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Sam, My Border Collies Internet Marketing Advice! No 6

Category: Online Promotion Date: 2001-07-14
Sam (that's my 12 year old Border Collie) and I were walking again through the Bush (Australian countryside). Sam as usual was ranging out from me checking for the Eucalyptus trees that needed his marketing skills.

When we reached our usual rock beside the fallen log, I said to Sam, last week you said that Old Platty the Platypus was trying something new and that you were going to check it out. How did you get on?

" Well when I got down to the creek" said Sam, "I found he was in a great crowd of other Platypuses (platypi). They were all part of his growing group."

I always thought Old Platty had a fairly small group, what happened to make it grow so quickly?

"I think he is using the downstream Ad system".

O.K., I'll bite. What's that?

"Do you remember a few weeks ago, how Old Platty used his Ad skills to attract the Barrimundi? Well as you know this sends out a cloud of advertising if you like to call it that and attracts the Barramundi who support him by joining him to feed for FREE."

So how does this relate to what he's doing now?

"It's simple really, the Barramundi when they joined in with him multiplied that cloud of advertising and this resulted in a lot of new Plattys joining in with him. You should see that creek now, it's fairly thriving!"

Sam! You're not having a go at me are you? I mean how does that relate to how I run my business?

" Gordon! sometimes I think you're just not with us. Let me explain at least, I'll try to get you to understand just how you can learn a simple technique to improve your marketing business.

You know how you joined up with that program that sends you new subscribers for placing their advertising?"

Yes, I had a lot more new subscribers since I did that but what has that to do with Platty's group growing so quickly?

"Look! Platty virtually did the same thing when he did all those Ads and attracted the Barramundi.

The Barramundi placed their Ads in his advertising system just like you're doing with your e-zine. As a result of all the extra subscribers you get, your advertisers will get a corresponding increase in their results.

When the Barramundi started to help Platty build his advertising impact and Platty's e-zine grew, other Plattys lined up to advertise so they could get their programs advertised."

I think I see what your getting at Sam. You mean that because I joined up to get more subscribers this increases the chances of my advertisers' Ad being noticed.

"Well it stands to reason doesn't it? The Barramundi are really another group altogether. They also accept their share of the ads, some are seen by other Barramundi and some are seen by other Platyuses".

That's just like that Program where an advertiser can place an ad that goes to a minimum of 20,000 subscribers. That's a really economical way to advertise.

"Exactly, you get the benefit of getting more subscribers. Your subscribers get the opportunity to place low cost Ads to 20,000 other subscribers. Simple isn't?"

Well Sam I think I know what you mean, but I DO know that I've been getting more subscribers from http://www.10dollars20ads.com and it stands to reason that it's a great deal for both e-zine owners and advertisers.

"That's right but Platty pinched one of your ideas as well"

Which one Sam?

"You know, the one that you logged your e-zine into"

Not the; http://www.ezinelocater.com/topics/imarketing/img127.shtml I've only been using that to broadcast my e-zine.

"That's it! Platty worked out that it was a great place to go to find e-zines that give FREE ads. His names Platty, not Silly. Platty has attributed a whole heap of new Business from these two programs and it has cost very little when you count up the benefits he's got from them.

You should look closer and see if you are missing out on any of the benefits of both of them".

Sam this is blatant advertising for these two programs. I can't use this for an article in my e-zine. I'm supposed to only have articles about, how to market.

" I'm going home for lunch , you can come if you want. Please yourself! If you can't see that you only have two types of subscribers, Advertisers of Programs and E-zine Owners.

They ALL want to advertise at as low a cost as possible, they all want to find e-zines that allow FREE ads and they all want to reach as many subscribers AS POSSIBLE!"

O.K., I'll let you have the last word this time.

"About time too", said Sam as he stalked off.

About the Author

©2000Gordon Brownlie
Gordon is an Internet Marketeer based in Australia. He specialises in helping newcomers to the Internet earn an Income from a position of integrity. You can learn more about his training course empowerism.com/e/12025

:To contact see details below.

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