Are you thinking wealthy?
Category: Entrepreneurship | Date: 2001-07-09 |
What actually is wealth? Many understand wealth to be simply $$$, Ј Ј Ј, DM and Yen. Really, this is only a part of it. And a small part at that!
Wealth is indeed an asset. The word itself has been adored and respected for centuries from way before the Roman Empire up until today. Wealth during this time has been illustrated up until recently by social and financial standing.
If you were a wealthy Baron, Earl or Lord your children would naturally inherit your wealth and it would continue to pass through generations until either it was sold or there was another cуup dйtat that resulted in its transposition. This transfer of wealth, of course still happens today but it isnt just those who were fortunate enough to be born into wealth, who today can acquire it.
So then, we have established that wealth is in fact positive and most people who have it have lots of $$$, Ј Ј Ј, DM or Yen.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! Wealth Commences In The Mind!
Without a wealthy (and of course, healthy) mind at the end of the day there can be No Dollars or Deutsche Marks! There is not one person on this earth who can change their thought patterns or their make-up comprising years of work, overnight and become someone, who, in fact thinks and acts totally differently.
We are all creatures of habit who, in order to change things about ourselves need to apply ourselves unconditionally. For example if you had lived in the United States for fifty years and had decided to retire to a beautiful country retreat in County Cork, Ireland it will indeed take you a little time and practise to understand:
*The broadest of all possible english speaking accents
*Driving on the other side of the road i.e. the left side of the road from the right side of the car; and of course
*Other cultural differences
From the point on where you decided to re-locate to Ireland to live out the remainder of your "Golden Years" you will, as a nature of course, be more actively interested in this soon to be very very important part of your life. As a result you will not just be more interested in learning about it; but will actively seek details of things out that can and will affect you in the future!!! Start Now!!! Dont Make Excuses!!!
If an individual (such as yourself) wishes to better his position financially (and perhaps socially) then he has to make a conscious decision to seek out information which will indeed assist him in his future aspirations.
It is totally pointless to say:
"Im going to change my ways soon but not right now. Im busy".
This is just a total cop out. If you want something you have to go and get it. As a natural consequence, of course guided by how deep seeded your desire for change is, you will find yourself gravitating toward areas that will assist you in reaching your goals.
The classic excuse I always heard was "Im going to give up smoking soon". I heard this almost every day at university. I heard it for years and only occasionally would these people want it enough to actually do something about it. Really, it doesnt matter what we say or appear to do before others its what we say to ourselves thats important. When you let yourself down is when it really hurts. Who else can you let down more than yourself? Nobody! And you know what? No one can let you down the way you can do it yourself either! Its not pleasant.
Parents, family and friends will almost always put in their two cents as to what you really should be doing with your life (although most seem to have not half as many suggestions for their own lives). If they are not in the position now that you would like to be in then dont take their advice. Disregard it for what it is; inferior! Dont let them or anyone stand in your way.
Wealth of the mind commences with having the strength to believe in your own convictions. The strength you muster from within yourself to actually own up to yourself what it is you are actually seeking! Sure, you can wait another day, month, year or however long it takes but that is precisely what youll be doing! Waiting!!!!!!
Waiting for what? You may wait for an opportunity to come to you; but you probably wont recognise it when it strikes because you werent looking for it at the time.
The longer you wait, the more you will become bogged down by the habits of familiarity and move further away from the goal; that of a "wealthy mind". It is at this stage where we start looking for easier options, such as the national lotto for example.
I know most weeks here in Germany the potential winnings are a whopping 35m,-DM. That translates to about $20m; in anyones language this is a lot of money. So many people stake their lives on this single piece of paper. The advertising leads us into believing that it can change our lives almost instantly. Well, yes it probably would do that - but you see the chance of winning the big prize are negligible. Virtually nil in fact. Also, if you do win and you havent been practising a "wealthy mind" what, in gods name are you going to do with what you win?
I have come across a couple of sad stories personally and read about numerous sad stories about people who have been swindled by family, (supposed) friends and of course common crooks who target people in these situations. How on earth could someone trust all these recently become "experts" who didnt know a damn thing about money before your winnings and now, all of a sudden know the answers to everything. By not thinking "wealthy" you cant become emotionally and financially wealthy.
What does it really mean when someone says that they wish to wait for an opportunity to come along?
I am happy with being average. I dont know how to go about pursuing it . I have anxiety as I have failed before. My spouse and friends dont believe I can do it.
Okay, there are of course many reasons (excuses actually) why some people never seem to get past square one with wealth building but for the minute lets just concentrate on the above four example.
The first three are the easiest to change as they involve yourself and yourself alone. Okay, maybe the average Joe Bloggs is happy with his 9 to 5 job and has no aspirations to do anything different during his allotted days! Well, there are a select few of these people who exist. Not very many I must say, but a few. Alas, they are right. They are indeed correct as we need only convince ourselves...
There is also the majority of us who want more than we have but dont know how to do it or have been burnt before and as a result of either are semi-reluctant at best to take steps forward. Fear of failure lies within us all.
Sometimes we are worried about what others will think, that we have no experience and cant possibly achieve this, cant afford the time or money to even bother trying. All of these reasons are valid and stem from a lack in self-confidence. How do we build self confidence? Believe in your dreams (more on this shortly).
If the fourth reason pertains to you i.e. your spouse and friends dont believe you can do it then you, quite bluntly have just two possibilities:
You can believe them that you arent any good and remain at the same level until the second coming or; You can trust your own judgment and beleve in yourself as only you have the power to take control of your own future.
So what do you do? Do you go with the ideas of your friends and stay where you are? If you do you are well and truly scuppered as if they dont believe in you now its highly unlikely that this opinion will change in the future and then youll never be wealthy. Trust Your Own Judgment!!!
A few years ago I worked in a large business and asked a friend at the time, Glen of whom had repeatedly told me how much he didnt like the job he was doing. So I asked him what it was that he said hed rather do and he answered "fishing" so I suggested why doesnt he do that. There was actually a shortage of trout farms in the area at the time. He said "no, Ill wait until I retire and then I can fish as much as I want".
Glen was 25 years of age. He was so ecstatic when the retirement age was dropped from 60 to 55. It meant he only had 30 years to wait before he could do what he wanted. I actually asked him what it was that he would be doing in between his retirement and now. He lifted up a report he was completing as if to show that what he did now he would always do. Its so sad to know that some people will spend their lives doing things they dont want to. As I understand Glen is still with the same branch in the same department doing the same thing. It was 10 years ago when we had this conversation and hes still there. Maybe he is happier than before (as hes only got 20 years left before he can start living)...
After you have decided that you want to be wealthy - you must be prepared to work for it. You must train your mind to constantly be thinking along these lines. You will need to develop an entrepreneurial style about the ways in which you conduct yourself. For a while you will indeed be working very hard as you will need to acquire so much information that is new to you. As your thoughts become wealthier (i.e. with experience) you will begin to work smarter and reap the benefits therein.
Choose To Be Wealthy
The future belongs to those people who believe in the power of their dreams. Okay, lets go wild here for a second. Lets try to "think wealthy". Think about all the things that you want to do in your life. I want you to reward yourself here. Think about the holiday to Singapore, the Mercedes, the farm, the balloon trip, your pilots licence, your holiday home, your home online business, what you want for your family, your computer, your re-location to Ireland (using our earlier example), your free time, your self-employment, your sport, your leisure, your job, your future on the Internet, your favourite dinner, your singing talents, your habits, your finance etc.
As you can see this list is inexhaustable. By adopting a"wealthy mind" we are in effect giving ourselves the confidence to develop our thought patterns which will lead us to increasing our abilities and naturally our living standards. Developing Self-Confidence!!!
Do you remember way back to early childhood? Probably not as Im talking about your first 18 months in this world actually. When you were learning how to walk you must have failed hundreds of times before finally (although a little wobbly) could stand up on your own. You were probably as pleased as punch. I have seen this with my own niece. Its like the biggest achievement to date for a little twelve month old infant. Understandably too I might add.
Babies seem to have no fear. They dont know the dangers of trying to stand up whilst travelling on a moving suburban bus and they have no idea that if they run too fast they will fall down and hurt themselves. So, now we have grown up, we have learned to walk and we have learned to try and protect ourselves from potential hazards.
Yes, we have indeed done all that but we can still learn so much if we adopt a fearless approach as we did some years back. It takes a lot of courage to get up again after so many knock downs. Today when we are knocked down, fail or get something wrong it essentially is not the end but a mere learning curve. We learn that what we have just done does not necessarily bring the desired result. So we can either give up or tackle it another way using our newly acquired knowledge from the recently experienced mistake.
Each mistake can either deflate your tyres to the ground or can simply become a stepping stone as one less obstacle is removed from your path to success. As you develop this technique you will notice that some of the things you wanted earlier, but thought to be out of reach are indeed attainable. Then naturally you will want more and will become more resourceful in obtaining what it is you actually seek. This building of self-confidence takes application and time. Do You Want It Enough?
Earlier I said that no one is able to alter their thought patterns overnight and put evrything into practise straight away. A "wealthy mind" is simply the decision to go after what it is you actually want but it will take time to adjust, learn and apply various things on your conquest. It is a gentle progressive process. Each time you get knocked down for heavens sake stand up immediately while everything is fresh in your mind and try again another way as you may fail again if you do it the same way all over again.
Each time you fail simply brings you closer to success. It is this principle which will send you on your merry way to wealth and happiness. You will need to ask a lot more from yourself than you have in a long time as it will take all of your time, all of your efforts, a lot of dedication, a will that basically says "Never Surrender".
After implanting wealthy thoughts in your mind it is very beneficial to give your mind a break and let your sub-conscious work for you. After it has been fed food for thought its amazing how nourishing your sub-conscious is as it really does work.
Whats My Next Step???
The wealth creation process is a development process and therefore is acquired overtime. If you are keen to make your mark then you are encouraged to participate in the very comprehensive wealth building course entitled: "The Key To $uccess & Wealth".
Here it is: "The Key To "$uccess & Wealth"
It provides the basis to success professionally and personally.
Think Successfully.
About the Author
Darren Roberts Copyright © 1999, All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Darrens popular "Success and Self-Motivation" Weekly publication, "AAvenues 2 Your Success" and receive the E-Book "How To Build A Healthy Attitude" absolutely free.
Click Here To Subscribe!
The above is an excerpt from Darrens new book called: "Making Your Success Inevitable" For more information on subscriber discounts and bonuses see details below.
Wealth is indeed an asset. The word itself has been adored and respected for centuries from way before the Roman Empire up until today. Wealth during this time has been illustrated up until recently by social and financial standing.
If you were a wealthy Baron, Earl or Lord your children would naturally inherit your wealth and it would continue to pass through generations until either it was sold or there was another cуup dйtat that resulted in its transposition. This transfer of wealth, of course still happens today but it isnt just those who were fortunate enough to be born into wealth, who today can acquire it.
So then, we have established that wealth is in fact positive and most people who have it have lots of $$$, Ј Ј Ј, DM or Yen.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! Wealth Commences In The Mind!
Without a wealthy (and of course, healthy) mind at the end of the day there can be No Dollars or Deutsche Marks! There is not one person on this earth who can change their thought patterns or their make-up comprising years of work, overnight and become someone, who, in fact thinks and acts totally differently.
We are all creatures of habit who, in order to change things about ourselves need to apply ourselves unconditionally. For example if you had lived in the United States for fifty years and had decided to retire to a beautiful country retreat in County Cork, Ireland it will indeed take you a little time and practise to understand:
*The broadest of all possible english speaking accents
*Driving on the other side of the road i.e. the left side of the road from the right side of the car; and of course
*Other cultural differences
From the point on where you decided to re-locate to Ireland to live out the remainder of your "Golden Years" you will, as a nature of course, be more actively interested in this soon to be very very important part of your life. As a result you will not just be more interested in learning about it; but will actively seek details of things out that can and will affect you in the future!!! Start Now!!! Dont Make Excuses!!!
If an individual (such as yourself) wishes to better his position financially (and perhaps socially) then he has to make a conscious decision to seek out information which will indeed assist him in his future aspirations.
It is totally pointless to say:
"Im going to change my ways soon but not right now. Im busy".
This is just a total cop out. If you want something you have to go and get it. As a natural consequence, of course guided by how deep seeded your desire for change is, you will find yourself gravitating toward areas that will assist you in reaching your goals.
The classic excuse I always heard was "Im going to give up smoking soon". I heard this almost every day at university. I heard it for years and only occasionally would these people want it enough to actually do something about it. Really, it doesnt matter what we say or appear to do before others its what we say to ourselves thats important. When you let yourself down is when it really hurts. Who else can you let down more than yourself? Nobody! And you know what? No one can let you down the way you can do it yourself either! Its not pleasant.
Parents, family and friends will almost always put in their two cents as to what you really should be doing with your life (although most seem to have not half as many suggestions for their own lives). If they are not in the position now that you would like to be in then dont take their advice. Disregard it for what it is; inferior! Dont let them or anyone stand in your way.
Wealth of the mind commences with having the strength to believe in your own convictions. The strength you muster from within yourself to actually own up to yourself what it is you are actually seeking! Sure, you can wait another day, month, year or however long it takes but that is precisely what youll be doing! Waiting!!!!!!
Waiting for what? You may wait for an opportunity to come to you; but you probably wont recognise it when it strikes because you werent looking for it at the time.
The longer you wait, the more you will become bogged down by the habits of familiarity and move further away from the goal; that of a "wealthy mind". It is at this stage where we start looking for easier options, such as the national lotto for example.
I know most weeks here in Germany the potential winnings are a whopping 35m,-DM. That translates to about $20m; in anyones language this is a lot of money. So many people stake their lives on this single piece of paper. The advertising leads us into believing that it can change our lives almost instantly. Well, yes it probably would do that - but you see the chance of winning the big prize are negligible. Virtually nil in fact. Also, if you do win and you havent been practising a "wealthy mind" what, in gods name are you going to do with what you win?
I have come across a couple of sad stories personally and read about numerous sad stories about people who have been swindled by family, (supposed) friends and of course common crooks who target people in these situations. How on earth could someone trust all these recently become "experts" who didnt know a damn thing about money before your winnings and now, all of a sudden know the answers to everything. By not thinking "wealthy" you cant become emotionally and financially wealthy.
What does it really mean when someone says that they wish to wait for an opportunity to come along?
I am happy with being average. I dont know how to go about pursuing it . I have anxiety as I have failed before. My spouse and friends dont believe I can do it.
Okay, there are of course many reasons (excuses actually) why some people never seem to get past square one with wealth building but for the minute lets just concentrate on the above four example.
The first three are the easiest to change as they involve yourself and yourself alone. Okay, maybe the average Joe Bloggs is happy with his 9 to 5 job and has no aspirations to do anything different during his allotted days! Well, there are a select few of these people who exist. Not very many I must say, but a few. Alas, they are right. They are indeed correct as we need only convince ourselves...
There is also the majority of us who want more than we have but dont know how to do it or have been burnt before and as a result of either are semi-reluctant at best to take steps forward. Fear of failure lies within us all.
Sometimes we are worried about what others will think, that we have no experience and cant possibly achieve this, cant afford the time or money to even bother trying. All of these reasons are valid and stem from a lack in self-confidence. How do we build self confidence? Believe in your dreams (more on this shortly).
If the fourth reason pertains to you i.e. your spouse and friends dont believe you can do it then you, quite bluntly have just two possibilities:
You can believe them that you arent any good and remain at the same level until the second coming or; You can trust your own judgment and beleve in yourself as only you have the power to take control of your own future.
So what do you do? Do you go with the ideas of your friends and stay where you are? If you do you are well and truly scuppered as if they dont believe in you now its highly unlikely that this opinion will change in the future and then youll never be wealthy. Trust Your Own Judgment!!!
A few years ago I worked in a large business and asked a friend at the time, Glen of whom had repeatedly told me how much he didnt like the job he was doing. So I asked him what it was that he said hed rather do and he answered "fishing" so I suggested why doesnt he do that. There was actually a shortage of trout farms in the area at the time. He said "no, Ill wait until I retire and then I can fish as much as I want".
Glen was 25 years of age. He was so ecstatic when the retirement age was dropped from 60 to 55. It meant he only had 30 years to wait before he could do what he wanted. I actually asked him what it was that he would be doing in between his retirement and now. He lifted up a report he was completing as if to show that what he did now he would always do. Its so sad to know that some people will spend their lives doing things they dont want to. As I understand Glen is still with the same branch in the same department doing the same thing. It was 10 years ago when we had this conversation and hes still there. Maybe he is happier than before (as hes only got 20 years left before he can start living)...
After you have decided that you want to be wealthy - you must be prepared to work for it. You must train your mind to constantly be thinking along these lines. You will need to develop an entrepreneurial style about the ways in which you conduct yourself. For a while you will indeed be working very hard as you will need to acquire so much information that is new to you. As your thoughts become wealthier (i.e. with experience) you will begin to work smarter and reap the benefits therein.
Choose To Be Wealthy
The future belongs to those people who believe in the power of their dreams. Okay, lets go wild here for a second. Lets try to "think wealthy". Think about all the things that you want to do in your life. I want you to reward yourself here. Think about the holiday to Singapore, the Mercedes, the farm, the balloon trip, your pilots licence, your holiday home, your home online business, what you want for your family, your computer, your re-location to Ireland (using our earlier example), your free time, your self-employment, your sport, your leisure, your job, your future on the Internet, your favourite dinner, your singing talents, your habits, your finance etc.
As you can see this list is inexhaustable. By adopting a"wealthy mind" we are in effect giving ourselves the confidence to develop our thought patterns which will lead us to increasing our abilities and naturally our living standards. Developing Self-Confidence!!!
Do you remember way back to early childhood? Probably not as Im talking about your first 18 months in this world actually. When you were learning how to walk you must have failed hundreds of times before finally (although a little wobbly) could stand up on your own. You were probably as pleased as punch. I have seen this with my own niece. Its like the biggest achievement to date for a little twelve month old infant. Understandably too I might add.
Babies seem to have no fear. They dont know the dangers of trying to stand up whilst travelling on a moving suburban bus and they have no idea that if they run too fast they will fall down and hurt themselves. So, now we have grown up, we have learned to walk and we have learned to try and protect ourselves from potential hazards.
Yes, we have indeed done all that but we can still learn so much if we adopt a fearless approach as we did some years back. It takes a lot of courage to get up again after so many knock downs. Today when we are knocked down, fail or get something wrong it essentially is not the end but a mere learning curve. We learn that what we have just done does not necessarily bring the desired result. So we can either give up or tackle it another way using our newly acquired knowledge from the recently experienced mistake.
Each mistake can either deflate your tyres to the ground or can simply become a stepping stone as one less obstacle is removed from your path to success. As you develop this technique you will notice that some of the things you wanted earlier, but thought to be out of reach are indeed attainable. Then naturally you will want more and will become more resourceful in obtaining what it is you actually seek. This building of self-confidence takes application and time. Do You Want It Enough?
Earlier I said that no one is able to alter their thought patterns overnight and put evrything into practise straight away. A "wealthy mind" is simply the decision to go after what it is you actually want but it will take time to adjust, learn and apply various things on your conquest. It is a gentle progressive process. Each time you get knocked down for heavens sake stand up immediately while everything is fresh in your mind and try again another way as you may fail again if you do it the same way all over again.
Each time you fail simply brings you closer to success. It is this principle which will send you on your merry way to wealth and happiness. You will need to ask a lot more from yourself than you have in a long time as it will take all of your time, all of your efforts, a lot of dedication, a will that basically says "Never Surrender".
After implanting wealthy thoughts in your mind it is very beneficial to give your mind a break and let your sub-conscious work for you. After it has been fed food for thought its amazing how nourishing your sub-conscious is as it really does work.
Whats My Next Step???
The wealth creation process is a development process and therefore is acquired overtime. If you are keen to make your mark then you are encouraged to participate in the very comprehensive wealth building course entitled: "The Key To $uccess & Wealth".
Here it is: "The Key To "$uccess & Wealth"
It provides the basis to success professionally and personally.
Think Successfully.
About the Author
Darren Roberts Copyright © 1999, All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Darrens popular "Success and Self-Motivation" Weekly publication, "AAvenues 2 Your Success" and receive the E-Book "How To Build A Healthy Attitude" absolutely free.
Click Here To Subscribe!
The above is an excerpt from Darrens new book called: "Making Your Success Inevitable" For more information on subscriber discounts and bonuses see details below.
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