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Making a Good First Impression

Category: Sales Tips Date: 2001-03-16
Three challenges most sales reps face are:
1. Making a good first impression,
2. Staying organized and
3. Asking questions to get the best information.

Making a good first impression and Getting Organized

You’ve made the appointment to see that busy purchasing agent in a major corporation. You’re in his/her office. After introducing yourself, what’s the next step?

Eric Parks in Oklahoma City prepares ahead of time for each appointment by looking at and printing - his prospect’s web site. The web site gives him background information about the company along with the prospect’s achievements and goals.

After talking about what he has learned from the web site, and asking a relevant question, Eric places a typewritten agenda in front of his prospect, listing points he intends to cover during the meeting.

What does this accomplish?

The prospect quickly realizes:

1. Eric has thoroughly PREPARED for the meeting.

2. He is NOT going to waste the prospect’s time.


To call attention to products that customers may not know they can buy from her, Jennifer Landis in Tulsa, Oklahoma asks a very specific question during follow-up calls to color copier customers:

"Are there any special projects you intend to start soon that may require special paper, report covers or transparencies?"

This question FOCUSES the customer’s attention on specific products they may need to order. After asking this question, Jennifer lets her customers know they can order these products from her company, and asks for an order.

About the Author

Reprint with permission
(Copyright, 2000, Ann Barrs Selling Supplies.com) Reprint permission granted in part or whole when the following credit appears "Reprinted with permission from Ann Barrs Selling Supplies.com Weekly E-Mail Sales Tips. To subscribe free, E-mail to: annbarr@sellingsupplies.com with "subscribe" in the subject line."

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