How to Buy Any Product Or Service On the Internet Completely Risk-Free
Category: Online Promotion | Date: 2001-10-15 |
That title got your attention...didn't it?
I created it with one purpose in mind: to show you just how important having a money back guarantee on your products or services are in the online market.
In all advertising, credibility is a Number One concern. People are afraid to make purchases from you because they don't know you yet. One of the ways to overcome this is by Using a No-Risk Guarantee.
Guarantees will increase your response rates by 200% to 300% on whatever you are selling in most cases. People go through your letter. Then, they are undecided whether they should buy or not...The No-Risk guarantee will push them over the edge.
People buy because of emotion, but they will back up their decision with logic. How many times have you purchased something saying to yourself, "If I don't like it, then I will be able to return it for my money back?"
Your guarantee should be listed on everything...Your sign, your sales letter, your website, your postcards, your magazine ads, etc. Don't keep it a secret. Shout it from the rooftops!
The Four Parts of a Powerful Guarantee
There are four parts to a powerful guarantee. They are:
1.) Risk-Free - You must tell your prospects that your offer is risk-free.
2.) No Questions Asked - You should always state that you have a no hassle, no questions asked guarantee policy.
3.) Time Period - State how long the guarantee is for...Always use 60 days or more!
4.) Why? - It is always a good idea to tell them exactly why you are offering such a good Free bonus Offer and guarantee.
Each of those steps is extremely important and I will put some guarantees together for you which use ALL 4 elements so you can see what they look like:
"Try out my product Risk-Free for a FULL year! If at any time, you are dissatisfied with it or can't make a profit with it, then simply package it up and mail it back to our office. The moment we receive it, we will fully refund your money No Questions Asked...Plus, you get to keep All $575 worth of FREE Bonuses as a thank you.
How Can I offer such a Powerful No-Risk Guarantee? It's simple really...Once someone gets this product into their hands and understands it's full potential, I couldn't pry it loose if I used a crowbar."
"Not only that, but you will also receive our Complete Better than Risk-Free, Lifetime Guarantee! If at any future time you decide that this isn't the product for you and that it isn't the absolute BEST purchase you have ever made, then package it all up and send it back to me and I will issue you a complete No Hassles, No Questions Asked Refund. Plus, you get to keep all $1,230 worth of bonuses just for giving me a chance!
The way I see it is that if My package isn't the best investment you have ever made, then I don't want to take your money. You deserve your money back!"
Those are some powerful guarantee examples. These kinds of guarantees can open the floodgates or orders into your office if you don't be careful.
Here is a list of words you may want to use in your guarantees to increase their effect:
Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
Life-Time Guarantee
Risk-Free Trial Offer
No Hassles
30 Day Trial Offer
Cancel at Any Time
Double Your Money Back
Send No Money
Order by Credit Card for 3 Easy Monthly Installments
Postdate your check for 30 days from now
Those are some of the words that get people excited about your guarantee, because they remove the risks of ordering away from your prospects. A powerful guarantee can mean the success or failure of any ad campaign, especially for those who are selling on the internet...
About the Author
Terry Dean, a 5 year veteran of Internet marketing, will Take You By The Hand and Show You Exact Results of All the Internet Marketing Techniques he tests and Uses Every Single Month" Click here to Find Out More:
:To contact see details below.
I created it with one purpose in mind: to show you just how important having a money back guarantee on your products or services are in the online market.
In all advertising, credibility is a Number One concern. People are afraid to make purchases from you because they don't know you yet. One of the ways to overcome this is by Using a No-Risk Guarantee.
Guarantees will increase your response rates by 200% to 300% on whatever you are selling in most cases. People go through your letter. Then, they are undecided whether they should buy or not...The No-Risk guarantee will push them over the edge.
People buy because of emotion, but they will back up their decision with logic. How many times have you purchased something saying to yourself, "If I don't like it, then I will be able to return it for my money back?"
Your guarantee should be listed on everything...Your sign, your sales letter, your website, your postcards, your magazine ads, etc. Don't keep it a secret. Shout it from the rooftops!
The Four Parts of a Powerful Guarantee
There are four parts to a powerful guarantee. They are:
1.) Risk-Free - You must tell your prospects that your offer is risk-free.
2.) No Questions Asked - You should always state that you have a no hassle, no questions asked guarantee policy.
3.) Time Period - State how long the guarantee is for...Always use 60 days or more!
4.) Why? - It is always a good idea to tell them exactly why you are offering such a good Free bonus Offer and guarantee.
Each of those steps is extremely important and I will put some guarantees together for you which use ALL 4 elements so you can see what they look like:
"Try out my product Risk-Free for a FULL year! If at any time, you are dissatisfied with it or can't make a profit with it, then simply package it up and mail it back to our office. The moment we receive it, we will fully refund your money No Questions Asked...Plus, you get to keep All $575 worth of FREE Bonuses as a thank you.
How Can I offer such a Powerful No-Risk Guarantee? It's simple really...Once someone gets this product into their hands and understands it's full potential, I couldn't pry it loose if I used a crowbar."
"Not only that, but you will also receive our Complete Better than Risk-Free, Lifetime Guarantee! If at any future time you decide that this isn't the product for you and that it isn't the absolute BEST purchase you have ever made, then package it all up and send it back to me and I will issue you a complete No Hassles, No Questions Asked Refund. Plus, you get to keep all $1,230 worth of bonuses just for giving me a chance!
The way I see it is that if My package isn't the best investment you have ever made, then I don't want to take your money. You deserve your money back!"
Those are some powerful guarantee examples. These kinds of guarantees can open the floodgates or orders into your office if you don't be careful.
Here is a list of words you may want to use in your guarantees to increase their effect:
Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
Life-Time Guarantee
Risk-Free Trial Offer
No Hassles
30 Day Trial Offer
Cancel at Any Time
Double Your Money Back
Send No Money
Order by Credit Card for 3 Easy Monthly Installments
Postdate your check for 30 days from now
Those are some of the words that get people excited about your guarantee, because they remove the risks of ordering away from your prospects. A powerful guarantee can mean the success or failure of any ad campaign, especially for those who are selling on the internet...
About the Author
Terry Dean, a 5 year veteran of Internet marketing, will Take You By The Hand and Show You Exact Results of All the Internet Marketing Techniques he tests and Uses Every Single Month" Click here to Find Out More:
:To contact see details below.
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