Mind Stimuli
Category: Personal Development For Marketeers | Date: 2002-02-18 |
Who do you need to be to make your dreams real?
To answer my own question ... you would need to be a dreamer who is open enough to find out what it is that you don't know that you NEED to know.
This is a life-long search, a journey, on the road to a fulfilled life ... a life with no regrets.
Along this road, you have to keep your mind up. When I say up, I mean UP! Stimulated ... like a caffeinated coffee fix. Synonym might be Awake, Alive, Aware, Present, Open, Alert, Focused, Attentive, Observant, Perceptive, Visionary, etc.
Many people like to take evenings and weekends off. They close their mind and focus their attention on Beer, Sports, Family, TV, etc. This is ok, as long as it is in moderation toward a balanced and stable lifestyle.
To make your life better, there needs to be some kind of obsession for you. For me, I want to be able to stay at home and be with my loved one(s) all day by choice. If I need a break from them, or vice verse, that is an option. I hate the reality that most people do not have this option. They have set hours where they need to be away at a job location making the owner of that business wealthy and able to live their dream (the owner of the place they work).
So you and I are on this road. What do we do and how do we stay up, excited, enthusiastic all day long? The day IS long and much needs to be done. Our tired brains are overwhelmed with the insanity of the world around us AND we have a business to build as well.
I must refer back to "Think And Grow Rich" where the subject of MIND STIMULI is discussed. I like the following 10 items because they let me know how to stay up. Realize that the truth is sometimes shocking, and this list is based on exhaustive research.
1. The desire for sex expression.
2. Love.
3. A burning desire for fame, power, financial gain, or money.
4. Music.
5. Friendship between either those of the same sex or those of the opposite sex.
6. A master mind alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people who ally themselves for spiritual or temporal advancement.
7. Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people who are persecuted.
8. Autosuggestion.
9. Fear.
10. Narcotics and alcohol.
What works for me is proper sleep, diet, exercise and large does of Vitamin B! Music and focused study is great too. I also need one solid day of socializing with good friends/family each week to "let go" and allow the built up anxiety to simmer to a tolerable level.
Face it, if you are going for your dreams, and I hope you are, you are working for it. Remember that Success in life is made and built on the installment plan and your payments come due each day.
The wealthy have learned that controlling their time is the #1 reason for their success. Look at time this way... "Now, and it's Gone." Make use of each precious second and enjoy the passage of time to boot.
James Taylor wrote that the secret to life is enjoying the passing of time. That must make it true ;-)
YOU can make this life the way you want it to be and have fun along the way to the final destination.
Keep UP and keep it up.
About the Author
Contributed by Ed Hirsch
#1 REASON stopping your business growth ...
WASTED resources on those who QUIT!
Eliminate the ZERO'S on your Genie report 650-872-1024
"A Networkers RETENTION Dream Come True"
To answer my own question ... you would need to be a dreamer who is open enough to find out what it is that you don't know that you NEED to know.
This is a life-long search, a journey, on the road to a fulfilled life ... a life with no regrets.
Along this road, you have to keep your mind up. When I say up, I mean UP! Stimulated ... like a caffeinated coffee fix. Synonym might be Awake, Alive, Aware, Present, Open, Alert, Focused, Attentive, Observant, Perceptive, Visionary, etc.
Many people like to take evenings and weekends off. They close their mind and focus their attention on Beer, Sports, Family, TV, etc. This is ok, as long as it is in moderation toward a balanced and stable lifestyle.
To make your life better, there needs to be some kind of obsession for you. For me, I want to be able to stay at home and be with my loved one(s) all day by choice. If I need a break from them, or vice verse, that is an option. I hate the reality that most people do not have this option. They have set hours where they need to be away at a job location making the owner of that business wealthy and able to live their dream (the owner of the place they work).
So you and I are on this road. What do we do and how do we stay up, excited, enthusiastic all day long? The day IS long and much needs to be done. Our tired brains are overwhelmed with the insanity of the world around us AND we have a business to build as well.
I must refer back to "Think And Grow Rich" where the subject of MIND STIMULI is discussed. I like the following 10 items because they let me know how to stay up. Realize that the truth is sometimes shocking, and this list is based on exhaustive research.
1. The desire for sex expression.
2. Love.
3. A burning desire for fame, power, financial gain, or money.
4. Music.
5. Friendship between either those of the same sex or those of the opposite sex.
6. A master mind alliance based upon the harmony of two or more people who ally themselves for spiritual or temporal advancement.
7. Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people who are persecuted.
8. Autosuggestion.
9. Fear.
10. Narcotics and alcohol.
What works for me is proper sleep, diet, exercise and large does of Vitamin B! Music and focused study is great too. I also need one solid day of socializing with good friends/family each week to "let go" and allow the built up anxiety to simmer to a tolerable level.
Face it, if you are going for your dreams, and I hope you are, you are working for it. Remember that Success in life is made and built on the installment plan and your payments come due each day.
The wealthy have learned that controlling their time is the #1 reason for their success. Look at time this way... "Now, and it's Gone." Make use of each precious second and enjoy the passage of time to boot.
James Taylor wrote that the secret to life is enjoying the passing of time. That must make it true ;-)
YOU can make this life the way you want it to be and have fun along the way to the final destination.
Keep UP and keep it up.
About the Author
Contributed by Ed Hirsch
#1 REASON stopping your business growth ...
WASTED resources on those who QUIT!
Eliminate the ZERO'S on your Genie report 650-872-1024
"A Networkers RETENTION Dream Come True"
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