What IS Just Good Business?
Category: Marketing | Date: 2003-03-28 |
Ask yourself. Is it good business to ...
1) Jump on every band wagon coming down the pike just because some online "guru" is leading the parade?
2) Listen to, and blindly follow, the gurus' disciples in the forums, lists and ezines?
3) Think everything through carefully for yourself, before any commitment is made?
Which do YOU do?
Ask yourself. How did most "gurus" get to BE gurus? Do you know the answer to that? In fact, what MAKES a person an online guru? (And who says s/he IS one?)
Is it the online marketers who make a LOT of money? Absolutely. In fact, they are the very ones I'm talking about. The ones who can decide they're going to sell spit, everyone forgets they already have a whole mouthful - and buys it!
Does that make them harder working, more intelligent, or even "luckier," than you? Not necessarily. So, what DO they have more of? People on their lists. People on their lists who still buy.
Ask yourself. How long have most of those gurus worked online? Are you aware that most have been here at least four years?
And are you aware of how they got their starts? Are you aware that *most* of them used spam in the beginning to build those lists? True fact. And many of them will even admit it.
They made a TON of money before people began wanting to hang spammers. They used that money to learn what they know and now are the first to scream, "Off with the spammers' heads!"
For instance ...
Now, I'm not saying EVERY "guru" is guilty of having used spam in the past. I'm saying MOST of the ones who have been online four years or more.
Did they all help each other? Sure. They still do. When a new program or product is launched, by the time you hear about it, other "gurus" are already set up to be at the top.
It appears that no one ever has enough money. The more they have, the more they want. Integrity and caring go right out the door and greed comes rushing in. This is EXACTLY what caused the great dot-com bust. It's exactly what happened with all the big business embezzlements.
Was THAT good business? Who lost in the end?
It's JUST GOOD BUSINESS to decide for yourself!
About the author.
dr. jl scott is the Director of the International Council of
Online Professionals (iCop) - and also the publisher of THE
iCop WHISTLE BLOWER! - the ezine dedicated to exposing scams
and lack of ethics on the Web. For your FREE subscription:
1) Jump on every band wagon coming down the pike just because some online "guru" is leading the parade?
2) Listen to, and blindly follow, the gurus' disciples in the forums, lists and ezines?
3) Think everything through carefully for yourself, before any commitment is made?
Which do YOU do?
Ask yourself. How did most "gurus" get to BE gurus? Do you know the answer to that? In fact, what MAKES a person an online guru? (And who says s/he IS one?)
Is it the online marketers who make a LOT of money? Absolutely. In fact, they are the very ones I'm talking about. The ones who can decide they're going to sell spit, everyone forgets they already have a whole mouthful - and buys it!
Does that make them harder working, more intelligent, or even "luckier," than you? Not necessarily. So, what DO they have more of? People on their lists. People on their lists who still buy.
Ask yourself. How long have most of those gurus worked online? Are you aware that most have been here at least four years?
And are you aware of how they got their starts? Are you aware that *most* of them used spam in the beginning to build those lists? True fact. And many of them will even admit it.
They made a TON of money before people began wanting to hang spammers. They used that money to learn what they know and now are the first to scream, "Off with the spammers' heads!"
For instance ...
Now, I'm not saying EVERY "guru" is guilty of having used spam in the past. I'm saying MOST of the ones who have been online four years or more.
Did they all help each other? Sure. They still do. When a new program or product is launched, by the time you hear about it, other "gurus" are already set up to be at the top.
It appears that no one ever has enough money. The more they have, the more they want. Integrity and caring go right out the door and greed comes rushing in. This is EXACTLY what caused the great dot-com bust. It's exactly what happened with all the big business embezzlements.
Was THAT good business? Who lost in the end?
It's JUST GOOD BUSINESS to decide for yourself!
About the author.
dr. jl scott is the Director of the International Council of
Online Professionals (iCop) - and also the publisher of THE
iCop WHISTLE BLOWER! - the ezine dedicated to exposing scams
and lack of ethics on the Web. For your FREE subscription:
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