1. eCommerce question

    Date: 09/20/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: ecommerce, software, web

    This is my first time posting here so hi!

    Just a quick question... I've been asked to design a website and write a booking form for a local company that's just starting up. The thing is they want online payment which is something I'm a little nervous about setting up - I don't want to be sued by them if something goes wrong. I've had a brief look at eCommerce software already out there but the problem is they work on a catalogue basis which just won't work in this situation. So does anyone know of any eCommerce software that only deals with a payment system (i.e. via PayPal, etc) or one that has some form of catalogue that would be easy to bolt something else on to?

    Has anyone had experience of writing software dealing with payments and have any idea how to "cover your arse" when doing so? This is the first time I've done such work for money so I don't want it to go wrong!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/345044.html

  2. Thumbnails

    Date: 03/13/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: ecommerce, css, asp

    There's this ecommerce site I created a while ago and all the item thumbnails nicely flow on the page thanks to CSS. The number of items in each row is not fixed and flows to the width of the user's screen. In my opinion this makes very efficient use of screen real estate and therefore maximizes the number of items someone can see at one time.
    A different site than the one in question, but I used the same technique.
    Well lately on two other sites two people who are basically computer illiterate fail to appreciate the elegance of this solution.
    A-The number of items much be the same on each row.
    Sorry that is unreasonable and only possible if that category has an even number of items. The say that they understand and then when an item is added or removed from the store there an "emergency". This person calls the IT guy at 6 on Friday to say that there's a major problem with the ____ site that the last row only has one item! I have tried to help explain this and they just don't want to accept the fact that they just don't grasp how this sort of thing should work.
    B-If a category only has two items then they must have larger thumbnails or centered, they look too "lonely".
    I really just plain don't know how or why to solve this "problem" except that there shouldn't be a separate category for just two items. The company won this award and they have two special items to promote this and they insist on these items having their own special category. My point is that categories should be created with the intent of allowing the users to find items easily, not so much as a marketing tool. The one item is already a large image featured on the home page, so it is unlikely that the site's visitors will miss that item.
    I usually am pretty good at simplifying explanations for things like this, but I am just stumped on a definitive reasoning behind why I have done things the way I've done them—the correct way as I see it.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/305983.html

  3. specs for web server

    Date: 06/21/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: ecommerce, database, sql, web

    So need some opinions here. What would YOU recommend as spec. for a box to host a website (.Net,Windows 2k3,IIS 6) with, let's say, approx. 100,000 hits/mo., intranet, and database (SQLServer 2k5). Content is dynamic and served from the db, but no ecommerce or other db transactions?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/328591.html

  4. and on another note . . .

    Date: 07/07/06 (WebDesign)    Keywords: ecommerce, css, web, shopping

    another question for you all.

    i am about to begin a website refresh project. basically, they want: a flash video, more streamlined nav, a conversion of a hard copy book into a pdf, add a tickertape for news, clean up styling inconsistencies, and maybe add a shopping cart if they can afford it.

    my main question is this: i just looked at the source and realized it's all tables. is it even worth suggesting a total coding overhaul to CSS? it wouldn't add much to the user experience (aside from accessability) but it sure would make updating easier. the biggest problem is that i'd have to charge them at least 2 grand more than their budget to do this. should i bother?

    next question: does 8 grand sound like a reasonable estimate for the work (not including the shopping cart)? i way overestimated my hours to get that number, but i ALWAYS underestimate. plus, if they went through a firm and not a freelancer, they'd get charged at least 3 times that.

    next: how much do you charge to add a shopping cart? originally i was going to say 4 grand, but that puts it way out of their budget. so i brought it down to 2 grand. the thing is that i'm not exactly an ecommerce expert so i know it'll be a lot of work.

    any replies would be awesome, i have to send this proposal out today. thanks!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdesign/1136855.html

  5. allo new user

    Date: 08/25/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: cms, php, ecommerce, css

    i'm pretty new to PHP -- I'd always been the "designer" before this job, but now, I've been moving  into coding...

    and I really like it.... Well, I really think PHP is awesome!!!

    Anyway. I need a good CMS. I'm leaning towards Post-Nuke or Mambo

    I wanted to know what your opinions were on either of them

    The site is a small site,  but it will need an ecommerce solution (I like CubeCart for that) and a forum solution (probably SMF).

    The end user who will be updating is, is well, technically challenged.

    I'd also like the layouts to be pure CSS.

    as I said, I'd just like to hear some opinions...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php/487999.html

  6. eCommerce Still Growing - Auctions Not So Much!

    Date: 11/01/07 (Web Technology)    Keywords: ecommerce, ebay

    comScore just released their 3Q ecommerce numbers for the US and they paint a completely different picture about ecommerce than what I would have expected after looking at eBay's business over the last year. (Thanks to Sandy from the stores board for bringing this up)Online retail spending in the third...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=6851

  7. Revolutionary PayPal Zip Technology To Save The Music Industry

    Date: 01/11/09 (Software)    Keywords: ecommerce, web, shopping

    The Retail Zip Company has announced the release of the Retail Zip Format-as-a-Service (FaaS) for Windows and Mac OS X computer systems.

    Retail Zip is a turn-key ecommerce powered zip format that combines the familiar user interface of a zip program with built-in online storage from Amazon Web Services and a PayPal shopping cart. Unlike other zip formats that archive data on a hard drive inside a compressed container, Retail Zip archives uncompressed data onto secure online servers located in USA or Europe, reducing the zip file size to less than 1 kilobyte per package.

    E-Commerce is embedded for 18 currencies with PayPal, allowing sellers to charge buyers for the privilege to extract digital goods. Extending the power of the payment system is a patented enhancement that can divide the sum of a payment to multiple partners and affiliates at the point-of-sale of a transaction.

    To create a bridge between online content delivery and physical retail, the format utilizes the KodeKey Password System. KodeKeys are unique pin codes that can be generated and assigned to Retail Zip packages for digital distribution with Variable Data Print (VDP) media, such as paper inserts, flyers, and plastic gift cards.

    Until now, setting up digital products on web servers designed to handle millions of downloads was an expensive and confusing task for sellers looking for a PayPal alternative to iTunes. By integrating the cloud infrastructure of Amazon Web Services, Kordor has ensured that sellers can handle an unlimited amount of simultaneous sales with automatic scaling web servers and bandwidth.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/software/83695.html

  8. Ecommerce integration

    Date: 12/10/10 (Web Development)    Keywords: ecommerce, hosting

    I’ve been asked to identify an Ecommerce solution for my office.

    Despite what the sales people think (an exaggerating bunch) we’ll likely be low volume, but product prices can range from $5 to $20,000.
    Like something scalable.

    Thought we might use some of the Free/Cheap Solutions (ZenCart PayQuake) offered with our hosting site, but I’m having reservations.

    Quickbooks integration a plus.
    Any and All thoughts on topic would be helpful.  Thanks!

    (A little more information might be helpful-- We only require one storefront, we'll put it on a sub-domain, and we would like reseller and discount/coupon options)

    Source: http://webdev.livejournal.com/570938.html

  9. Ecommerce integration

    Date: 12/10/10 (Web Development)    Keywords: ecommerce, hosting

    I’ve been asked to identify an Ecommerce solution for my office.

    Despite what the sales people think (an exaggerating bunch) we’ll likely be low volume, but product prices can range from $5 to $20,000.
    Like something scalable.

    Thought we might use some of the Free/Cheap Solutions (ZenCart PayQuake) offered with our hosting site, but I’m having reservations.

    Quickbooks integration a plus.
    Any and All thoughts on topic would be helpful.  Thanks!

    (A little more information might be helpful-- We only require one storefront, we'll put it on a sub-domain, and we would like reseller and discount/coupon options)

    Source: https://webdev.livejournal.com/570938.html

  10. 10 Factors To Consider In Choosing A WordPress e-Commerce Plugin

    Date: 05/31/18 (Webmaster View)    Keywords: ecommerce

    Find the best WordPress eCommerce plugins for your site.

    Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/2018/05/wordpress-e-commerce-plugin/

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