Annie Jennings PR Crash Course Publicity-How to Leave a Powerful Voicemail
Category: Telesales | Date: 2003-04-01 |
1. Try to speak directly to your target media contract. Ask the receptionist when your contact will be available then set your clock and call. Be ready with your 30 second pitch. If you must leave a voice mail, keep in mind that the voice mail is actually an audition for the interview.
2. Your voice mail should be polished and professional so practice leaving yourself your message. If you are monotone or boring, you are in trouble. Practice your pitch until you sound natural with high energy. If your voice mail is filled with enthusiasm and great benefits for the audience, they will like it and you!
3. Leave your phone number twice, once at the beginning and then again at the end of the call. Speak fast while pitching but slowly while leaving your contact info.
4. Speak loudly as you pitch. Practice on small media outlets to work out the glitches and gain experience. Never wing your pitch and absolutely no “ummm’s”.
5. Never leave more than one voice mail per day and never leave the same message twice. Each voice mail is another opportunity to pitch great points about the benefits to their audience and why you are perfect for them. Follow-up should be weekly for radio and bi-weekly for TV and Print. If after three times you have received no response, you have to assume that there is no interest and back to the drawing board you go!
6. Always follow your voice mail with a fax and email. Having your material directly in front of them makes it easy for them to respond.
7. On follow up, never say “did you get my fax (or email)? Always say “I am following up on my email (or fax) about . . . and go into a few exciting points about the benefits of your topic to their audience and you get another pitch in.
8. Hopefully, you will be successful in your efforts but if not remember to gracefully bow out! Good Luck!
About the author.
By Annie Jennings of Annie Jennings PR 908.281.6201 fax 908.281.5221
National TV, Radio & Print, Famous **Pay For Placement** Program
Order your FREE “How To Leave An Effective Voice Mail” Cassette Tape For More Tips!
Email Annie with “FREE Voice Mail” in Subject Line Along With Your Address. Visit For More Publicity Resources & Info.
2. Your voice mail should be polished and professional so practice leaving yourself your message. If you are monotone or boring, you are in trouble. Practice your pitch until you sound natural with high energy. If your voice mail is filled with enthusiasm and great benefits for the audience, they will like it and you!
3. Leave your phone number twice, once at the beginning and then again at the end of the call. Speak fast while pitching but slowly while leaving your contact info.
4. Speak loudly as you pitch. Practice on small media outlets to work out the glitches and gain experience. Never wing your pitch and absolutely no “ummm’s”.
5. Never leave more than one voice mail per day and never leave the same message twice. Each voice mail is another opportunity to pitch great points about the benefits to their audience and why you are perfect for them. Follow-up should be weekly for radio and bi-weekly for TV and Print. If after three times you have received no response, you have to assume that there is no interest and back to the drawing board you go!
6. Always follow your voice mail with a fax and email. Having your material directly in front of them makes it easy for them to respond.
7. On follow up, never say “did you get my fax (or email)? Always say “I am following up on my email (or fax) about . . . and go into a few exciting points about the benefits of your topic to their audience and you get another pitch in.
8. Hopefully, you will be successful in your efforts but if not remember to gracefully bow out! Good Luck!
About the author.
By Annie Jennings of Annie Jennings PR 908.281.6201 fax 908.281.5221
National TV, Radio & Print, Famous **Pay For Placement** Program
Order your FREE “How To Leave An Effective Voice Mail” Cassette Tape For More Tips!
Email Annie with “FREE Voice Mail” in Subject Line Along With Your Address. Visit For More Publicity Resources & Info.
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