Relationships, The Foundation Of Your Network Marketing Business
Category: Networking(MLM) | Date: 2002-01-17 |
Most of us know if a building is not set on a firm foundation it will fall. The same can be said of your network marketing business. The relationship you establish with your downline is the foundation of your business. You can have the financing, a web site with all the bells and whistles, and even great products or services to offer but if you fail to establish a relationship with your downline, your business will soon fall.
How do you establish a relationship? Keep in touch, or as we wrote when we signed yearbooks in school,
When a prospect visits your site for the first time they are somewhat cautious, as they should be. Joining a network marketing opportunity is a big decision. So is the experience of purchasing the product or service the company is offering. Are they going to get burned? Will the product arrive on time, or will it arrive at all? What are you going to do with their personal information? How long will the company be in business? These are all serious, legitimate questions. How can you make them feel at ease?
Despite all the hesitation that goes into placing the order and joining a network marketing opportunity, some people are willing to give your business a chance. Once the order is placed and the membership is established, always say thank you. Send an email thanking the person for the purchase and give a confirmation of the order. Immediately contact the new recruit and welcome them. Let them know you will be there to assist them and you appreciate their business.
Your network marketing business is just that, a business. In the business world there are a variety of ways you can set up your business. You can be a sole proprietor. You work alone. You are the sole decision maker for the business. If this is the type of business youre interested in, network marketing in not for you. Instead, network marketing is more like a partnership. You should have the frame of mind that you are willing to work with others, take time for others and share ideas. No one should feel that they are in this alone. Your financial success is linked to the success of your downline. The more prosperous they are, the more prosperous you will be.
Im not sure why this concept is so hard to get across in this industry. I have heard uplines refer to some of their downlines as deadbeats. They arent producing so they get left behind. Soon they lose interest and start looking for "another" opportunity. Yes, there may be some that may not have a strong commitment to making the business work but overall I believe theres a communication breakdown. If I tell you to meet me a Walmart and I fail to tell you which one, chances are we will not be going in the same direction. If I tell you to meet me at my house and I assume you know the directions, chances are it will take us a longer period of time to reach our goal. When theres proper communication everyone will have a set of instructions that will take them where they need to go. We have to make sure we are all on the same level.
Recruits come into opportunities at all levels. Some may have little or no experience and initially will require a lot your time. Some have experience but need to learn what this new opportunity is all about before they can take off running. And a few may immediately begin to soar. How can you distinguish between the recruits?
As you begin to give information and guidance to your recruits, you should also be asking questions and listening to the response. I cant find logic in pushing a person to make $10,000 a month when all they want is an extra $500 a month to help with the expense of a newborn baby. You may be wondering why the new recruit is not using all the online tools they been given to recruit. Yet you havent taken time to find out that this person has just become familiar with where the button is for turning on their computer. How will you possibly get to know all of this? K.I.T.
Youre probably wondering how can you run your business, make money and keep in touch with all these recruits? Keep in mind that the relationships youre establishing are your business. In network marketing your recruits are your customers too. Everyone should be using the products or services as well as referring them to those not interested in the business aspect. With the new line of tools available keeping in touch doesnt have to take a lot of time. There are chat sites, email, autoresponders, surveys, newsletters, conference calls, etc. Even if your opportunity doesnt have all of these features they can be obtained on the internet, for free or at a very low cost. The fact is communication is key to the relationship. This is not a silent partnership.
For those of you that are still struggling with the fact that you must take the time to establish relationships in network marketing, ask yourself, why would you want to go into business with someone you dont know anything about or dont want to take the time to get to know?
When the relationship is established at the beginning of the business you can teach each recruit to do the same. As each one of you continuously teach the method of establishing a relationship, it will soon become second nature, and a success pattern will be created. Everyone will begin to reach his or her goals.
Its time to build a successful network marketing business. Lay the proper foundation relationship upon relationship. Take the time right now to contact your downline.
Copyright 2001 Jenean Matthews.
About the author.
Jenean Matthews is a businesswoman who believes in encouraging and helping others to accomplish their dreams. She believes people can overcome obstacles, rise to any occasion, and accomplish their entire dream with enough faith. She can be found accomplishing her dream at or subscribe to the newsletter for chances to win free gifts
How do you establish a relationship? Keep in touch, or as we wrote when we signed yearbooks in school,
When a prospect visits your site for the first time they are somewhat cautious, as they should be. Joining a network marketing opportunity is a big decision. So is the experience of purchasing the product or service the company is offering. Are they going to get burned? Will the product arrive on time, or will it arrive at all? What are you going to do with their personal information? How long will the company be in business? These are all serious, legitimate questions. How can you make them feel at ease?
Despite all the hesitation that goes into placing the order and joining a network marketing opportunity, some people are willing to give your business a chance. Once the order is placed and the membership is established, always say thank you. Send an email thanking the person for the purchase and give a confirmation of the order. Immediately contact the new recruit and welcome them. Let them know you will be there to assist them and you appreciate their business.
Your network marketing business is just that, a business. In the business world there are a variety of ways you can set up your business. You can be a sole proprietor. You work alone. You are the sole decision maker for the business. If this is the type of business youre interested in, network marketing in not for you. Instead, network marketing is more like a partnership. You should have the frame of mind that you are willing to work with others, take time for others and share ideas. No one should feel that they are in this alone. Your financial success is linked to the success of your downline. The more prosperous they are, the more prosperous you will be.
Im not sure why this concept is so hard to get across in this industry. I have heard uplines refer to some of their downlines as deadbeats. They arent producing so they get left behind. Soon they lose interest and start looking for "another" opportunity. Yes, there may be some that may not have a strong commitment to making the business work but overall I believe theres a communication breakdown. If I tell you to meet me a Walmart and I fail to tell you which one, chances are we will not be going in the same direction. If I tell you to meet me at my house and I assume you know the directions, chances are it will take us a longer period of time to reach our goal. When theres proper communication everyone will have a set of instructions that will take them where they need to go. We have to make sure we are all on the same level.
Recruits come into opportunities at all levels. Some may have little or no experience and initially will require a lot your time. Some have experience but need to learn what this new opportunity is all about before they can take off running. And a few may immediately begin to soar. How can you distinguish between the recruits?
As you begin to give information and guidance to your recruits, you should also be asking questions and listening to the response. I cant find logic in pushing a person to make $10,000 a month when all they want is an extra $500 a month to help with the expense of a newborn baby. You may be wondering why the new recruit is not using all the online tools they been given to recruit. Yet you havent taken time to find out that this person has just become familiar with where the button is for turning on their computer. How will you possibly get to know all of this? K.I.T.
Youre probably wondering how can you run your business, make money and keep in touch with all these recruits? Keep in mind that the relationships youre establishing are your business. In network marketing your recruits are your customers too. Everyone should be using the products or services as well as referring them to those not interested in the business aspect. With the new line of tools available keeping in touch doesnt have to take a lot of time. There are chat sites, email, autoresponders, surveys, newsletters, conference calls, etc. Even if your opportunity doesnt have all of these features they can be obtained on the internet, for free or at a very low cost. The fact is communication is key to the relationship. This is not a silent partnership.
For those of you that are still struggling with the fact that you must take the time to establish relationships in network marketing, ask yourself, why would you want to go into business with someone you dont know anything about or dont want to take the time to get to know?
When the relationship is established at the beginning of the business you can teach each recruit to do the same. As each one of you continuously teach the method of establishing a relationship, it will soon become second nature, and a success pattern will be created. Everyone will begin to reach his or her goals.
Its time to build a successful network marketing business. Lay the proper foundation relationship upon relationship. Take the time right now to contact your downline.
Copyright 2001 Jenean Matthews.
About the author.
Jenean Matthews is a businesswoman who believes in encouraging and helping others to accomplish their dreams. She believes people can overcome obstacles, rise to any occasion, and accomplish their entire dream with enough faith. She can be found accomplishing her dream at or subscribe to the newsletter for chances to win free gifts
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