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Get More Subscribers Part 2

Category: E-zines: Subscribers Date: 2003-06-05
As in Part 1 of Get More Subscribers, I would like to share with you some of the best methods, in my experience, for gaining subscribers. Once you have decided on the format and design of your ezine, you want subscribers. There are numerous ways to help you do this both free and paid. I will be discussing some of the free ways of getting subscribers and also building your business and reputation.

*Link Exchanges - This is a great way of getting subscribers via your website. Look for sites that compliment your own, email the webmaster and ask them if they would be interested in a link exchange. Explain why a link exchange would benefit both of you and why you chose their site. Link exchanges will bring you more traffic and providing you have an interesting and effective website, it will also bring you more subscribers. Here are some places for finding other webmasters to link with:


*Announcement Lists - This is not the most effective way of getting subscribers, but you will gain some for the small amount of work it takes. Join some good announcement lists, read the guidelines, save all your mail messages and all it takes each day is a few clicks to send out your messages. I have a notebook with all my lists and dates for submitting listed. On each day I open my list messages folder, check my notebook to see which lists I submit to for that day, and then a few clicks and it is done. Open the message, click send and that is it! Once you get established on the lists, slow your posting down a bit so as not to overload people with your announcement. Here are a few lists for you to get started:


There are hundreds more. Do a search at yahoo groups, Topica, globelists, etc. You will find plenty to choose from.

*Discussion Lists - Discussion lists are effective for many reasons. You build your reputation. People see you as an expert and start to trust you. They will become interested in what you say and subscribe to your ezine and visit your site. You can also learn a lot from other people on the list and make some great new friends. Do not join a list just to post an ad. You must follow the guidelines and join in the discussions. Get to know the other members, offer help or support when you can. This will go a long way in building your business and subscriber base.


*Message Boards - Message Boards are similar to discussion lists. Read the guidelines, get involved in the discussions, help when you can, learn when you can and this will all help build your business and gain subscribers. Here are a few good boards:


Find your favorites, have some fun and get those subscribers.

There are many more ways of promoting your ezine and as you get more experience you will learn what the best ways are and which are not so effective. The methods I have explained have worked well for me and can for you also.

Copyright 2001 Terri Seymour

About the Author

Terri Seymour is the Publisher of Web Success Ezine, a free ezine designed to help people enhance their business success. To subscribe: web-success-subscribe@egroups.com You can find more information and resources at websuccesscentral.com

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