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Category: Search Engines Date: 2001-08-28
How many of you have fallen for one of these ads?

"We'll submit your site to 150,000 search engines for only $49.95 and send your hit counter will spin through the roof"

It sure would be great if that promise could really come true--but, alas--there are just too many things they are not telling us.

I recently tested one of these "submission services." Here's what I discovered:


That's right. MOST of the 150,000 "search engines" were really just FFA and LINK EXCHANGE pages--not search engines. Can't say I was really surprised--but a test is done to either PROVE or DISPROVE a theory. In this case it was confirmation.

Now what's wrong with FFA and LINK EXCHANGES pages?

Can't they help with traffic?

The answer is YES (to some minor degree) for those TRUE search engines that consider link popularity in ranking your site. However it is unlikely that the links will remain on most pages when the actual submission takes place.

Furthermore, the cost ( IMHO ) is not worth the benefit. Here's why! The most typical RESPONSE to your FFA or LINK EXCHANGE submission is a MASSIVE number of emails replies from the page owners trying to sell you their products.

Do you read them?
Didn't think so!
Me neither!

So--this becomes a huge waste of time for everyone involved.

Here's the another thing they forgot to tell you:


If your site does not conform to the search engines requirements, your submission will be kicked out. What's worse, your site might be black-balled from future submissions.

That's right! Many of the search engines are VERY PICKY about what sites they will list on their engine. If you have bad HTML, broken links, and other problems--then you won't be listed. If you keep submitting the site without fixing its problems, then you'll be considered guilty of SPAMMING the engine, and your site can be banned from submission.

What I am basically saying is that submitting a site to an engine can cause more harm than good if you haven't built the site properly to begin with.

So how do you get your site built properly to begin with?

You've got two routes.

The first is to pay somebody else to do it. Now for that to be done right, you'll have to spend a fairly substantial amount of money.

Don't want to pay the BIG BUCKS? There is a second option. You can always learn how to do it yourself. The folks at Advance-Network, Inc., who specialize in helping major corporations get MASSIVE amounts of traffic to their site (and they charge more than '$2,000.00' for their consultations), are opening up a NEW MARKET for "home-based entrepreneurs." They have just created a step-by-step CD-Rom by Jim Edwards which walks you through every step of getting top ten placement in the major search engines and the major directories (even Yahoo). Check it out at http://www.roibot.com/w.cgi?R250_cd_traffic.

Here's the final thing they aren't telling us:


That's right--a waste of time.

Oh, I know the facts. Almost 85% of traffic at most sites comes directly from search engines. But here's the "secret" the search engine submission services won't tell you. Most of that traffic comes from about 15-20 search engines and site indexes.

Fact is--most search engines don't get any traffic themselves, unless you count the "auto-submission" hit from your site being listed. There is only about 20 or so search engines that REALLY PRODUCE traffic. Get listed on their pages--and your site will be a real winner.

The rest are a waste of time!

So, should you pay $49.95 to get listed in those 15-20?

Nope! Those folks are usually operating on old technology that automates submission in such a fashion that the submission is "automatically" kicked out of consideration.

There is a better service--and you don't even have to pay (unless you want to). If you have a web site, you absolutely have to check out this amazing, wonderful, incredible resource. It is selfpromotion.com and you can use it for free to register your site with all the important search engines and indexes. THEN (after using the service) you can decide if and how much you want to pay to support the service. Here's a link to check it out:

Dr. Bill Nieporte © All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Dr. Bill Nieporte is editor of "The Success In Life Newsletter." You may subscribe by visiting allaboutsuccess.com

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