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A 17 Point Checklist to Powerful and Profitable Headlines

Category: Online Promotion Date: 2002-01-29
Would you be interested in a quick and simple way to double
or even triple your online sales today?

This is amazing !

A couple weeks ago, I decided to alter the headline for a product that I sell online. After reviewing my website stats, I was amazed to realize that by DOING NOTHING other than changing the words that appeared in my headline, I was able to more than DOUBLE my online sales!

"Why hadn't I implemented this earlier," I silently whispered to myself. I mean, I knew all along that a great headline can dramatically improve sales. Yet, caught up in so many other marketing strategies, I failed to recall and act upon the pure profit potential of a powerful headline. You can bet that I will be experimenting with my headline more often in the future.

To guide me in creating effective headlines, I've generated a "17 Point Headlines Checklist." You are welcome to use this checklist in generating your own headlines:

1. Does your headline quickly STOP your prospect dead in their tracks and get them to read on?
Your prospects are a fickle bunch. Does your ad somehow stand out and grab their immediate attention?

2. Does your headline answer "What's in it for me" for your prospect?
Your prospect doesn't care about you or your product. However, they do care about how your product can help them. They want to know how they will stand to benefit using your product or service.

3. Does your headline promise a unique & outstanding benefit?
Bottom line: Benefits, Benefits, and more Benefits Sell.

4. Does your headline target a specific audience?
Your headline can't be all things to all people. Your headline should speak to a target audience interested only in your offers.

5. Does your headline promise a much desired benefit for your prospect if they act quickly?
Do you give your prospect a reason to act quickly. Maybe you can add a time limit, or limited quantity. Maybe it's a special limited time offer. Whatever it is, you've got to get your prospects moving on your offer ASAP.

6. Does your headline offer SPECIFIC benefits and not generalized ones?
Specifics Sell ! They add credibility. They let your prospect know that what you're offering is real and not something you've made up. It's better to say, "$797 in FREE Bonuses". instead of "hundreds of dollars in FREE Bonuses"

7. If possible, does your headline offer something FREE?
This tried and true method helps break your prospects barriers. With a FREE offer, you're reversing the risk for them. They've got nothing to loose, and are then more open to your offer.

8. If you are giving away something FREE, is it benefit rich and time sensitive?
Remember, even though it may be free, you've still got to intrigue them with a benefit that is attractive to them. And to get them to act, you'll need to make your offer "limited".

9. Did you pack your headline with as many action oriented, emotional charged words as possible?
The words below, have a proven emotional / action oriented pull: http://www.KillerClassifiedAds.com/keywords.htm

10. Have you written out at least 50 different headlines to promote a single product?
Like all things in life, practice makes perfect. Chances are, you won't write that million dollar headline your first try. You'll need to write a number of headlines, and from the bunch. select the one seems to be the best. However, only testing will determine which headline is actually the best.

11. Is your headline believable?
Remember, your prospect is jaded. They're bombarded with ads almost from the time they wake till they go to bed at night. So if your ad is not believable, they'll scan right past it.

12. Is your headline short and to the point?
Shorter Headlines tend to work better than longer ones.

13. If possible, did you place quotations marks around your headline?
"Headlines with quotation marks tend to out perform those without by 25% or more."

14. Does your headline encapsulate the biggest benefit your prospect will receive?
Your headline should merely translate the biggest and most attractive benefit your product or service can offer to your prospect.

15. Does your headline paint a desired image for your prospect?
If possible, try and paint a picture with your headline. Get your prospect seeing themselves acquiring the benefit you're offering. Get your prospect feeling how great it would be to own your product or use your service.

16. Does your headline generate curiosity?
You've only got 2 or 3 seconds to STOP your prospects dead in their tracks and get them to read on. Make your headline something out of the ordinary, tell your prospects something they haven't heard before. Try and get your first 2 or 3 words to STOP your prospect and get him or her to read the rest of your classified ad.

17. Does your headline speak directly to one prospect?
You want your headline to appear like you wrote just for one particular person. Your whole ad campaign should appear like is was written to the prospect reading it.


© 2001 by Johannes Garrido

About the Author

Johannes Garrido is creator of the 'Killer Classified Ads Magic System'

"STOP Wasting Your Precious Time and Money - Discover How to Increase Traffic and Sales by 1700% or More with a PROVEN and PROFITABLE Killer Ad Arsenal.

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