What Does A Bamboo Plant Have To Do With Network Marketing?
Category: Networking(MLM) | Date: 2002-08-08 |
In this network marketing, it takes time to get things going and build a strong downline. It is important to have a good plan and stay with it, even when results are not seen right away. Some people give up too soon, when success may be just around the corner.
Several years ago, I heard a story about a bamboo plant, and Id like to pass it along. It helps make the point that roots need to be established before we begin to see the desired results.
There is a species of bamboo grown in Asia that takes time before any results can be seen. It has a root system so complex that the farmer must water, fertilize, and weed the area around the plant for five years before the first shoot appears from the soil. Once the root system is fully developed and the shoots come out, the plant can grow as high as 90 feet in five weeks! The bamboo grows so fast that you can hear the rustling of spreading leaves.
WOW! Five years with no visible sign of success and then 90 feet in five weeks! Once it starts growing, it is hard to stop it, no matter what you do.
Im not suggesting that it takes five years to start and grow a network marketing business. In fact, if it does take that long, there could be something seriously wrong with the way the company is structured or else youre not doing anything to promote/build your business. Either way, you should get out of that business.
People who understand the ins and outs of network marketing say you should plan on the building process taking from six months to two years before getting to a significant level of success. After all, you are building a business, and it takes time to find and train good people for your downline and get them doing the same.
This building process is just like the bamboo plant getting its roots established before the big growth can take place. Once you get a few good people in place and they start to bring in others the growth may amaze you! If you dont have a basic understanding of exponential growth, it may be well worth your time to find out just how exciting this explosive expansion can be!
Just like the bamboo plant, growth may be hard to stop once it gets started. If you should leave a business after you get things going, people in your downline will keep the group going, with or without you. So, pick a good opportunity and stay with it until you get it to a desired level and youll never want to leave.
Just as the bamboo farmer must water, fertilize, and weed the area around the plant, you must do things to help your business grow. The company or the top people in an opportunity should be able to tell you what works best for promoting and building that particular business. Find out what works and then take action. Be patient and persistent. Above all, have a positive attitude.
About the Author
Gordon Bellows is a highly regarded economic trends analyst. He recommends this ideal mix for a first-rate home-based business; a proven marketing system that works with ANY Internet opportunity, plus one of the most exciting home-business ventures of all time! Get Details For Both! http://www.roibot.com/w.cgi?R30623_AC31
Several years ago, I heard a story about a bamboo plant, and Id like to pass it along. It helps make the point that roots need to be established before we begin to see the desired results.
There is a species of bamboo grown in Asia that takes time before any results can be seen. It has a root system so complex that the farmer must water, fertilize, and weed the area around the plant for five years before the first shoot appears from the soil. Once the root system is fully developed and the shoots come out, the plant can grow as high as 90 feet in five weeks! The bamboo grows so fast that you can hear the rustling of spreading leaves.
WOW! Five years with no visible sign of success and then 90 feet in five weeks! Once it starts growing, it is hard to stop it, no matter what you do.
Im not suggesting that it takes five years to start and grow a network marketing business. In fact, if it does take that long, there could be something seriously wrong with the way the company is structured or else youre not doing anything to promote/build your business. Either way, you should get out of that business.
People who understand the ins and outs of network marketing say you should plan on the building process taking from six months to two years before getting to a significant level of success. After all, you are building a business, and it takes time to find and train good people for your downline and get them doing the same.
This building process is just like the bamboo plant getting its roots established before the big growth can take place. Once you get a few good people in place and they start to bring in others the growth may amaze you! If you dont have a basic understanding of exponential growth, it may be well worth your time to find out just how exciting this explosive expansion can be!
Just like the bamboo plant, growth may be hard to stop once it gets started. If you should leave a business after you get things going, people in your downline will keep the group going, with or without you. So, pick a good opportunity and stay with it until you get it to a desired level and youll never want to leave.
Just as the bamboo farmer must water, fertilize, and weed the area around the plant, you must do things to help your business grow. The company or the top people in an opportunity should be able to tell you what works best for promoting and building that particular business. Find out what works and then take action. Be patient and persistent. Above all, have a positive attitude.
About the Author
Gordon Bellows is a highly regarded economic trends analyst. He recommends this ideal mix for a first-rate home-based business; a proven marketing system that works with ANY Internet opportunity, plus one of the most exciting home-business ventures of all time! Get Details For Both! http://www.roibot.com/w.cgi?R30623_AC31
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