1. This is what is wrong with AssemblyInfo.cs

    Date: 11/02/04 (C Sharp)    Keywords: templates, security, microsoft, google

    // Assembly someassembly, Version 1.0.1692.12511
    [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.1692.12511")]
    [assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
    [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
    [assembly: AssemblyTitle("")]
    Almost every assembly that isn't coming from Microsoft looks like the above. While assembles from Microsoft look like:
    // Assembly System.ServiceProcess, Version 1.0.5000.0
    [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.5000.0")]
    [assembly: AssemblyDescription("System.ServiceProcess.dll")]
    [assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]
    [assembly: AssemblyDefaultAlias("System.ServiceProcess.dll")]
    [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(@"E:\DNA\public\tools\common\security\FinalPublicKey.snk")]
    [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(true)]
    [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Microsoft .NET Framework build environement is Retail.
     SafeSync counter=0")]
    [assembly: AssemblyTitle("System.ServiceProcess.dll")]
    [assembly: ComVisible(false)]
    [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US")]
    [assembly: SatelliteContractVersion("1.0.5000.0")]
    [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.1.4322.2032")]
    [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or
     trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.")]
    [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights
    [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Microsoft (R) .NET Framework")]
    [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft Corporation")]
    [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification=true)]
    This is just my pet peeve of the moment inre Microsoft tools and project defaults. Why must it be so hard to build your own project templates? It just makes no sense to me. Heck in the beat of 2005 they move the AssemblyInfo.cs file even further from developer eyes.

    1. A general Google search which will return lots of empty AssemblyInfo.cs files
    2. And very little guidance from Microsoft in a site limited Google search.
    3. An example of a good AssemblyInfo.cs file from a blog.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/20491.html

  2. newbie advice

    Date: 03/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, css, web

    guys, I'm a real beginner. I'd like to get my feet wet by creating a website for the salon I go to. I have a good rapport with the owner.

    I'm comfortable enough using DreamHost and Dreamweaver, but what I'd really like to do is skip tables altogether. I'd like to design using pure CSS -- but how does this work with Dreamweaver? do I just get some templates from somewhere (where? free? Macromedia?) and then paste the templates onto the Dreamweaver code view screen? or just skip Dreamweaver altogether? I actually took a class in this, but the teacher rushedthroughitsofast that most of it went over my head.

    I know about sites like http://www.csszengarden.com/ but I just don't know the nuts and bolts of turning that concept into my reality.

    thanks in advance for any thoughts!

    also, what in your opinion would be a reasonable fee to charge to set it up? or, the equivalent in barter? ;) (on top of DreamHost's yearly fee for the site.) let's assume it would be a basic 5- or 6-page deal with photos I would take and upload, and the copy written/edited by me (that's what I do for a living IRL).

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/833626.html

  3. Ideal e-mail & news clients

    Date: 03/31/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: templates, software, html, security, virus, spam

    I'm really dissatisified with the current state of e-mail and news software, so I've come here to ask for suggestions based on certain requirements.

    I only have one general requirements between the two of them (e-mail and nntp software). They should be free (as in beer) or preferably open source. If I must I will pay.

    *Fast, fast, fast - if it's slow on my 2Ghz P4 then something is wrong.
    *OE (Outlook Express) or The Bat! like interface. I don't want to do 2983492384239482 billion tweaks to make it right.
    *Should be able to effeciently and "stable-y" (to recover from corruption/crashes and in terms of not redownloading the same messages.) large mail boxes with tens of thousands of messages.
    *Effecient support for said mailbox via IMAP.
    *Multiple account support
    *Good support for contact lists
    *Should include built in HTML viewer, not rely on something like MSIE's HTML display control. It should also be smart enough to only display basic stuff, with the option to disable displaying of "external" (non-embedded) images.
    *Relatively easy to use plug-in support. Preferably something procmail like that executes external programs for each program or something even more effecient (like a dynamically loaded library that is persistent in memory). This will be used for external viruses and anti-spam crud. (Note: while built in anti-spam stuff is nice, I'd rather rely on the much better external anti-spam stuff and AFAIK there isn't any e-mail software that can mark messages as spam and auto-send them back to an external anti-spam program).
    *Built in procmail like stuff is good too.
    *Support for mail message templates (i.e. different ones for forwarding, replies, etc...)
    *Should include advanced searching and filtering options like in The Bat!, except less crappy.
    *Good S/MIME and OpenPGP support that is actually compliant with the standards and can decode messages in place (not just launch an external program to view them).
    *Ability to sort messages by various factors.
    *Good mail message import/export ability for backup. Compression is nice, but I can always do that manually.
    *High configurability in general is good.

    *Fast, fast, fast - if it's slow on my 2Ghz P4 then something is wrong.
    *Should be able to handle large newsgroups, on the order of tens of thousands of messages well.
    *A fast OE like interface with a preview pane that can show images.
    *Same thing as above about HTML viewing.
    *Good binary/encoding support is ok, but I'm not using it for porn so it's not a big deal.
    *Ability to sort messages by many different factors

    It should be obvious, but security is important in the implementation.

    P.S. Spare me what you think the obvious answer is. I won't bash specific clients, but lets just say some are just plain stupid in design and remain popular despite crap for features or crap for a user interface/configuration methodology.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/648358.html

  4. Layout with WordPress

    Date: 05/06/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, templates


    I'm new to PHP and WordPress. Last night I got WordPress for my blog, and I've been trying to code myself a layout, and not have to use WordPress's templates! I understand it is possible, but I tried everything, and nothing worked. So I was wondering if anyone here is willing to help or kind of point me to the right direction.

    You can find it here: http://www.toujours-pur.net/blog

    Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, feel free to delete my post!


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/296011.html

  5. Crikey is LAMP ever fast...

    Date: 05/19/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: cms, php, templates, mysql, sql, linux, apache

    I don't know why I never thought to do it before, but I put some benchmarking code into my CMS project today (PluggedOut CMS) - and was somewhat astounded at how quickly it's throwing pages back at me.

    For an "un-cached" page, it's throwing things back in around 0.004 seconds, which I thought was damn fast... but get this - if I cache the page (so it doesn't have to bother building it from templates etc...) - it took just under 0.0004 seconds on average.

    I don't know of a better advert for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP quite frankly.

    For those interested, the testing is on a Athlon 64 3200 (2.8Ghz), with 1Gb RAM, and a 160Gb HDD. It has Mandrake X64 on it.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/299782.html

  6. Frustrating...

    Date: 06/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, browser, css, html, java, web

    [First of all yes when I set up internet explorer to be one of the browsers to view my webpage I called it Microblows in dreamweaver so I do click preview in microblows.]
    I don't quite know what to change, I can edit code as needed but don't get my problem. Unfortuneately the webpage is not online cause I can't get rid of the old version before putting the new fully functional one up so I'll put the code in a cut. The problem is though that when I preview in microblows I get to see it as I should, the corner images line up properly and I see the proper coloring [bg one course and table background one are two different colors.... well three if you cound the few cells in the table that's white]. When I preview in firefox [1.0.4 if there's a newer vers feel free to let me know] however there's a problem... the whistspace is still there in the middle of the table however the color that should be in the rest of the table surrounding the white is nonexistant for coloring... it's just the same color as the background of the page. This is driving me bonkers cause it's more important for it to work with the browser I use [at least to me].
    Oh and yes I use dreamweaver.

    All bracets have been replaced with squared ones.

    [!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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    //HV Menu v5.411- by Ger Versluis (http://www.burmees.nl/)
    //Submitted to Dynamic Drive (http://www.dynamicdrive.com)
    //Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com for this script and more
    function Go(){return}
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    [p]This Page is Under Construction...[/p]
    [p]Tune in later for actual content... amazingly enough given time it will come...........[/p]
    [p align="right"]...................just give it a little bit of time, it will come. [/p]
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    Ahava Moo is copyright from 2001 onwards, the style of the page may have changed but all previous style and content as well as current: graphics content design and style as well as anything else under this domain unless otherwise noted. [/p]
    [p class="style2"]
    Last Updated :
    [!-- #BeginDate format:fAm1a --]Friday June 17, 2005 11:27 AM[!-- #EndDate --]


    [!-- InstanceEnd --][/html]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/907293.html

  7. php templates

    Date: 07/11/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, templates, web

    I've dabbled in building a small site or two with PHP, but my friend has asked me to help with a large scope project. It'll be a site that helps companies stay in touch with clients, posting progress reports on the web. (There are a few sites that already provide this service, but we're looking to start this ourselves, if only for the learning experience.)

    Conceptually, I have no problem with most of the project, but it just seems like too much coding to get done in a reasonable time-frame. Surely there are some template code-blocks out there for things like: creating user-accounts with passwords & password hints; file upload scripts that check whether filetypes and sizes are valid; juggling filetypes between pdf's and images; etc.

    Do sites with templates for this exist, or is this just wishful thinking on my part?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/317321.html

  8. positioning issue

    Date: 07/27/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: templates, web

    I have spent sufficienttime fixing the problem someone else did to my lovely templates, except for this one odd positioning problem. IE does what I want it to look like (horror of all horror) but Mozilla (win 1.7.8) does not. Its rather odd.
    Page in question:
    Color backgrounds there for debugging

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/226152.html

  9. positioning issue

    Date: 07/27/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, web

    I have spent sufficienttime fixing the problem someone else did to my lovely templates, except for this one odd positioning problem. IE does what I want it to look like (horror of all horror) but Mozilla (win 1.7.8) does not. Its rather odd.
    Page in question:
    Color backgrounds there for debugging

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/939311.html

  10. Ack - cant wrap my head around this logic

    Date: 08/05/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: templates

    I have 2 arrays. One is calendar days, one are events in that date range. I want to merge the two arrays into one array but only where the event date matches the calendar days. Any suggestions?

    Here's the data:

    [0] => 050731
    [1] => 050801
    [2] => 050802
    [3] => 050803
    [4] => 050804
    [5] => 050805
    [6] => 050806
    [7] => 050807
    [8] => 050808
    [9] => 050809
    [10] => 050810
    [11] => 050811
    [12] => 050812
    [13] => 050813

    [0] => Array
    [0] => 205
    [1] => 050801
    [2] => met
    [3] => big
    [4] => 00
    [5] => 7 signs email and landing

    [1] => Array
    [0] => 210
    [1] => 050802
    [2] => tfc
    [3] => pkr
    [4] => 00
    [5] => Clackamas edits .25 hr

    [2] => Array
    [0] => 188
    [1] => 050803
    [2] => met
    [3] => csc
    [4] => 66
    [5] => 3 Templates 17 hours low 10.5 as of 7/30

    [3] => Array
    [0] => 201
    [1] => 050803
    [2] => met
    [3] => csc
    [4] => 00
    [5] => Risk Email

    [4] => Array
    [0] => 206
    [1] => 050804
    [2] => met
    [3] => csc
    [4] => 00
    [5] => PCI Banners

    [5] => Array
    [0] => 213
    [1] => 050806
    [2] => met
    [3] => big
    [4] => 04c
    [5] => Partner copy Satisnet


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/331459.html

  11. MS Access and Visual Basic

    Date: 08/17/05 (Code WTF)    Keywords: templates, mysql, sql, microsoft

    Hi. I'm trying to "beef up" one of the Access general templates for use, and I'm running into a problem.

    I'm using the "Contacts Management" template, and have added a field "ReferredBy" to the Contacts table. I was wanting to add this as a search item on the "Report Date Range" form, so that I can have a report organized not only by date but grouped by ReferredBy.

    I hope this makes sense, I am experienced with Access but not very experienced with Visual Basic. I've done a ton with MySQL, and thought this would be related. I guess I'm wrong... ;-)

    I've been able to add the ReferredBy to the Report Date Range form. However, I get an error:

    Run-time error '2465': Microsoft Access cannot find the field "|" referred to in your expression.

    The VBA for the Report Date Range looks like this:

    Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    Me.Caption = Me.OpenArgs
    Me![Referred By] = [ReferredBy]
    Me![Beginning Call Date] = Date - Weekday(Date, 2) + 1
    Me![Ending Call Date] = Me![Beginning Call Date] + 6
    End Sub

    Everything works fine when I don't have the "Referredby" line in there, but it does nothing with that item... The way the code is now, it seems circular, but my brain can't figure out how to fix it.

    Please help. I am so frustrated and just looking for a little help, even just where I need to go to get help.

    Thank you!

    x-post in '[info]'sharonme

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/code_wtf/13145.html

  12. I need advice...or somehing

    Date: 09/07/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: programming, templates, web

    Help. Tell me what to do.

    Sorry in advance for the length...but I have to tell it all:

    There is an affilliate of the University of Florida (the major college in my town) called University Press. I got a tip from a business associate to bid on revamping their website. I spoke with him on the phone and got the details...we had a long conversation and I provided him with a quote for design and build out...I excluded programming from the quote because HE is the one in the office who handles that. He was only looking for design and build out. He called me in to talk and we had a long "interview" about the project. He mentioned that I was better prepared then many others he had talked to...so on and so on. He then asked how comfortable I was with plugging everything and programming after I was finished with the design. I am not a programmer at all. I myself could not do that part, but I have resources that could. He put it in such a way that I thought he was just wondering, but that it was no big deal. He then told me that he had a small networking thing going on the side and was often asked about web design. He wanted to know if I was interested in that type of side work. I told him that he could contact me for that of he wanted and I would see what I could do. He sent me a small site re-do to quote out which I did quote. He contacted me and told me that my rates ( $30/hr) were a little high and wanted to know what my "freelance designer" rates were rather then my business rates. ??? They are one in the same in most all cases unless I'm working with someone. I worked with him a little on the price and then he hit me with this...

    "I really want to get my business off the ground so you do understand that your name won't be anywhere on the site at all right?" I expressed discomfort with that, but was willing to just put one line at the bottom of the site about design only - I didn't want to discard all credit though. Then he tells me that since I'm not offering programming for UF Press and other bidders were he'd cut me a deal. He said he would put his little company name on the bottom of the site since he was doing the programming (which is his JOB) and mine would not be there at all. UF Press is where he WORKS...his full time job. This site has nothing to do with him personally. He then told me that they were going to hire him to do it, but that he said he didnt want to do the design portion. I found out that he doesn't know how to design or how to use the programs used for design, so he can't do it. I told him that I would gladly quote the programming end if needed, but that I was NOT comfortable with his way of doing things and that I would not relinquish credit for my part. Now I have found myself in a position where he is almost putting himself against me as competition. ????

    I just went to his website which a purchased flash template with 3 other purchased templates in the "portfolio" section. He has no clients at all.

    Do I go above his head and let them know what he's doing? I am sure they have no clue. It really pissed me off. What do I do? Did I do the right thing? :(

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/972508.html

  13. templates compiler

    Date: 09/23/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: templates

    I'm in need for advice.
    I'm going to start to code using templates.
    Which compiler do you like and recommend?
    I'm reading documentation to Smarty right now, just for a start, as I don't know anything else =)
    Thanks everyone in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/345727.html

  14. wrapping text around photos

    Date: 10/07/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, blogging, software, web

    does anyone know if it’s possible to wrap text around an image in any of the lj templates or any other "blogging" software?

    i know it can be done on a regular web page using special coding ... which i haven’t bothered to look for yet ...

    ideas? suggestions?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/991659.html

  15. Can reports handle other data types?

    Date: 11/22/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: templates

    I discovered a great feature of new VS 2005 - to allow use of Classes as
    datasources for reports. I created a simple class with a couple of public
    string fields that source my report and they show quite happily in report
    viewer. Great functionality.

    Now, I am trying to see if I can source an Array-like type to report and get
    it to show the data. For example say I have a Book class, that will conain
    name of the Author, number of pages, price and a HashTable (or another
    suitable) of characteristics: size, page colors and index.

    Something like:

    public HashTable OtherVals

        HashTable my = new HashTable();
        my.Add("PageColor", "green");
        return my;

    How can this be shown on report?

    Rewording of this quetsion below...

    the .rdls report templates, when a Class is used as its datasource - what
    sort of data types can it handle?

    In other words - strings work great, ints etc...

    How about ArrayList() or HashTable() or something that will allow me pass
    this into the report with 5 items and show them in a list.

    Thanks a lot!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/csharp/42468.html

  16. PHP and HTML templating...

    Date: 12/06/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, templates, html

    What sort of projects are out there for making templates w/ PHP? I'm trying to get out of the business of writing sloppy PHP/HTML pages and interested in templating.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/374894.html

  17. calling all Gallery or PHP experts

    Date: 12/11/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, web

    so, i've been working on building a photo gallery into my website. i was suggested by people in this community to use Gallery and so far it's working out pretty good. The only problem is there are some adjustments i want to make that i don't know how to. I've checked the forum and the FAQ etc which helped for some things but not for others.

    so what i'm asking for is if there is somebody who knows a lot about the program or customizing templates that i could work with on this project. i would appreciate a little help with some specific things.

    i can pay you back with webspace or an email address on the site or something like that. I also knit, sew, and cook (if you live in the boston area, haha).

    thanks again!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/1029248.html

  18. Forums

    Date: 12/28/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: cms, templates

    Ok, I have been working on my CMS for some time now. This is a bespoke one time only product (although I'm writing so it can have mods, new templates etc, so it can be used else where if I ever feel the need). I have now come to the point of my sites forum.

    Now as far as I see this, there are two ways of attacking the problem.

    1. I can take an "off the shelf package" (I have a version of IPB) and mod this to integrate with my CMS. This will require some very big mods and it will never truly fit in with the look of the rest of the site.

    2. I can write my own. Ok, so it would be very simple, but one you can start a thread on and comment on. It would have to be no where near as powerful as IPB, but I could build up its functionality over time.

    So good people, which do you think is the best method. Something that require integrate perfectly and covers the basics, or something that is not such a snug fit, but will do lots more?

    (I know I haven’t given details, I’m just asking with that information what would you go for and why)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/383623.html

  19. Photo Gallery

    Date: 01/09/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, templates, mysql, css, html, sql, java, spam

    I've been hunting all around for a decent photo gallery. There seem to be quite a few different projects, some of which are still active, available. None of them seem to accomplish what I'm looking for, though. I have tested quite a few, but all are lacking. To this end, I thought I'd ask here if anyone has anything similar to what I've been looking for.

    Major Features:
    Abstracts image URLs - hides the path and filename to prevent direct access
    Public/private flags - allows some images to stay hidden
    Tags - I'd like to be able to tag the images ala del.icio.us, LJ, Flickr
    Does not require gd - auto-thumbnails and watermarks can be disabled
    Traverses directories - new images can be dropped in a subfolder or the root image folder and will be picked up automatically
    Comments - allows for public (configurable) or private comments, either ties into phpbb or uses some sort of email validation/captcha scheme to reduce spam
    EXIF - extracts all image data form the photographs and can display it
    Uses simple cacheable CSS/XHTML templates
    Does not store images in DB
    Uses MySQL or abstraction layer that allows MySQL for comments, tags, etc
    Takes reasonable measures to be secure and speedy

    Minor Features:
    Users can upload images
    Temporary/expiring image URLs for sharing
    Hotlinking configuration - allow all, deny all, allow specific sites
    User-switchable templates
    Javascript navigation and image pop-ups optional
    Keeps stats on a pre image basis - top keywords, views, etc
    All images can be watermarked automatically
    Thumbnails may be re-generated automatically
    Can assign/rename/describe multiple photos at once

    I'm sure there are more details, but that should give a start. The scripts I've found so far are either too simple and don't have many features or too complex and require components and methods of use that I won't be using. There are a few others that store the images in the DB, which is something I'm definately against. I want to be able to FTP a directory of images and know that it will be online and ready to go as soon as the transfer is complete, or that it takes a simple click to do a rescan so they are available.

    If I have to, I'll start from scratch... I was just hoping that there would be something available that I have not yet found that could serve as a foundation to build from.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/392436.html

  20. Can reports handle other data types?

    Date: 11/22/05 (C Sharp)    Keywords: templates

    I discovered a great feature of new VS 2005 - to allow use of Classes as
    datasources for reports. I created a simple class with a couple of public
    string fields that source my report and they show quite happily in report
    viewer. Great functionality.

    Now, I am trying to see if I can source an Array-like type to report and get
    it to show the data. For example say I have a Book class, that will conain
    name of the Author, number of pages, price and a HashTable (or another
    suitable) of characteristics: size, page colors and index.

    Something like:

    public HashTable OtherVals

        HashTable my = new HashTable();
        my.Add("PageColor", "green");
        return my;

    How can this be shown on report?

    Rewording of this quetsion below...

    the .rdls report templates, when a Class is used as its datasource - what
    sort of data types can it handle?

    In other words - strings work great, ints etc...

    How about ArrayList() or HashTable() or something that will allow me pass
    this into the report with 5 items and show them in a list.

    Thanks a lot!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/csharp/42468.html

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