Category: Net Business Start ups | Date: 2001-10-05 |
Most people are overwhelmed when they first start marketing online. There are so many things to learn and so many different gurus teaching different techniques that it is almost impossible to figure out what to do.
You may just want to throw up your hands in total frustration and quit!
It doesn't have to be like this. Yes, there are a lot of things to learn. There are hundreds of techniques and strategies which work to build an online business.
You don't have to know all of them to get started. If you wait till you have everything all lined up to get started, then you will never get moving in the first place.
I have been doing this for 4 years now and still learn new techniques every month. Another one of my tests will out pull the first one. A different design makes more sales than the one before it.
If anybody has made mistakes in this business, it is I. You have to keep a constant learning attitude on the Internet because it is moving and changing at the speed of light.
You have to get started though. So, I am going to give you my simple three step profit system to getting started quickly and easily.
This system will work for any product or service. It will work for any type of Internet business.
It is also the number one best strategy for any member of an affiliate program.
It is easier to earn money with your own product or service, but if you follow this system religiously you can earn money in virtually any honest affiliate program.
Step One: Create An Automated Email Follow-Up System
Ninety-nine percent of visitors will not buy from your web site on their first visit. They won't even do it on their second visit or contact. To sell the maximum number of prospects, you must contact them over and over again.
The only way to do this is to get them to opt-in to an email list as soon as possible in the contact sequence (opt-in simply means that they ask for you to email them on a certain topic).
Create a series of free reports or an online email course if you would like to call it that on your subject. Don't just set up a serious of sales letters. That doesn't work as effectively anymore.
Give them good valuable information on the subject. If you do self defense training, do a whole series of articles on simple techniques or how to avoid confrontations altogether.
If you setup merchant accounts, do the series on how to avoid charge backs. If you sell search engine services, do the series on how to get a top 20 position on the search engines.
Create a series of 7 to 10 simple letters or articles. Also, remember to include several sales letters throughout the series of letters. For example, if you do 7 training letters, have 3 sales letters for your product (although they don't have to be separate letters).
There has to be this fine mixture of good information along with ad copy for the best results. Too much ad copy and you lose your credibility. Not enough ad copy and you lose the sale.
Step Two: Generate Leads For Your System
Once you have your email system in place, you have to get traffic to it. The quickest and easiest way to consistently generate leads for your system is to place sponsor ads and solo ads in ezines.
Classified ads are beginning to lose their effectiveness in ezines. They just don't have the pull they once had. You need to purchase a solo ad that runs by itself or a sponsorship ad that runs at the top of the newsletter.
Which ezines should you place ads in? You should ONLY place ads in ezines that you regularly pick up and read for your niche market. If it isn't good enough for you to read, then it isn't good enough for your customers to read.
To help get you started quicker, the Book of Ezines has quite a few listings at:
Another technique that is even more effective, but doesn't guarantee you the audience is to write articles for submission to the ezines. If you have written the informative reports or course as directed above in step one, then you should already have the material available for this.
Submit your article with a small resource box at the bottom advertising your free report series. Send it out to hundreds of ezines in your field with a top note that they can use it without charge.
This is by far the most effective 100% free type of advertising available online. There is nothing that even comes close to results produced by doing this.
Step Three: Send a Newsletter
Your email machine created in step one should now be creating sales for you consistently (if you are feeding it the leads it needs to survive).
The next step is to create a residual income through these prospects. Don't just let all the prospects you collected fall through the cracks.
Start sending them a regular ezine on your niche subject. Send it out weekly, twice monthly, or monthly at whatever schedule you can consistently handle.
Include quality information in each issue along with a few blurbs about your products or services.
You will be able to keep in contact with your prospects and customers long term through your newsletter...and continually sell to them over and over again.
One prospect that may have only been worth $29.95 to you in an initial sale could end up buying $1,000 or more in additional profits long term.
As a matter of fact, I have some customers that are worth multiplied thousands of dollars to my business. What if I hadn't kept in contact with them?
Once you figure out what the lifetime value of a customer is, you will be more willing to go after them and get them into your email funnel as soon as possible.
An average customer could cost you $30 in ad costs to produce in an affiliate program which paid $30 commission, and you still will come out ahead. All of the prospects who didn't buy and the customers who did would now be on your newsletter list (except for those who unsubscribe from your series of letters).
These newsletter members will go on to produce an income for you from now on in other affiliate programs you are a member of or with other products you introduce.
Two of the tools that makes this process easy to accomplish are produced by Online Automation. Other companies do have tools available to accomplish my system, but Online Automation currently has the best my opinion.
They basically have two different tools that you can use to follow my system. They have their Postmaster software which runs on your computer and they have the Postmaster Online program which is run from their server. Both types are perfect for following my simple, "1,2,3, Profit" system.
They both have more follow-up autoresponders than you will need (unlimited for the software and 50 for the online system), have complete databases to store your newsletter subscribers, and contain full contact management systems.
The biggest advantages for the software are that it is only a one-time fee so it is lower priced over the long term and it offers more database management features than the online version.
The advantages of the online version are that it is a little lower cost upfront, can autorespond immediately (you must be online for the Postmaster software to autorespond), and is a little easier to learn.
You can view and download a demo of the Postmaster software at:
You can view and examine a demo of theOnline program at:
About the Author
Terry Dean, a 5 year veteran of Internet marketing, will Take You By The Hand and Show You Exact Results of All the Internet Marketing Techniques he tests and Uses Every Single Month" Click here to Find Out More:
:To contact see details below.
You may just want to throw up your hands in total frustration and quit!
It doesn't have to be like this. Yes, there are a lot of things to learn. There are hundreds of techniques and strategies which work to build an online business.
You don't have to know all of them to get started. If you wait till you have everything all lined up to get started, then you will never get moving in the first place.
I have been doing this for 4 years now and still learn new techniques every month. Another one of my tests will out pull the first one. A different design makes more sales than the one before it.
If anybody has made mistakes in this business, it is I. You have to keep a constant learning attitude on the Internet because it is moving and changing at the speed of light.
You have to get started though. So, I am going to give you my simple three step profit system to getting started quickly and easily.
This system will work for any product or service. It will work for any type of Internet business.
It is also the number one best strategy for any member of an affiliate program.
It is easier to earn money with your own product or service, but if you follow this system religiously you can earn money in virtually any honest affiliate program.
Step One: Create An Automated Email Follow-Up System
Ninety-nine percent of visitors will not buy from your web site on their first visit. They won't even do it on their second visit or contact. To sell the maximum number of prospects, you must contact them over and over again.
The only way to do this is to get them to opt-in to an email list as soon as possible in the contact sequence (opt-in simply means that they ask for you to email them on a certain topic).
Create a series of free reports or an online email course if you would like to call it that on your subject. Don't just set up a serious of sales letters. That doesn't work as effectively anymore.
Give them good valuable information on the subject. If you do self defense training, do a whole series of articles on simple techniques or how to avoid confrontations altogether.
If you setup merchant accounts, do the series on how to avoid charge backs. If you sell search engine services, do the series on how to get a top 20 position on the search engines.
Create a series of 7 to 10 simple letters or articles. Also, remember to include several sales letters throughout the series of letters. For example, if you do 7 training letters, have 3 sales letters for your product (although they don't have to be separate letters).
There has to be this fine mixture of good information along with ad copy for the best results. Too much ad copy and you lose your credibility. Not enough ad copy and you lose the sale.
Step Two: Generate Leads For Your System
Once you have your email system in place, you have to get traffic to it. The quickest and easiest way to consistently generate leads for your system is to place sponsor ads and solo ads in ezines.
Classified ads are beginning to lose their effectiveness in ezines. They just don't have the pull they once had. You need to purchase a solo ad that runs by itself or a sponsorship ad that runs at the top of the newsletter.
Which ezines should you place ads in? You should ONLY place ads in ezines that you regularly pick up and read for your niche market. If it isn't good enough for you to read, then it isn't good enough for your customers to read.
To help get you started quicker, the Book of Ezines has quite a few listings at:
Another technique that is even more effective, but doesn't guarantee you the audience is to write articles for submission to the ezines. If you have written the informative reports or course as directed above in step one, then you should already have the material available for this.
Submit your article with a small resource box at the bottom advertising your free report series. Send it out to hundreds of ezines in your field with a top note that they can use it without charge.
This is by far the most effective 100% free type of advertising available online. There is nothing that even comes close to results produced by doing this.
Step Three: Send a Newsletter
Your email machine created in step one should now be creating sales for you consistently (if you are feeding it the leads it needs to survive).
The next step is to create a residual income through these prospects. Don't just let all the prospects you collected fall through the cracks.
Start sending them a regular ezine on your niche subject. Send it out weekly, twice monthly, or monthly at whatever schedule you can consistently handle.
Include quality information in each issue along with a few blurbs about your products or services.
You will be able to keep in contact with your prospects and customers long term through your newsletter...and continually sell to them over and over again.
One prospect that may have only been worth $29.95 to you in an initial sale could end up buying $1,000 or more in additional profits long term.
As a matter of fact, I have some customers that are worth multiplied thousands of dollars to my business. What if I hadn't kept in contact with them?
Once you figure out what the lifetime value of a customer is, you will be more willing to go after them and get them into your email funnel as soon as possible.
An average customer could cost you $30 in ad costs to produce in an affiliate program which paid $30 commission, and you still will come out ahead. All of the prospects who didn't buy and the customers who did would now be on your newsletter list (except for those who unsubscribe from your series of letters).
These newsletter members will go on to produce an income for you from now on in other affiliate programs you are a member of or with other products you introduce.
Two of the tools that makes this process easy to accomplish are produced by Online Automation. Other companies do have tools available to accomplish my system, but Online Automation currently has the best my opinion.
They basically have two different tools that you can use to follow my system. They have their Postmaster software which runs on your computer and they have the Postmaster Online program which is run from their server. Both types are perfect for following my simple, "1,2,3, Profit" system.
They both have more follow-up autoresponders than you will need (unlimited for the software and 50 for the online system), have complete databases to store your newsletter subscribers, and contain full contact management systems.
The biggest advantages for the software are that it is only a one-time fee so it is lower priced over the long term and it offers more database management features than the online version.
The advantages of the online version are that it is a little lower cost upfront, can autorespond immediately (you must be online for the Postmaster software to autorespond), and is a little easier to learn.
You can view and download a demo of the Postmaster software at:
You can view and examine a demo of theOnline program at:
About the Author
Terry Dean, a 5 year veteran of Internet marketing, will Take You By The Hand and Show You Exact Results of All the Internet Marketing Techniques he tests and Uses Every Single Month" Click here to Find Out More:
:To contact see details below.
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