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Hot Tips No 9

Category: Telesales Date: 2001-03-12

Fired Indiana University basketball coach, Bobby Knight, appeared on ESPN last week to give his side of the story of the incident that led to his unemployment. He said that he didnt know exactly what "zero tolerance" meant.

Ive played basketball, coached for years, am the parent of a player, and have season tickets to my alma maters games (Creighton University). I have more than a casual interest in the game. Therefore, the basketball side of me searched for a way to support Knight during this incident. The rational side finally said, "Cmon Coach, zero tolerance is NOT a fuzzy phrase."

As Ive said so many times, a fuzzy phrase is something that just doesnt make sense...something unclear that could have a variety of meanings for the person interpreting it.

From Bobby Knights perspective, he claims a fuzzy phrase cost him his job. And they can cost us sales if were not careful.

Be like Mr. Spock from Star Trek when you hear Fuzzies. Upon hearing phrases that didnt make sense to his Vulcan mind Spock would say, "Thats not logical." You wont say that, of course, but it should trigger the same reaction, resulting in a clarifying question.

For example, take the sentence, "Theres a possibility we might be able to use you at some point. Ill keep your information on file."

Would you get excited by that and project it as someone you have a good chance with? Or, would you flush it into electronic wasteland as a worthless blow-off?

In either case, you might be wrong, since its not clear what they said. Your best bet is to get clarification.

For example, "When you say possibility what are we talking about?"

"In what ways do you feel you could use us?"

Listen carefully on your calls for things that mentally cause you to say, "Huh?" Dont let a phrase go unless you are absolutely clear as to the intent. Question for clarification. Youll move the good prospects and customers along more quickly, and flush out the ones who have no intention of doing anything with you, saving you time.

Part of my business model is getting as many subscribers as possible to this free email newsletter. A desired way to accomplish that is to have links along with recommendations from other sites.

Bottom line, if you enjoy and benefit from these Tips and influence or control a business site, Ill send you a free copy of "Telephone Tips that SELL!-501 How-To Ideas and Affirmations to Help You Get More Business By Phone," simply for linking to my site and providing a recommendation. The site doesnt need to be yours ... could be an association, another business site ... anything that would be a good fit for these Tips.

Ill do the same if you publish an ezine with over 1000 readers and provide a personal endorsement (See the book youll get at http://store.businessbyphone.com/ps.dll?b=97787)

Details: Link to my site using at minimum the copy below. Add on your personal recommendation.

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Email the URL of the page where the link appears, or a copy of the ezine in which the endorsement appears. Provide your shipping address and Ill send a signed book as my thanks. That easy!

Further, you might want to consider becoming an Affiliate. This way, when someone clicks through your link and buys something from us, you earn commissions. More info on that program at http://www.businessbyphone.com/affiliate.htm

If youd like to discuss providing sales tips and other content on your site more regularly, Im open to that as well. Call me at 800-326-7721, or arts@businessbyphone.com

"What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing."
Pablo Picasso

Go and have your best week ever!

Reprinted with permission from Art Sobczak’s "TelE-Sales Hot Tips of the Week

About the Author
Art Sobczak

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