1. Racemi and BMC take on disaster recovery and datacenter consolidation

    Date: 02/20/09     Keywords: software

    Racemi and BMC Software are presenting a different take on how to go about the task of making virtual servers more highly available and more manageable. They're combining a physical/virtual management product BladeLogic Operations Manager with a powerful disaster recovery/backup/system portability product DynaCenter to create a reliable, agile computing environment....

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/virtualization/?p=719

  2. Grid Computing meets ET

    Date: 10/20/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Could you run your nightly batch cycle on your employees' PCs? Maybe save a bundle on hardware? Probably not. The technique is best for compute-intensive tasks--tasks that require lots of calculation and little data. by Ed Gottsman

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=10471

  3. Echelon wins smart meter project in Germany; plus insight on smart grid in Europe

    Date: 09/05/08     Keywords: technology

    A reseller for smart grid technology player Echelon announced a deal this week to deploy an advanced metering infrastructure system that will serve roughly 10,000 customers in Hassfurt, Germany. The contract, which will be rolled out over the next three years, is being handled by EVB Energie AG. The utility...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/green/?p=1325

  4. Appistry Open Distribution Not Open Source

    Date: 03/28/08     Keywords: software

    Appistry's Sam Charrington (Vice President of Product Management & Marketing) and I enjoyed a long chat about the companies newest marketing move, giving software away to develop a broad developer community. Since I have seen this done before, I wanted to know more about what the company was doing besides...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/virtualization/?p=375

  5. ActiveX woes bit CA BrightStor

    Date: 03/18/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Another day another ActiveX problem. This time an ActiveX vulnerability in CA BrightStor ARCServe Backup could be exploited to compromise a user's system. A Secunia alert rates the vulnerability "highly critical." Here are the details: Krystian Kloskowski has reported a vulnerability in CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup,...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=960

  6. BMC buys BladeLogic, eyes data center automation

    Date: 03/17/08     Keywords: no keywords

    BMC said Monday that it will buy BladeLogic, which specializes in automating data centers, for $800 million, or $28 a share. The news comes on the heels of a bevy of data center announcements from HP, which is hoping enterprises go for its data center as a...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=8241

  7. Digipede Network Version 2 Launched

    Date: 02/19/08     Keywords: microsoft

    Once again, I had the opportunity to speak with the good folks of Digipede. As usual, I was impressed with their pragmatic approach and the fact that they're trying very hard to make grid computing/high performance computing concepts available to everyone by utlizing Microsoft's .NET architecture as a platform. This...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/virtualization/?p=345

  8. Microsoft-Yahoo: Putting the moving parts together

    Date: 02/01/08     Keywords: yahoo, microsoft

    Microsoft's $44.6 billion bid for Yahoo looks pretty compelling on paper. The deal even makes for a nice PowerPoint slide on synergies, but putting these two behemoths together could be difficult. Why? There's a lot of overlap. First let's get the slides out of the way. On Microsoft's...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=7855

  9. Platform Computing VM Orchestrator

    Date: 01/28/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Although I've tracked Platform Computing for well over a decade, I don't get the chance to speak with them all that much. A short while ago, I had the opportunity to chat with Peter Dye, Product Manager of VM Orcestrator (VMO). Although our discussion ranged from Platform's history, where it...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/virtualization/?p=329

  10. BMC acquires Emprisa Networks

    Date: 10/08/07     Keywords: software

    BMC announced today the acquisition of Emprisa Networks, which provides automated network configuration, compliance and change management software. BMC had been partnering with Emprisa, and the Emprisa E-NetAware is part of BMC's new Service Automation solution, which deals with coordinating and running provisioning and updates; server and network configuration;...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=6544

  11. Friday rants: Data silos; Facebook hype; Dow Jones angst

    Date: 08/03/07     Keywords: database, yahoo

    A few points to ponder ahead of the weekend...Why is my information always in the other database?When folks call customer service, some see incompetence. Others see red. I see data silos.This week I've called Verizon and Comcast about billing errors and been transferred repeatedly and also realized Yahoo thinks I...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=5852

  12. Tech Shakedown #4: Should Vista be able to force an unwanted reboot when it wants to?

    Date: 08/02/07     Keywords: microsoft

    Like many departments within many companies, today was a day when our department go together and did some online slide slidesharing. We use Microsoft's NetMeeting but I don't use Internet Explorer and my one attempt at at getting the slides on my screen (there's a way to view...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Berlind/?p=698

  13. Firewall redux: Could a public, open software behavior registry squelch useless dialogs?

    Date: 08/02/07     Keywords: no keywords

    In response to yesterday's Tech Shakedown of McAfee's personal firewall product for issuing a useless dialog -- one that asks me to allow or block some behavior but that doesn't give me any idea, clues, or hints as to which of those two options to pick -- one ZDNet reader...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Berlind/?p=697

  14. Getting paid is key to medical success

    Date: 08/02/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Perhaps no area of medicine will change as much in the next five years as payment processing, according to a new McKinsey report. (Illustration from the cover of the report.)Right now a key difference between a practice's success or failure is having an assistant who can work the system and get...

    Source: http://healthcare.zdnet.com/?p=143

  15. Complexity and the greening of the datacenter

    Date: 08/02/07     Keywords: no keywords

    The majority of datacenters were built 15 years ago when power requirements and densities were much lower. Power consumption has risen from 2 kilowatts to 40 kilowatts over the past decade. Consumption per square foot tripled from from 40 watts to 100 watts from 2004 to 2005, and it is...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=5833

  16. Tech Shakedown #3: McAfee's 'Block/Allow this change' dialog is a useless warning

    Date: 08/01/07     Keywords: security

    As far as security solutions go, personal firewalls are probably the most problematic category for vendors to get right, let alone users to get working. Not only are there differing philosophies about what belongs in a personal firewall and what doesn't (eg: whereas many personal firewalls can and will...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Berlind/?p=693

  17. Proof that there are two types of computer users: Dumb and Dumber

    Date: 08/01/07     Keywords: technology

    First, the good news.  Our Technology Shakedown videos seem to be striking a nerve so expect more of them. The idea? We shouldn't have to accept mediocrity in our technology products. Period.Now, the bad news. Judging by the responses to these shakedowns (yesterday's in particular), there's a contingent of end-users...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Berlind/?p=696

  18. HP's expanding software portfolio

    Date: 08/01/07     Keywords: software

    Since Mark Hurd took over the reigns of HP on March 29, 2005, the company has been leaning into software, mostly through acquisition. With the last 24 months, HP's software group has made six acquisitions, totally nearly $7 billion. It's not acquisition at Oracle scale, but it's a big shift...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=5735

  19. 365 Main details SF outage problems

    Date: 08/01/07     Keywords: no keywords

    365 Main on Wednesday detailed what went wrong during the San Francisco power outage last week and detailed what it's doing to make sure its facilities stay running in the future.The power outage on July 24 knocked various sites--including CNET, Craiglist and others--offline and raised questions about business continuity planning.Here's...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=5823

  20. Open source systems management challenging incumbents

    Date: 07/31/07     Keywords: no keywords

    The 451 Group has issued a research report maintaining that BMC, HP, IBM and CA are "ripe for a shake-up from open source systems management players. " Open source vendors covered in the 60-page report titled "Managing in the Open: The Next Wave of Systems Management" and written by...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=5815

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