Category: Online Promotion | Date: 2002-09-19 |
If you thought that writing and publishing are difficult things to do, then you are dead wrong! The fact is that both are the simplest things as far as the world of books is concerned. There is something that is harder than putting your thoughts on paper, and getting published. And what is it? you may like to ask.
It is promotion -- getting the over 6 billion people out there to know that you have arrived. Ask any publisher writer. It's a Sisyphian task!
Let's consider one. When Edward Fitzgerald wrote "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" he may never have known that he would sell millions. Now, he did not place the book in front of the world 24 hours a day, but kept 100 copies in the window of a local bookstore. Then what happened?
It caught the attention of the poet and painter, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, who after reading it, bought all copies of the book, and gave them to his friends. And so started the incredible success story of the "The Rubaiyat".
Well, fitzgerald was "lucky". Because some published writers have given up writing as a result of poor sales, while others are still struggling to recover their publishing costs. Bad news.
But your window to glory is not the local bookstore. It is the Internet.
I am not, however, talking about other promotional techniques like link exchanges, Ezine ad swaps, subscription exchanges, or Ezine column swaps.
Neither am I talking about byline exchanges, signature exchanges, e-book exchanges, or private web rings. I do not also mean ride alongs, upsells, free bonuses, nor forum and list moderation.
So what am I talking about? It is Newswire.
This promotional method has succeeded in placing books in the best-seller pages of newspapers, and gotten writers before TV talk shows.
So, that best-selling book on the pages of The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, or The Washington Post may not even be better than your poetry piece or essay collection. It was made through promotion.
Now, what's Newswire? Let's see how it works.
1. You write and forward your press release to the over 600 websites and databases worldwide.
2. A reader or researcher in search of a topic that is covered in your book, visits one of the websites where your press release has already been archived.
3. Since the subject of his search matches the topic or theme of your book, the search engine turns up your press release.
4. Using the information provided in your press release, he visits your website and downloads your book.
5. If he is a reporter, he quotes your book in his publication, thus giving you wonderful exposure.
6. Your address on the press release is used to contact you for book deals, interviews, and talk shows, thus firing up your fame and fortune.
And come to think of the over 150 million Internet Users
(just to begin with), clicking away and downloading your best-seller, and mailing you to know how you did the trick. The magic is in the net!
Why not call your publisher or computer manager right now, and for a few bucks, he will place your book on the window by purchasing the Newswire for you; and archive your book ETERNALLY in front of the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 28 days a month, and 365 days a year.
And then your book will make it to the best-seller lists of the world's most prestigious newspapers.
And you, the now celebrated writer, will end up in a popular American TV Talk show.
Or find yourself appending your signature on a million dollar contract document in Hollywood, the entertainment capital of the world.
And just in case you do not know how to spend your millions, I recommend you to buy a yacht and go sail in the Mediterranean. Or jump into the next space ship and become the first writer to travel to the final frontier.
Or better still; buy a country home, and write your magnum opus, titled: "How I
Made My Millions."
And live happily ever after . . .
Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved
About the Author:
ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best - selling book,
HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at :
For FREE writing helps, mailto :
Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
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It is promotion -- getting the over 6 billion people out there to know that you have arrived. Ask any publisher writer. It's a Sisyphian task!
Let's consider one. When Edward Fitzgerald wrote "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" he may never have known that he would sell millions. Now, he did not place the book in front of the world 24 hours a day, but kept 100 copies in the window of a local bookstore. Then what happened?
It caught the attention of the poet and painter, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, who after reading it, bought all copies of the book, and gave them to his friends. And so started the incredible success story of the "The Rubaiyat".
Well, fitzgerald was "lucky". Because some published writers have given up writing as a result of poor sales, while others are still struggling to recover their publishing costs. Bad news.
But your window to glory is not the local bookstore. It is the Internet.
I am not, however, talking about other promotional techniques like link exchanges, Ezine ad swaps, subscription exchanges, or Ezine column swaps.
Neither am I talking about byline exchanges, signature exchanges, e-book exchanges, or private web rings. I do not also mean ride alongs, upsells, free bonuses, nor forum and list moderation.
So what am I talking about? It is Newswire.
This promotional method has succeeded in placing books in the best-seller pages of newspapers, and gotten writers before TV talk shows.
So, that best-selling book on the pages of The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, or The Washington Post may not even be better than your poetry piece or essay collection. It was made through promotion.
Now, what's Newswire? Let's see how it works.
1. You write and forward your press release to the over 600 websites and databases worldwide.
2. A reader or researcher in search of a topic that is covered in your book, visits one of the websites where your press release has already been archived.
3. Since the subject of his search matches the topic or theme of your book, the search engine turns up your press release.
4. Using the information provided in your press release, he visits your website and downloads your book.
5. If he is a reporter, he quotes your book in his publication, thus giving you wonderful exposure.
6. Your address on the press release is used to contact you for book deals, interviews, and talk shows, thus firing up your fame and fortune.
And come to think of the over 150 million Internet Users
(just to begin with), clicking away and downloading your best-seller, and mailing you to know how you did the trick. The magic is in the net!
Why not call your publisher or computer manager right now, and for a few bucks, he will place your book on the window by purchasing the Newswire for you; and archive your book ETERNALLY in front of the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 28 days a month, and 365 days a year.
And then your book will make it to the best-seller lists of the world's most prestigious newspapers.
And you, the now celebrated writer, will end up in a popular American TV Talk show.
Or find yourself appending your signature on a million dollar contract document in Hollywood, the entertainment capital of the world.
And just in case you do not know how to spend your millions, I recommend you to buy a yacht and go sail in the Mediterranean. Or jump into the next space ship and become the first writer to travel to the final frontier.
Or better still; buy a country home, and write your magnum opus, titled: "How I
Made My Millions."
And live happily ever after . . .
Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved
About the Author:
ARTHUR ZULU, The Most Controversial Writer in the World, is the author of the best - selling book,
HOW TO WRITE A BEST-SELLER. Download your copy and FREE excerpt at :
For FREE writing helps, mailto :
Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
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