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Top Ten Ways To Begin

Category: Top 10 Tips Date: 2002-10-22
You’ve heard that funny-sounding word: pro-cras-ti-nation. It does not have a pleasant ring to it. Every time I even think of it, I start to feel guilty. Not a very motivating word, is it?

How exactly do you get motivated for those tasks you say “ugh!”to and we all have some. Like doing your taxes. Like tackling an overwhelming project or calling someone you’re not too fond of. You get the idea: it’s those things that you put off beginning…

I have good news for you. There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with you. The problem is the task itself! Let me explain…

We tend to postpone beginning those tasks that have any of these characteristics:

1. The task is very big, so big that it overwhelms you.

2. The task is boring. Just plain boring, like cleaning your bathroom.

3. The task is complex. So complex it’s difficult to figure out where to start.

4. The task is something you know very little about.

5. The task is something you assume you just have to do.

Believe me, there’s nothing wrong with you. Who would want to do a task that fit any of these characteristics?

So, exactly how do you begin?

There are some things you can do to get those unruly tasks back in perspective. And most importantly, free up your energy.

Try these Top Ten Ways To Begin:

1. Chunk down a big task into bite-size bits. Would you try to take a 20 hour drive in 1 day? You’d plan that trip so that you could manage it over a number of days.

It’s the same idea with big tasks in your practice or business that overwhelm you: chunk down that big task into bite-size bits. To get past the overwhelming feeling that that task gives you, schedule those bite-size chunks for only 15 minutes a day. Put those 15 minutes on your calendar each day until you’re moving forward with each step.

2.Fool your mind. Set your alarm or a timer to go off when your 15 or 30 minutes time is up.Stop at your designated time. You want progress here, that’s all.

Now, if you really get carried away and want to keep going beyond your set time…hey, who am I to stop you? :-)

3.Reward yourself for making a boring task a priority. You’re likely to do a boring task if you know you’ll get something fun when it’s completed.

Your rewards will be unique to you but some ideas are: lunch out on an weekday afternoon, a stroll through the park, a new gizmo you’ve been aching to get...

4.Make that boring task fun. Turn up the music on your headphones and sing your heart out while doing that boring task.

5.If your task is both boring and big, then chunk it down and involve others. Create a way to have fun together, make it fun for your office staff, family or friends.

6.If the task is so complex that it’s difficult to figure out where to start, consult someone else for advice. Asking others for input on how they would approach it, will help you get past the discomfort you’re feeling.

7.Delegate, delegate, delegate. You can’t delegate, you say? Oh, I bet you can!

If you have family at home, you can delegate. If you live alone, you can delegate. I know someone who just hates buying office presents. She hired a service for a modest fee to do that for her. We do exactly the same thing when we hire someone to clean our homes.

8.Can you get away with not doing this task at all? What would be the consequences if it didn’t get done? Could you live with that? Only you can decide.

9.If the task is something you know nothing about, then ask someone for help.

That ‘help’ might be in the form of resources so you can learn, consulting an expert, hiring someone else to do it, having that person to listen to you and getting emotional support or encouragement.

10. Now here’s #10 in my Top Ten, just in case I haven’t melted away your excuses so far: Just do it! Getting it out of your mind, off your ‘to do’ list can be a tremendous energizer.

Joann Javons, copyright 2002

About the author.

This article may be reprinted provided the copyright and author's credits Joann Javons, private-practice-marketing.com are left intact.

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