Increasing Your Sites Relevancy
Category: Online Promotion | Date: 2001-03-13 |
This is a great tip that you should start using immediately in your html. If your site links to all the great sites in your category. Then you should be considered a good bet for "best of content" on the web. Hence, your front page listing. How we achieve this is pretty cool.
Most people would not consider it good business to put links on your pages to your competitor's pages. Yet this technique relies on your ability to do so. I'm telling you to do it, big time! But be smart.
Here is the way to do it. First go to each of the top 7 to 10 search engines and perform a search for the keywords you have determined will most be most helpful to visitors trying to find your site.
Next, save the search engine results page to your hard drive as an .HTML document. This will take the very best keywords in terms of relevance, so you can place links to them on your web site.
Let's say you got the top 10 sites from a keyword search in Excite. At the bottom of the search page there are links to the next 10 and so on all the way up to every site in that category. Make that search page part of your site.
Essentially, what you have done is linked your page to every page that Excite found in your category, making you the king of that category in terms of "linking out" to relevant sites. This is huge factor for you to consider, especially since the search engines are getting smarter every day and most are gearing up for a theme-based algorithm.
If your site links to all the sites in your category, then your theme is that category. So go to the next search engine and download their results page as well. Do this until you have 7-10 results pages on your hard drive, then simply hide the links on your site. You can either hide the links by using a 1-pixel by 1-pixel graphic the same color as your background and link that graphic to the search engine's results page (one for the result page of each search engine).
This is virtually undetectable to human eyes and you score big points with the engines for providing so many quality links pertaining to your category on them.
I personally use this technique in my section of my frame indexes. It tells the search engines I am linked to all relevant sites and I am the place to go to for information in "my category"! You will also be found because people are searching for other front page sites. Killer Tactic!
See you on the Front Page!
This article was written by Richard Bolduc the webmaster for The Rhinos Web, a featured speaker and the well known author of "Front Page, Guarded Secrets of the Search Engines Revealed." Find Out WHY Every Website YOU Submit CAN Land on the Front Page.
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About the Author
Most people would not consider it good business to put links on your pages to your competitor's pages. Yet this technique relies on your ability to do so. I'm telling you to do it, big time! But be smart.
Here is the way to do it. First go to each of the top 7 to 10 search engines and perform a search for the keywords you have determined will most be most helpful to visitors trying to find your site.
Next, save the search engine results page to your hard drive as an .HTML document. This will take the very best keywords in terms of relevance, so you can place links to them on your web site.
Let's say you got the top 10 sites from a keyword search in Excite. At the bottom of the search page there are links to the next 10 and so on all the way up to every site in that category. Make that search page part of your site.
Essentially, what you have done is linked your page to every page that Excite found in your category, making you the king of that category in terms of "linking out" to relevant sites. This is huge factor for you to consider, especially since the search engines are getting smarter every day and most are gearing up for a theme-based algorithm.
If your site links to all the sites in your category, then your theme is that category. So go to the next search engine and download their results page as well. Do this until you have 7-10 results pages on your hard drive, then simply hide the links on your site. You can either hide the links by using a 1-pixel by 1-pixel graphic the same color as your background and link that graphic to the search engine's results page (one for the result page of each search engine).
This is virtually undetectable to human eyes and you score big points with the engines for providing so many quality links pertaining to your category on them.
I personally use this technique in my
See you on the Front Page!
This article was written by Richard Bolduc the webmaster for The Rhinos Web, a featured speaker and the well known author of "Front Page, Guarded Secrets of the Search Engines Revealed." Find Out WHY Every Website YOU Submit CAN Land on the Front Page.
Results Shown Here.
About the Author
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