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Do you hate to sell?

Category: Sales Tips Date: 2001-12-28
How do you feel about selling. If you are like most people, you would rather have your Mother In Law move in with you rather than sell something. Just teasing, I loved my Mother In Law. But I think you get my picture here. You would do just about anything instead of selling. Well, I feel the same way. I would never be able to go door to door selling anything. Been there, done that. Hated it.

You check out a business opportunity but then you see you may have to contact someone and you freeze dead in your tracks. "But I can't sell" you say. I went through all these same thoughts myself. I want to stay home and make an income, but I don't want to sell. There is not a business under the sun that you can do nothing and make money. (nothing legit that is) Just think about it. Every single thing (product or service) has to be sold and bought. You will not find a business you don't have to deal with other people.

If you were to start a business in town. What overhead would you be looking at? Rent; utilities; advertising, etc. Well, guess what? If you did not sell yourself, or your product, you would be broke in no time. In a home business, you don't have the same overhead, but you will have to do some advertising, and making some kind of contact with people.

In every business you have to make some personal contact. I was in a previous business opportunity that stated up front "NO SELLING REQUIRED." Well, that was a downright lie, because you had to call people that filled out a form submission. Isn't that selling? Yes it is. If you ran into someone and stated "wow, I am making money at this new business, you should take a look at it." Isn't that selling? Yes it is.

We all do it. What do you do when you watch a really good movie. Do you keep it to yourself or do you tell everyone how you felt about it that may enjoy it too? Or you eat a new pizza at your favorite pizza place. You probably would tell everyone that you really loved that new pizza. You got a good deal at that new used car place in town. I am sure most of you would share that information with others. That is selling even if you do not get paid for it. It's just life.

In this business we do the same thing. You believe in your product or the company you are working for. You are making money, so you share your news. Its called a referral business. Basically that is all you are doing. Referring people to your product that you believe in.

I work specifically online in my home business. But I do have to make some phone calls. If you expect that e-mail will sell yourself and your product, you will be sadly disappointed. I can type pretty well, and can copy and paste, but if you don't have that personal connection, you won't make many sales. Most people like to know they are dealing with a real person and not only a machine.

I got a kick out of one gal I talked to. I said, you will have to do some phone calling. "Oh..... you do". That threw her for a loop. Why? I wondered, since I had called her and she was talking to me. I will admit that when I first started this business, the phone felt like it weighed 300 lbs. It is getting lighter all the time. The biggest fear is the fear of rejection. Get over it. You are not calling them to bug them. You are only giving them the information they have asked for, and offering to help them if needed. It gets easier and easier. I like people, and I like the feeling I get from helping people. Helping people with a product they want, or helping them reach their financial goals, the same as I am.

So if you think you hate selling, think again. You do it daily, without thinking about it. You might as well get paid for it.

About the Author

Karen Kosel, author/editor of Creating Success Online News, operates a Home Based Internet Business. Her Main goal is to help train others to reach success through her dynamic online marketing team:

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