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Ads Vs. Content. Are the ads winning?

Category: Online Promotion Date: 2001-07-30
Recently I found myself in a predicament. I have been running more ads than I have content. That's not good. If you find yourself in the same predicament there are several options you can use to handle this. These options will allow you to balance out the ads with the content.

1) You can publish more often

2) You can limit the ads per issue

3) If you are in a bunch of ad co-ops reduce the number of co-ops you are in

4) Ask your subscribers what they want?

- If you are thinking of publishing more often there are several things you need to consider first. Can you spend adequate time on each issue? Can you deliver on time or will you be late alot? * Note you want to deliver on time. Do you have access to enough fresh quality content or will some of the issues suffer? * If some of the issues will suffer then you need to consider another alternative. Add more content to balance out the ads and content. In the end be sure to ask your subscribers what they want.

There are several ways you can handle the increase in the publishing schedule. You can publish all of your issues during the week with the same topics or sections each issue or you can make that extra issue an ads edition on the weekend with an article or some kind of information.

- Limit the number of ads per issue. Make sure to balance the content with the number of ads you are going to allow. *Warning you may become backed up on running ads. However, if a subscriber has to wait too long they may unsubscribe from your ezine. If you get too many unsubscribes then you need to consider another alternative.

If you accept paid ads then limit your ads thus making them more exclusive. You can get a higher price for exclusive ads. However, bear in mind that you will only be able to charge what the market will accept. If you charge too much for ads then no one will place ads in your ezine.

- If you are in a bunch of ad co-ops, quit some of the co-ops. Keep the ones that bring in the most subscribers but cut the ones that bring in low traffic. Don't cut your throat if the co-ops is the major source of new subscribers to your publication. Yes cutting out some of the co-ops will bring in less subscribers but you will also have less ads to run.

- Yes you could add more content to balance out the ads and content but be sure not to bite off more than you can chew. Sometimes less is more. Also you don't want your ezine size to get too big. The larger it get's the more chance you are taking that you may loose some subscribers.

- Yes you could make the decision yourself but if your subscribers have a say in the matter they are more likely to become loyal subscribers. Your subscribers know what they want and they may prefer one method to another.

Sometimes you may have to use a combination of options to balance your ads and content. If you have another idea than the ones I listed and it balances your ads with your content then use it. This article by no means is to tell you how to run your business it is just to generate some ideas on how to handle the situation of more ads than content. Everybody is different and different options work for them. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. Use what method is best for you. Good luck in your publishing endeavors.

Copyright © 2001 Heidi M. Ross

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