One last chance to HOOK your customer
Category: Online Promotion | Date: 2001-03-14 |
You’ve written your sales letter and it’s in the hands of your potential customer - in other words he has retrieved it from his Email or downloaded it from the web and he has just reviewed it OFFLINE and is interested.
Now comes the critical moment - when you want to get him ONLINE, onto the Net, visit your site and complete an order form.
But he doesn’t do it.
Why ?
"Someone else is using the phone line"
"I only connect up once a day"
"I’ll put it on my to-do list"
How do you overcome this inertia ?
You have to find that extra spur, that extra incentive to change the thinking of your reader from "interested" to "excited". You don't want to lose that precious moment.
How do you do this ?
* Save for the very end the most enticing benefit that your product will provide, or
* mention an additional bonus.
* Don't give a complete explanation.
* Provide an air of mystery.
* Explain that the full details are at your web site.
Sounds familiar ?
Of course. We have all been attracted by well crafted sales letters to take that extra step.
There's no reason why you can't copy this method.
And if you want an example of exactly how to do this it's in the Free book mentioned below.
About the Author
Harvey has more great tips - over 120 of them - in the archives of the "SuperTips Ezine". Plus article contributions from top Internet marketing experts
Harvey Segal
Now comes the critical moment - when you want to get him ONLINE, onto the Net, visit your site and complete an order form.
But he doesn’t do it.
Why ?
"Someone else is using the phone line"
"I only connect up once a day"
"I’ll put it on my to-do list"
How do you overcome this inertia ?
You have to find that extra spur, that extra incentive to change the thinking of your reader from "interested" to "excited". You don't want to lose that precious moment.
How do you do this ?
* Save for the very end the most enticing benefit that your product will provide, or
* mention an additional bonus.
* Don't give a complete explanation.
* Provide an air of mystery.
* Explain that the full details are at your web site.
Sounds familiar ?
Of course. We have all been attracted by well crafted sales letters to take that extra step.
There's no reason why you can't copy this method.
And if you want an example of exactly how to do this it's in the Free book mentioned below.
About the Author
Harvey has more great tips - over 120 of them - in the archives of the "SuperTips Ezine". Plus article contributions from top Internet marketing experts
Harvey Segal
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