Looking at the Obstacles or You Can Climb that Mountain
Category: Entrepreneurship | Date: 2001-10-08 |
What is your biggest challenge right now? You have set down and talked to yourself and you have dreamed your overall goals. You have written them down haven't you? Well, what is holding you back from starting right here, right now to achieve the impossible dream?
What's that you say? Your life is too busy, even chaotic. You are stressed, scattered, indecisive, procrastinating and exhausted. Well in this information age it is really easy to get there for all of us. Maybe it is time to look at what you are avoiding or running from by overworking, just being too busy. I find when I don't have time for the really important things in life.
To me these start with family, friends, my animals, working in the yard. Then I am hiding from myself. So get away from the computer again. If you can go out in nature and find a quiet place take along your journal. Take a look at the work you have done so far. Don't forget to congratulate yourself for having started toward your goals. You probably have several goals written down there now. We are always multitasking goals. We have different goals for different parts of our lives.
So now you know where you are from the last time you had a long talk with yourself about the impossible dream. Don't know what to write? Just start, sometimes I have to clear out all the junk just to even get to me. I haven't been taking very good care of myself when I feel like you say you are feeling. I am filled withanger, jealousy, resentment and I have to clear away all that junk just to get to the real me.
This is not the time to judge what you write, just write out all those ugly feelings. It feels good doesn't it. After several pages just put the journal away and take some deep breaths and close your eyes and listen. What do you hear? The birds singing? When was the last time you heard them? The hum of the bees, water trickling over some rocks.
I don't have time for this, you say. I need to be doing something accomplishing my goals. Oh but you are doing just that. You are spending time with yourself so that you can find out where you are so you can know where you want to go. In this rush and hurry world it is hard to give yourself permission to do this isn't it? Well do it as long as you can. You will be surprised, you will come back fresh with a new perspective.
Last week I had been going at a very hurried pace and was so wound up I couldn't sleep. I had accomplished a lot toward my goals but felt exhausted and there was still so much to do. Instead of working on my articles, or website, or advertising, I took a day off. I spent about half the day dreaming in my PJ's and the other half working in my yard. I planted and dug and weeded and the afternoon just disappeared. Now at the end of this day I was really physically tired but mentally I was renewed.
Where everything was overwhelming me before I took this time now I had new and exciting ideas about my goals and slept like a baby. I got up the next day and easily accomplished what I had set before me to do. So after my day away I was able to sit down and write out all the benefits and advantages of achieving my goal. Once the list goes between 50 and 100 your goal becomes unstoppable.
My desire to achieve the goals of the impossible dream became more and more intense. Writing my goal down makes substantial and starts etching itself into your subconscious. It is of this world now, not an intangible thought. I always deadline my goals. I analyze where I am now in relation to the goal and then measure how long I will reasonably need to complete the goal. Then I set a date to complete one step toward my goal.
Now you have done some of this work in the last weeks. But it has to be done over and over. The steps to the ultimate dream come often in baby steps. I identify the obstacles I will have to overcome, the help I will need to acquire, to accomplish what I set out to do. Do you need a class on how to do the next step of the goal? Who do you know that might have knowledge they would share with you? Do you need financial backing and where will you get it?
In each case write them out in a clear list. By doing this you set your subconscious in motion. Now take all this information you have gathered and make a plan. Write down each step of the plan. It might look as simple as call the community college near you see if they have a class in the knowlege you need. Maybe you need a class in small business management. Your friend Bob knows a lot about business; maybe you can set up lunch with him. You could write out what you want to ask him so as not to get off track. The next step is to talk to the bank see what kinds of loans are available. You are not ready to take any of these steps yet you are just gathering information.
The next step is one of the most important ones in this game of goal mapping. Get a clear mental picture of the goal already accomplished. Make the mental image crystal clear, vivid in the mind's eye. Play that picture over and over in your mind. Back to the example of my yard. I moved into my house two years ago. I bought this home but it had no landscaping. So I drew a plot of my yard and first thing I planted was the trees. They were my roots. They also were the anchors for all the rest of my planning. Now I like privacy so in my minds eye I saw a Camellia hedge. I went to the nursery and looked at these expensive little bushes. Well, there was no way could I have a hedge of them right then so I bought a couple and planted them. In about six months I bought a couple of more. I could see, smell, and taste this camellia hedge. I also read about the different varieties of camellias and found out there was one that bloomed in the fall and one that bloomed in the spring. So every other one I bought was one that bloomed in the spring and I alternated it with fall blooming ones. Now just last week I happened to go to the drug store and every year they buy a few nursery things that they offer for sale. Well they had 10 cammellias left at $2.50 a piece instead of the $15. the nursery was charging. I bought them all. I am half way there with my hedge. But more importantly the hedge is finished in my mind.
I guess the last thing I want to say in this article today is back your dream with persistence and resolve. Make a commitment to yourself to never give up the impossible dream when you experience challanges. You can move mountains you have the power.
Nirvana or lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved only through persistent exercise of real love.
-- M. Scott Peck
So go on dreaming the impossible dream. This is your journey. Keep mapping it, and don't get lost in the forest.
About the Author
Judi Singleton is the webmistress of Jassmine.com and Gotojassminesitenow.com and the owner of Jassmine's Journal http://www.gotojassminesitenow.com/journal. She was a counselor for 20 years. You can receive her inspirational newsletter Jassmine's Journal by sending an email to today jassminejournal-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
:To contact see details below.
What's that you say? Your life is too busy, even chaotic. You are stressed, scattered, indecisive, procrastinating and exhausted. Well in this information age it is really easy to get there for all of us. Maybe it is time to look at what you are avoiding or running from by overworking, just being too busy. I find when I don't have time for the really important things in life.
To me these start with family, friends, my animals, working in the yard. Then I am hiding from myself. So get away from the computer again. If you can go out in nature and find a quiet place take along your journal. Take a look at the work you have done so far. Don't forget to congratulate yourself for having started toward your goals. You probably have several goals written down there now. We are always multitasking goals. We have different goals for different parts of our lives.
So now you know where you are from the last time you had a long talk with yourself about the impossible dream. Don't know what to write? Just start, sometimes I have to clear out all the junk just to even get to me. I haven't been taking very good care of myself when I feel like you say you are feeling. I am filled withanger, jealousy, resentment and I have to clear away all that junk just to get to the real me.
This is not the time to judge what you write, just write out all those ugly feelings. It feels good doesn't it. After several pages just put the journal away and take some deep breaths and close your eyes and listen. What do you hear? The birds singing? When was the last time you heard them? The hum of the bees, water trickling over some rocks.
I don't have time for this, you say. I need to be doing something accomplishing my goals. Oh but you are doing just that. You are spending time with yourself so that you can find out where you are so you can know where you want to go. In this rush and hurry world it is hard to give yourself permission to do this isn't it? Well do it as long as you can. You will be surprised, you will come back fresh with a new perspective.
Last week I had been going at a very hurried pace and was so wound up I couldn't sleep. I had accomplished a lot toward my goals but felt exhausted and there was still so much to do. Instead of working on my articles, or website, or advertising, I took a day off. I spent about half the day dreaming in my PJ's and the other half working in my yard. I planted and dug and weeded and the afternoon just disappeared. Now at the end of this day I was really physically tired but mentally I was renewed.
Where everything was overwhelming me before I took this time now I had new and exciting ideas about my goals and slept like a baby. I got up the next day and easily accomplished what I had set before me to do. So after my day away I was able to sit down and write out all the benefits and advantages of achieving my goal. Once the list goes between 50 and 100 your goal becomes unstoppable.
My desire to achieve the goals of the impossible dream became more and more intense. Writing my goal down makes substantial and starts etching itself into your subconscious. It is of this world now, not an intangible thought. I always deadline my goals. I analyze where I am now in relation to the goal and then measure how long I will reasonably need to complete the goal. Then I set a date to complete one step toward my goal.
Now you have done some of this work in the last weeks. But it has to be done over and over. The steps to the ultimate dream come often in baby steps. I identify the obstacles I will have to overcome, the help I will need to acquire, to accomplish what I set out to do. Do you need a class on how to do the next step of the goal? Who do you know that might have knowledge they would share with you? Do you need financial backing and where will you get it?
In each case write them out in a clear list. By doing this you set your subconscious in motion. Now take all this information you have gathered and make a plan. Write down each step of the plan. It might look as simple as call the community college near you see if they have a class in the knowlege you need. Maybe you need a class in small business management. Your friend Bob knows a lot about business; maybe you can set up lunch with him. You could write out what you want to ask him so as not to get off track. The next step is to talk to the bank see what kinds of loans are available. You are not ready to take any of these steps yet you are just gathering information.
The next step is one of the most important ones in this game of goal mapping. Get a clear mental picture of the goal already accomplished. Make the mental image crystal clear, vivid in the mind's eye. Play that picture over and over in your mind. Back to the example of my yard. I moved into my house two years ago. I bought this home but it had no landscaping. So I drew a plot of my yard and first thing I planted was the trees. They were my roots. They also were the anchors for all the rest of my planning. Now I like privacy so in my minds eye I saw a Camellia hedge. I went to the nursery and looked at these expensive little bushes. Well, there was no way could I have a hedge of them right then so I bought a couple and planted them. In about six months I bought a couple of more. I could see, smell, and taste this camellia hedge. I also read about the different varieties of camellias and found out there was one that bloomed in the fall and one that bloomed in the spring. So every other one I bought was one that bloomed in the spring and I alternated it with fall blooming ones. Now just last week I happened to go to the drug store and every year they buy a few nursery things that they offer for sale. Well they had 10 cammellias left at $2.50 a piece instead of the $15. the nursery was charging. I bought them all. I am half way there with my hedge. But more importantly the hedge is finished in my mind.
I guess the last thing I want to say in this article today is back your dream with persistence and resolve. Make a commitment to yourself to never give up the impossible dream when you experience challanges. You can move mountains you have the power.
Nirvana or lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved only through persistent exercise of real love.
-- M. Scott Peck
So go on dreaming the impossible dream. This is your journey. Keep mapping it, and don't get lost in the forest.
About the Author
Judi Singleton is the webmistress of Jassmine.com and Gotojassminesitenow.com and the owner of Jassmine's Journal http://www.gotojassminesitenow.com/journal. She was a counselor for 20 years. You can receive her inspirational newsletter Jassmine's Journal by sending an email to today jassminejournal-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
:To contact see details below.
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