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You Can Do It Too!

Category: Online Promotion Date: 2001-04-02
There had to be a better way - this is what I thought for weeks and weeks. The answer I was searching for was to find a cost effective, yet interesting and guaranteed way for web site promotion that actually resulted in sales.

I had read about and tried all the usual methods with varied results. I had gone down the usual road with only moderate success and then it finally dawned on me. If I had this dilemma then perhaps there were other webmasters out there feeling the same frustrations, asking themselves the same question, and looking for new and better solutions.

Slowly an idea for a concept began to evolve. There were certain criteria that I had to meet. I wanted a method that would not only get visitors to a site, but that would get visitors to read and explore the site. So many pay-per-click programs don't get the results because a potential buyer can also just click and go before you've even had a chance to show him what you have.

Then I wanted a product that would be fun. I wanted visitors to have a reason and be motivated to explore the web sites I wanted them to see.

It had to be cost effective. By ensuring the visitors were indeed motivated to visit each web site and they actually did explore the site thoroughly, then the greater the chances were of actually making a sale at these web sites and if sales were made, the idea would be cost effective.

The solution that finally became reality is the WWW Treasure Hunt. After months of research, development and design, the treasure hunt site was launched at the begining of 2000, meeting all the above criteria.

It's fun for the treasure hunters - they win prizes too. They're challenged and motivated. These are your visitors!

It guarantees your visitors will explore your site - they have no choice in order to proceed with the treasure hunt and win the prizes.

It's cost effective - we have hundreds of treasure hunters signing up each week who will visit your site!

But what's my point? I am not a well-know internet marketing guru. I'm sure you've never even heard my name. That wasn't important. I believed in what I had to offer. I didn't give up, even when people tried to dissuade me and pointed out the huge task I was undertaking. It didn't matter - I believed in the concept and I believed in myself.

New ideas will continue to evolve and when you have one, research it, talk to people, listen, get more ideas in order to imporve your original concept and if you truly believe it will work and are prepared to commit, then go for it.

Don't wait until somebody else comes up with your idea and sit back and say "But I thought of that six months ago!". The difference is the person who has come up with your idea didn't just think about it, they acted upon it! Don't doubt yourself or your abilities. The only difference between you and successful entrepreneurs, is that they acted upon their beliefs. They are committed. They kept the faith. Don't let self-doubt stand in your way. Don't think everybody else can do it better than you. If your idea truly has merit, others will see it too.

If I had not acted upon the treasure hunt concept, this successful site would not be there today. It wasn't easy, there were many challenges and obstacles to overcome. I had to write to people asking for prize sponsorship for a site that had just been launched, from a person that was a complete unknown. It felt so wonderful when many seasoned internet marketers not only agreed to provide sponsorship for the site, but congratulated me on the concept!

So don't let your next good idea collect cobwebs at the back of your mind. Do something about it! I did - you can do it too! I promise you it will be worthwhile.

About the Author

Holly Janion is webmaster for Wade's World Ltd, a UK web design and internet business solutions provider. For an example of Holly's work, the WWW Treasure Hunt, at
http://www.wwwtreasurehunt.com is her latest
creation. To contact Holly, see details below

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