic of interest for nearly everyone online for months now. Publishers can't get their ezines through to those who subscribed to them. People who aren't even involved in online business can't receive email from friends and family if it contains certain words, WHICH, by the way, is no one's business!
Supposedly, these filters are being used to stop spam. Yet, anyone who receives email knows that real spam is getting worse every day. Wouldn't you think they'd get a clue? No, they don't.
Why? Because it isn't about spam. It's about the power to control! And the people being controlled are NOT the spammers!
Nevertheless, the rest of us have fallen all over ourselves to make adjustments. We've changed the way we send our ezines. We have changed the spelling of words to stupid things like "fr*e" or left them out altogether.
Most are forced to use double opt-in as if it's a law which, by god, it ISN'T! We try to by-pass or trick the filters. We scream at our ISPs because we can't get our brother's email. And we take on all manner of extra work just to provide people with what they asked for.
Then, all of a sudden - there it was! THE ANSWER! It started about two weeks ago. I watched good intelligent people, who are so desperate for an answer, jump up and down gleefully. Brain function was put on hold because a HUGE online name - with a great reputation - found and offered THE ANSWER.
What was the first rule of JUST GOOD BUSINESS? Think for YOURSELF. Read everything CAREFULLY. Check it OUT! ANY of those three things would have put this propaganda in the trash bin where it belongs!
Okay, let's get specific ...
Announcements went out that you could check your newsletter or ezine - in fact, ANY email - to see how it rates with the spam filters before you send it. Then, make adjustments if necessary, and voila! Your email won't be bounced by the spam filters. All I can say is - BULL!
Now, let's see - how did this work? First, an online marketer gave all his affiliates - and there are a LOT of them - their own special link to pass on to people. Using this link, people could send their email trough a process, called SpamCheck, that will deliver back a spam rating. We all know this has to work because this guy is a genius, right? Damn right he is - a marketing genius!
So, what's to think about ...
First - exactly WHO set up this test filter? Well, here's what it says in the report:
"SpamCheck is powered by SpamAssassin filtering software. We thank them for their efforts to reduce spam and for providing this technology to help cut down spam at the SENDING end rather than merely at the RECEIVING end."
I see. The creator of Spam Assassin set up this testing process. What a nice guy to help us, right?
This is the guy who has stated that money is evil. And online business should be wiped out because the Internet isn't about business. Now, he's going to help us? I don't think so.
Second - We all know that Spam Assassin is the toughest spam filter. So, we operate on the assumption that we'll get a "reading" that will work for all others, right?
Every ISP can set Spam Assassin to block whichever of the Spam Assassin tests they wish. They can even simply "mark" the email as "Spam" and send it on to you. BUT - the point is, they can use EVERY test included in the software if they wish. The software has literally HUNDREDS of things it can test for! AND there appear to be even more tests now than there were nine months ago!
There is absolutely NO way to predict which tests every ISP is using. It isn't controlled. So using ANY version of Spam Assassin as an acceptable "test" is asinine! But, especially THIS one being touted as THE ANSWER.
Now, think about this ...
I put four different ezine issues and two announcement emails through the SpamCheck test. Before I tell you about them, here's what the Spam Assassin scores mean in numbers of points the email receives:
0-5 nice and clean, no problems except tiny ones below; no action required
5-8 the strictest may object; clean up the easy-to-find issues
8-12 getting into dangerous territory; clean up any big issues and the easy-to-find smaller penalties
12-16 likely over ISPs' limits; review and clean
16+ major problems; overhaul needed -- systematically clean, point by point and then re-test (this may require two or three SpamChecks).
Here were my scores:
3.3 - All Around GOOD STUFF - 7 ads (1 for Internet Toy Drive)
3.8 - JUST GOOD BUSINESS - 2 ads (1 for Internet Toy Drive)
Okay - I MIGHT have fallen for those. Except that THREE copies of this SAME "All Around GOOD STUFF" issue bounced back to me from autoresponder requests, due to ... you guessed it - SPAM TRAPS! So you tell ME what you think the chances are that it only tested at a legitimate 3.3!
1.9 - Both announcement emails from the WB and JGB
EVERY test I did came back with the following:
"(1.6 points) Your e-mail contains a moderate amount of the following: terms, formatting, or aggressive writing common to everyday spam. Consider reworking."
Now, just what the hell does THAT mean? What is "aggressive writing" and by whose definition?
Remember these were the ANNOUNCEMENT emails! Oh yeah - the other 0.3 points came from, "Asks you to click below." Oh, that's right - I forgot! We're not supposed to click on anything in any email for any reason!
4.9 - 12/2/02 Whistle Blower Issue - LOTS of ads
5.2 - 3/25/02 Whistle Blower Issue - LOTS of ads
In the WB, I don't concern myself with the spam traps at ALL because of the way it's delivered. I don't CARE if they bounce that autoresponder since you can read it online if they do. AND you know it didn't come back to you! So I make NO concessions for the traps in the actual issues!
But that isn't even the biggest reason. The WB I sent for testing that got the 5.2 ... I happen to KNOW it tests at 26.25 when tested manually at the Spam Assassin test site! I wrote a whole article about that same issue after testing it back in March.
Guess that explains why the WB autoresponder requests bounce routinely. Can't HAPPEN according to this new SpamCheck test - not at the 4.9 of the December 2nd issue! Yet, it can - and DOES - at the REAL test scores found on the Spam Assassin test site!
Heck, one guy wrote to an email list just this morning (Friday) that his newsletter tested at 1.1, yet two copies bounced due to spam filters. He even posted the reasons from the bounce messages!
There's no way I'm going to believe this test wasn't set up, by the Spam Assassin people, to give a false sense of security!
Now, even aside from the fact that you will NOT get a reliable test result ...
Let's consider this ...
No online marketer gives his/her affiliates coded links unless they plan to make money. Now, I have absolutely nothing against anyone making money. In fact, I encourage it. But, hidden behind a free testing service, that's (perceived to be) needed - when the tests aren't even trustworthy - I object!
In the reports I received, over HALF the email (not counting the grading chart) was a SALES LETTER for this marketer's latest product. In fact, he has this "test" built right into that product. Now that IS genius. Or, would be if it worked!
What we have here is someone who has taken advantage of a BAD situation and used it to advertise. He may be the nicest guy in the world but, I'll guarantee you, his first motivation is NOT caring whether YOUR email gets past the spam filters, it's to promote HIS product!
I do understand about finding a need and fulfilling that need as a sales technique. However, that presupposes that the need is legitimately FILLED. It doesn't leave people with the assumption that they have something they don't have at all.
What we have here is called "exploitation" in my book. I was especially amused at this line from the report: "Because 'normal business people' don't use tricks -- they just do business."
Yet, once again, because of the "Big Name," too many people won't THINK, much LESS test the system. They'll follow like sheep, believing the danger is past. And many of them will be ticked off at me for having the audacity to point out that the big, bad wolf is alive, well and strutting around in sheep's clothing. So, what else is new?
Okay - in all fairness and before I get assassinated myself - does this marketer KNOW the tests are meaningless? After all, it was the Spam Assassin moron who developed this particular test. The answer is - I don't know. But, if not - WHY not? It isn't real tough to check the accuracy of the test.
Trust it at your own peril ...
Go ahead. Try it, and depend on it, if that's what you want to do. See if anything changes. It won't. THEN, go to the URL below and check what your REAL test results should have been.
Remember - this is one small test which is clearly using very FEW of the possible tests. ISPs are able to use ALL of the tests found on this page:
Once again ...
All this comes from the refusal of online business people to do what needs to be done and legally demand our rights. NO ezine publisher will EVER get past a fully loaded SpamAssassin trap! Yet, most are still looking for the "magic potion" that will render this spam trap situation harmless.
It's been an open invitation. Exploitation was inevitable. Some are just strong enough and smart enough to use our refusal to act - to their own advantage.
So while spam thrives, too many legitimate and ethical online businesses are going broke. There's only ONE way to put a STOP to it and that's here:
About the author.
dr. jl scott is the Director of the International Council of
Online Professionals (iCop) - and also the publisher of THE
iCop WHISTLE BLOWER! - the ezine dedicated to exposing scams
and lack of ethics on the Web. For your FREE subscription:
Supposedly, these filters are being used to stop spam. Yet, anyone who receives email knows that real spam is getting worse every day. Wouldn't you think they'd get a clue? No, they don't.
Why? Because it isn't about spam. It's about the power to control! And the people being controlled are NOT the spammers!
Nevertheless, the rest of us have fallen all over ourselves to make adjustments. We've changed the way we send our ezines. We have changed the spelling of words to stupid things like "fr*e" or left them out altogether.
Most are forced to use double opt-in as if it's a law which, by god, it ISN'T! We try to by-pass or trick the filters. We scream at our ISPs because we can't get our brother's email. And we take on all manner of extra work just to provide people with what they asked for.
Then, all of a sudden - there it was! THE ANSWER! It started about two weeks ago. I watched good intelligent people, who are so desperate for an answer, jump up and down gleefully. Brain function was put on hold because a HUGE online name - with a great reputation - found and offered THE ANSWER.
What was the first rule of JUST GOOD BUSINESS? Think for YOURSELF. Read everything CAREFULLY. Check it OUT! ANY of those three things would have put this propaganda in the trash bin where it belongs!
Okay, let's get specific ...
Announcements went out that you could check your newsletter or ezine - in fact, ANY email - to see how it rates with the spam filters before you send it. Then, make adjustments if necessary, and voila! Your email won't be bounced by the spam filters. All I can say is - BULL!
Now, let's see - how did this work? First, an online marketer gave all his affiliates - and there are a LOT of them - their own special link to pass on to people. Using this link, people could send their email trough a process, called SpamCheck, that will deliver back a spam rating. We all know this has to work because this guy is a genius, right? Damn right he is - a marketing genius!
So, what's to think about ...
First - exactly WHO set up this test filter? Well, here's what it says in the report:
"SpamCheck is powered by SpamAssassin filtering software. We thank them for their efforts to reduce spam and for providing this technology to help cut down spam at the SENDING end rather than merely at the RECEIVING end."
I see. The creator of Spam Assassin set up this testing process. What a nice guy to help us, right?
This is the guy who has stated that money is evil. And online business should be wiped out because the Internet isn't about business. Now, he's going to help us? I don't think so.
Second - We all know that Spam Assassin is the toughest spam filter. So, we operate on the assumption that we'll get a "reading" that will work for all others, right?
Every ISP can set Spam Assassin to block whichever of the Spam Assassin tests they wish. They can even simply "mark" the email as "Spam" and send it on to you. BUT - the point is, they can use EVERY test included in the software if they wish. The software has literally HUNDREDS of things it can test for! AND there appear to be even more tests now than there were nine months ago!
There is absolutely NO way to predict which tests every ISP is using. It isn't controlled. So using ANY version of Spam Assassin as an acceptable "test" is asinine! But, especially THIS one being touted as THE ANSWER.
Now, think about this ...
I put four different ezine issues and two announcement emails through the SpamCheck test. Before I tell you about them, here's what the Spam Assassin scores mean in numbers of points the email receives:
0-5 nice and clean, no problems except tiny ones below; no action required
5-8 the strictest may object; clean up the easy-to-find issues
8-12 getting into dangerous territory; clean up any big issues and the easy-to-find smaller penalties
12-16 likely over ISPs' limits; review and clean
16+ major problems; overhaul needed -- systematically clean, point by point and then re-test (this may require two or three SpamChecks).
Here were my scores:
3.3 - All Around GOOD STUFF - 7 ads (1 for Internet Toy Drive)
3.8 - JUST GOOD BUSINESS - 2 ads (1 for Internet Toy Drive)
Okay - I MIGHT have fallen for those. Except that THREE copies of this SAME "All Around GOOD STUFF" issue bounced back to me from autoresponder requests, due to ... you guessed it - SPAM TRAPS! So you tell ME what you think the chances are that it only tested at a legitimate 3.3!
1.9 - Both announcement emails from the WB and JGB
EVERY test I did came back with the following:
"(1.6 points) Your e-mail contains a moderate amount of the following: terms, formatting, or aggressive writing common to everyday spam. Consider reworking."
Now, just what the hell does THAT mean? What is "aggressive writing" and by whose definition?
Remember these were the ANNOUNCEMENT emails! Oh yeah - the other 0.3 points came from, "Asks you to click below." Oh, that's right - I forgot! We're not supposed to click on anything in any email for any reason!
4.9 - 12/2/02 Whistle Blower Issue - LOTS of ads
5.2 - 3/25/02 Whistle Blower Issue - LOTS of ads
In the WB, I don't concern myself with the spam traps at ALL because of the way it's delivered. I don't CARE if they bounce that autoresponder since you can read it online if they do. AND you know it didn't come back to you! So I make NO concessions for the traps in the actual issues!
But that isn't even the biggest reason. The WB I sent for testing that got the 5.2 ... I happen to KNOW it tests at 26.25 when tested manually at the Spam Assassin test site! I wrote a whole article about that same issue after testing it back in March.
Guess that explains why the WB autoresponder requests bounce routinely. Can't HAPPEN according to this new SpamCheck test - not at the 4.9 of the December 2nd issue! Yet, it can - and DOES - at the REAL test scores found on the Spam Assassin test site!
Heck, one guy wrote to an email list just this morning (Friday) that his newsletter tested at 1.1, yet two copies bounced due to spam filters. He even posted the reasons from the bounce messages!
There's no way I'm going to believe this test wasn't set up, by the Spam Assassin people, to give a false sense of security!
Now, even aside from the fact that you will NOT get a reliable test result ...
Let's consider this ...
No online marketer gives his/her affiliates coded links unless they plan to make money. Now, I have absolutely nothing against anyone making money. In fact, I encourage it. But, hidden behind a free testing service, that's (perceived to be) needed - when the tests aren't even trustworthy - I object!
In the reports I received, over HALF the email (not counting the grading chart) was a SALES LETTER for this marketer's latest product. In fact, he has this "test" built right into that product. Now that IS genius. Or, would be if it worked!
What we have here is someone who has taken advantage of a BAD situation and used it to advertise. He may be the nicest guy in the world but, I'll guarantee you, his first motivation is NOT caring whether YOUR email gets past the spam filters, it's to promote HIS product!
I do understand about finding a need and fulfilling that need as a sales technique. However, that presupposes that the need is legitimately FILLED. It doesn't leave people with the assumption that they have something they don't have at all.
What we have here is called "exploitation" in my book. I was especially amused at this line from the report: "Because 'normal business people' don't use tricks -- they just do business."
Yet, once again, because of the "Big Name," too many people won't THINK, much LESS test the system. They'll follow like sheep, believing the danger is past. And many of them will be ticked off at me for having the audacity to point out that the big, bad wolf is alive, well and strutting around in sheep's clothing. So, what else is new?
Okay - in all fairness and before I get assassinated myself - does this marketer KNOW the tests are meaningless? After all, it was the Spam Assassin moron who developed this particular test. The answer is - I don't know. But, if not - WHY not? It isn't real tough to check the accuracy of the test.
Trust it at your own peril ...
Go ahead. Try it, and depend on it, if that's what you want to do. See if anything changes. It won't. THEN, go to the URL below and check what your REAL test results should have been.
Remember - this is one small test which is clearly using very FEW of the possible tests. ISPs are able to use ALL of the tests found on this page:
Once again ...
All this comes from the refusal of online business people to do what needs to be done and legally demand our rights. NO ezine publisher will EVER get past a fully loaded SpamAssassin trap! Yet, most are still looking for the "magic potion" that will render this spam trap situation harmless.
It's been an open invitation. Exploitation was inevitable. Some are just strong enough and smart enough to use our refusal to act - to their own advantage.
So while spam thrives, too many legitimate and ethical online businesses are going broke. There's only ONE way to put a STOP to it and that's here:
About the author.
dr. jl scott is the Director of the International Council of
Online Professionals (iCop) - and also the publisher of THE
iCop WHISTLE BLOWER! - the ezine dedicated to exposing scams
and lack of ethics on the Web. For your FREE subscription:
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