Put Yourself in Flow
Category: Entrepreneurship | Date: 2002-04-29 |
Have you ever viewed the great Mississippi River from an airplane at the altitude of 25,000-30,000 feet? As you look down, you notice the meander. Sometimes the meander is so significant it almost appears to circle back into itself. Yet the river marches inexorably toward the sea. It will not be stopped. But it does find the path of least resistance.
Humans have the same opportunity. We can march inexorably toward our dream, winding down this path or that but always in the direction of the dream. Some of us choose, however, to carve our way through the densest, most treacherous jungles unwilling to follow the path of least resistance.
We slash, and push, and trample. We perspire and grow weary. Weve left those closest to us, not wanting to be held down by extra baggage. We believe that in order to succeed, we must suffer. We believe we must blaze our own trail. After all we dont deserve to win without a struggle.
I was always inspired by the quote from Matthew 6:28..."Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil or spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these."
You dont have to do everything the hard way. Its not up to you to try and personally orchestrate every single circumstance that leads to your hearts desire. As demonstrated by Matthew 6:28, there is a force that works behind the scenes for your good. Your job is to learn to tap into it. Nature is naturally connected to this energy source. Humans have a tendency to cut themselves off.
We cut ourselves off from being in flow through the process of over-thinking everything. This happens when we make a decision, then second-guess ourselves or we cant bring ourselves to make the decision in the first place.
Another way we restrict flow is that many of us believe were not deserving of actually having all of the good we desire. This is old programming. You are a piece of God and as such have access to and deserve unlimited abundance. However, your beliefs are the funnel through which your good comes. If youve blocked it with a belief that youre unworthy, you cannot receive.
Remember, using the river as our metaphor, the very important point was that the river flows seaward, by finding the path of least-resistance. Most people dont pay attention to nature and believe the path of least-resistance is a straight line. The fact that theres a mountain stuck smack dab in the middle of the path doesnt seem to matter!
How do you practice non-resistance? It helps to understand that whatever you give your attention to increases. By observing what you dont want youre giving it your full and complete attention. Logically, youre going to receive more of it.
The way to practice non-resistance then, is to notice when youre resisting something and rather than continue in that resistance, turn your attention to the outcome you desire. By answering the following questions, you can put yourself into natural flow:
1. What do you want to accomplish?
2. Why do you want to accomplish it?
3. How will you feel when youve accomplished it?
4. How will your life have changed?
5. List the ways in which you can act as if youre already experiencing those changes.
Flow is caused when youre intently focused on an accomplishment. When youre focused, youre directing all of the energy youre summoning toward your dream. A good metaphor for accessing that kind of focused energy is the magnifying glass trained on a dried leaf. Consider how the magnifying glass directs the sunlight into one very focused beam of energy, enough to light a fire.
Thats what youre doing with your focus. Youre directing the energy that creates worlds to funnel through you toward your dream. And as it does, you will be inspired with new ideas and concepts. People will appear to help you. The doors will open.
About the Author
(c)00 by Aleta Pippin, founder Authentic Entrepreneuring, coaching for individuals and small business owners who want to unleash your inner power to create true success from the inside out. Take your life and your business to the next level. Visit http://www.aentrepreneur.com for more information and to sign up for your free newsletter.
This article provided by the InfoZone Archives at: http://www.MakingProfit.com
Humans have the same opportunity. We can march inexorably toward our dream, winding down this path or that but always in the direction of the dream. Some of us choose, however, to carve our way through the densest, most treacherous jungles unwilling to follow the path of least resistance.
We slash, and push, and trample. We perspire and grow weary. Weve left those closest to us, not wanting to be held down by extra baggage. We believe that in order to succeed, we must suffer. We believe we must blaze our own trail. After all we dont deserve to win without a struggle.
I was always inspired by the quote from Matthew 6:28..."Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil or spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these."
You dont have to do everything the hard way. Its not up to you to try and personally orchestrate every single circumstance that leads to your hearts desire. As demonstrated by Matthew 6:28, there is a force that works behind the scenes for your good. Your job is to learn to tap into it. Nature is naturally connected to this energy source. Humans have a tendency to cut themselves off.
We cut ourselves off from being in flow through the process of over-thinking everything. This happens when we make a decision, then second-guess ourselves or we cant bring ourselves to make the decision in the first place.
Another way we restrict flow is that many of us believe were not deserving of actually having all of the good we desire. This is old programming. You are a piece of God and as such have access to and deserve unlimited abundance. However, your beliefs are the funnel through which your good comes. If youve blocked it with a belief that youre unworthy, you cannot receive.
Remember, using the river as our metaphor, the very important point was that the river flows seaward, by finding the path of least-resistance. Most people dont pay attention to nature and believe the path of least-resistance is a straight line. The fact that theres a mountain stuck smack dab in the middle of the path doesnt seem to matter!
How do you practice non-resistance? It helps to understand that whatever you give your attention to increases. By observing what you dont want youre giving it your full and complete attention. Logically, youre going to receive more of it.
The way to practice non-resistance then, is to notice when youre resisting something and rather than continue in that resistance, turn your attention to the outcome you desire. By answering the following questions, you can put yourself into natural flow:
1. What do you want to accomplish?
2. Why do you want to accomplish it?
3. How will you feel when youve accomplished it?
4. How will your life have changed?
5. List the ways in which you can act as if youre already experiencing those changes.
Flow is caused when youre intently focused on an accomplishment. When youre focused, youre directing all of the energy youre summoning toward your dream. A good metaphor for accessing that kind of focused energy is the magnifying glass trained on a dried leaf. Consider how the magnifying glass directs the sunlight into one very focused beam of energy, enough to light a fire.
Thats what youre doing with your focus. Youre directing the energy that creates worlds to funnel through you toward your dream. And as it does, you will be inspired with new ideas and concepts. People will appear to help you. The doors will open.
About the Author
(c)00 by Aleta Pippin, founder Authentic Entrepreneuring, coaching for individuals and small business owners who want to unleash your inner power to create true success from the inside out. Take your life and your business to the next level. Visit http://www.aentrepreneur.com for more information and to sign up for your free newsletter.
This article provided by the InfoZone Archives at: http://www.MakingProfit.com
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