1. An introduction

    Date: 02/14/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, css, html, sql, web

    I've been working with PHP for several years now in a web-based envoronment and have achieved a moderate level of proficiency - I'm still a little green when it comes to PHP and MySQL though.

    Additionally, I'm fluent in XHTML and CSS (though a little out of date with my CSS hacks).

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/259798.html

  2. Floating content

    Date: 02/07/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css

    I came across this site ( http://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/color ) that has content that floats on the right hand side of the page when viewed in netscape, but in IE it floats at the top right. (In netscape, the content will float on the same location regardless of where in the document a browser is.) I'm looking for a way to replicate this behavior in netscape and IE, I can't get the CSS right. Any ideas?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/170173.html

  3. Time for “Best Viewed in Firefox”?

    Date: 02/14/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: browser, css

    I have started seeing sites with "Best viewed in Firefox". It reminds me of the days of "Best viewed in Internet Explorer". In my quest for creating rounded borders, without using nasty tables and bunch of images, I realized that CSS3 supports it and so does Mozilla group of browsers (like Firefix). Here's a guide to Mozilla [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/time-for-best-viewed-in-firefox/

  4. Please test this...

    Date: 01/12/05 (See my site)    Keywords: software, css, web

    I am not a developer. I repeat: I am not a developer. My brain's so fried I can't even remember what I learned about CSS.

    Neither am I a designer. I just do a hell of a lot of stuff on the Web poking about. I'm a writer.

    Right now I'm testing Flooble Chatterbox on two different pages. I beg you, beg, beg, cry, crawl, plead with you to drop by either of the following pages (or both if you're just a really generous soul) and say hello in the chatterboxes on the pages.

    If you want to, leave a URL to the favorite webpage/site you've designed or your journal.

    Real Life vs. The Internet

    or "Wired!"

    I tried to use Shoutbox at first for this, but it wouldn't load consistently. That bugged me. If anyone knows of a better program, please tell me. Also, if anyone knows of good, easy to administrate forum software, I'd be happy to know that too.

    Thank you so much.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/75064.html

  5. Need some advice (and help)

    Date: 12/09/04 (See my site)    Keywords: css, html, asp

    Hello, ok, so I have yet to really change much of my site, but that's because I can't figure out how this guy made his site look like this and this.

    What code am I missing here? I can tell it relies on css (like billions of sites out there now a days) but what am I missing? I thought I had a good grasp of html, but trying to view the sorce... *rubs eyes* I stare at computers all day, it starts to blur after a while. *grin*

    Thanks muchly for your help!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/73169.html

  6. silly and basic question. [solved]

    Date: 02/28/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    i'm trying to achieve the simple effect of using CSS's border-bottom to fake an underline of a different color (and style).

    so, i have this on my stylesheet:

    a:link, a:visited, a:active {
       border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc;

    my only problem is that i don't want the links with images to have this bottom border. i've tried doing a img { } but this targets the image itself, setting its border to 0. but i want to target the anchor tag.

    The question is, is there any way of achieving this without using classes? ie:

    i've searched the web, but i haven't found any page dealing with this issue (which leads me to think that the only way is to use classes).

    thanks in advance

    solved, thanks to '[info]'device55

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/817678.html

  7. column text wrapping?

    Date: 03/04/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: php, programming, css, html

    i doubt you can do this.. but i was wondering if there was a way to use any sort of programming to text wrap between 2 columns.

    i have a page with 2 columns of text, side by side, and i don't want the white space at the bottom. however, since text is displayed differently on different platforms [mac and pc] i have to just leave it and increase the padding an paragraph set up specifically for the pc. i still have the white space and i can't stand it.

    so, i was wondering if anyone knew of any code to text wrap in html, css, js, php - anything - between columns.

    thanks :]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/820379.html

  8. Good intro book

    Date: 03/04/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, web

    Hey all:

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend me a good intro to XHTML and CSS. I want to get a book that will put me on the right path to 'intelligent' web design. That is, I want to design good sites, not only in appearance but in structure as well.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/177143.html

  9. Making Complex CSS Simple

    Date: 01/01/70 (Webmaster View)    Keywords: css

    Making Simple Work of Complex CSS Layouts: a step by step tutorial for building a flexible CSS based site in an hour.

    (Via 456 Berea Street)


    Source: http://www.webmasterview.com/design/making_complex_css_simple

  10. Can CSS do this?

    Date: 03/07/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    I have two

    's that I want to appear side by side. They must have the same top alignment, reguardless of height. And to make things more difficult, they must take up the entire width of the screen.

    This is easy enough to do with tables:


    But I've heard the claim that CSS can do anything that tables can, so how do I do this?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/822520.html

  11. CSS Issues

    Date: 03/11/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, web

    Thank you to everybody for the suggestions you posted with regard to ideas for the last-minute portfolio revamp. I've got all of my content set up and my pages planned out, now my only problem is the fact that I can't get my page layout to look the way I'd like.

    It should look like this:

    However, I can't seem to pull it off. Both Firefox and IE are giving me different results and I'm sure I'm missing something small. I'm just not sure what it is. The page itself is located at http://www.debbierussell.ca/v2/portfolio/ and the CSS code is embedded in the page for now. I'll be making it an external stylesheet as soon as I have it working properly.

    All help is appreciated. Thanks again!

    - cross posted to '[info]'webdesign and '[info]'webdev -

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/829183.html

  12. css column question

    Date: 03/11/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, html

    i have made an all-css design: header, 3 columns, & a footer. i want all to meet up but for some reason the left column stops just before the footer & looks all wonky. what am i doing wrong? the actual page is here: http://www.purpleglitter.com/all-css.html

    My Test 2





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    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/828773.html

  13. CSS Issues

    Date: 03/11/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, web

    Thank you to everybody for the suggestions you posted with regard to ideas for the last-minute portfolio revamp. I've got all of my content set up and my pages planned out, now my only problem is the fact that I can't get my page layout to look the way I'd like.

    It should look like this:

    However, I can't seem to pull it off. Both Firefox and IE are giving me different results and I'm sure I'm missing something small. I'm just not sure what it is. The page itself is located at http://www.debbierussell.ca/v2/portfolio/ and the CSS code is embedded in the page for now. I'll be making it an external stylesheet as soon as I have it working properly.

    All help is appreciated. Thanks again!

    - cross posted to '[info]'webdesign and '[info]'webdev -

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/180381.html

  14. Slidy text

    Date: 03/11/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css, java

    Hi all,

    I was hoping y'all might know how to do this: my clients keep asking me for links that when clicked on reveal text on the same page. Is there some hide/display CSS wizardry I can use for this or a nice cross-platform javascript, or will I have to make these sites in Flash?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/829472.html

  15. Relevancy and Context in Web Pages with CSS2 and PHP

    Date: 03/12/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, browser, css, html, sql, web

    Hi all. This will be my first post to the community, so before anything I'd just like to say how educational its been reading your posts all this time. Now then, here's my contribution.

    I've recently been playing with what I think is an interesting technique for adding relevancy and context to my pages. Basically, I embed a small, invisible message within the HTML of a page or within the link to that page which is only visible to people who follow special links. This enables me to embed certain so-called "relevancy messages" on the destination page of a link that helps keep visitors oriented when browsing through my site. (This is exceptionally beneficial when back-linking to old blog posts!)

    A much more detailed explanation of what I'm talking about is on my site. A brief explanation of what I first did is this:

    1. When I write links that reference my old pages, I go back to those old pages and insert a named anchor (or tag the element with an id to reference in my link with a fragment identifier).

    2. I add a title to that element so I can hide it within the HTML for visitors who browse normally, but show it to visitors who follow links to that fragment.

    3. I've added a style rule in my pages to display that title text before the fragment only for visitors who follow the special links, specifically, *:target::before { content: attr(title); }

    (See an example in action on my test pages.)

    This means when visitors click on a link to a fragment within a page, they see a clear, short message explaining its relevance. Especially on long pages where my link only references a small part of it, this is an enormous enhancement to usability because it ensures a smooth transition of context between one page and the next. Coupled with helpful title text on the source link itself, it can help create an extremely smooth yet still unobtrusive browsing experience.

    As an extension and major enhancement, I've also been experimenting with "dynamic relevancy messages" as a sort of mini-API to allow anyone to include their own relevancy message into my pages when they link to me. The crux of this technique uses a variable within a GET query-string to plug into the above CSS content-before rule.

    So what do you think about this technique? Useless? Great? Superfluous? All feedback welcome.

    I'd be especially interested to hear from web accessibility gurus who can test the accessibility of this technique and PHP gurus who can help break my site by using XSS attacks for the dynamically generated CSS rule. As I'm somewhat of a novice in that area (that is XSS in the context of CSS, since it's usually an HTML/SQL thing), I'd appreciate it if you can help me fortify my defenses against what is potentially a very obvious attack vector on my site now.

    Thanks for your time. :)

    (Oh yeah, and, um, you gotta use Firefox or another CSS2-compliant browser such as Safari, or a recent version of Netscape, or Mozilla in order for the CSS to work, obviously. It won't work with any version of Internet Explorer or Opera. Sorry.)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/180840.html

  16. I hate CSS and php hacks.

    Date: 03/12/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: css, web

    CSS is an astounding piece of feces; in fact I think it is an insult to feces to be put in the same league as CSS. Oh what a web of deceit we weave! Web designers were agog with excitement when CSS first came. I can still hear shouts of - no more tables, global modification of [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/i-hate-css-i-hate-hacking-php-hacks/

  17. Creating columns using CSS?

    Date: 03/14/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: css

    I have a short question. Is there a way I can create simple columns using CSS? I'm probably thinking of the DIV property.

    I'd like to have a naviation "bar" or section on the left hand side of my page with my content on the right side.

    If not, then I'll create a table with two columns and one row.


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/831542.html

  18. IE7 details leaked

    Date: 03/16/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: browser, css, security, web, microsoft

    article [microsoft-watch.com]
    article on /. [slashdot.org]

    I assume most of you read slashdot, but if you don't here's a quote of their article:

    IE7 Details Emerge
    Posted by timothy on Tuesday March 15, @06:38PM

    Varg Vikernes writes "Microsoft Watch has a story about new features we can expect in IE7 (code named 'Rincon') which they gathered through Microsoft's key partners. Apparently we can expect 32 bit PNG support, native IDN support, new functionality that will simplify printing from inside IE and, of course, tabbed browsing. The new browser also will likely include a built-in news aggregator. Apparently an important factor is security."

    And from the article:
    Partner sources say Microsoft is wavering on the extent to which it plans to support CSS2 with IE 7.0. Developers have been clamoring for Microsoft to update its CSS support to support the latest W3C standards for years. But Microsoft is leaning toward adding some additional CSS2 support to IE 7.0, but not embracing the standard in its entirety, partners say.

    What do you guys think? I won't trade my firefox for anything in the world, but it would be great to see css standards supported on IE7.

    (cross-posted to '[info]'webdev and '[info]'webdesign)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/832698.html

  19. IE7 details leaked

    Date: 03/16/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css, security, web, microsoft

    article [microsoft-watch.com]
    article on /. [slashdot.org]

    I assume most of you read slashdot, but if you don't here's a quote of their article:

    IE7 Details Emerge
    Posted by timothy on Tuesday March 15, @06:38PM

    Varg Vikernes writes "Microsoft Watch has a story about new features we can expect in IE7 (code named 'Rincon') which they gathered through Microsoft's key partners. Apparently we can expect 32 bit PNG support, native IDN support, new functionality that will simplify printing from inside IE and, of course, tabbed browsing. The new browser also will likely include a built-in news aggregator. Apparently an important factor is security."

    And from the article:
    Partner sources say Microsoft is wavering on the extent to which it plans to support CSS2 with IE 7.0. Developers have been clamoring for Microsoft to update its CSS support to support the latest W3C standards for years. But Microsoft is leaning toward adding some additional CSS2 support to IE 7.0, but not embracing the standard in its entirety, partners say.

    What do you guys think? I won't trade my firefox for anything in the world, but it would be great to see css standards supported on IE7.

    (cross-posted to '[info]'webdev and '[info]'webdesign)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/181847.html

  20. newbie advice

    Date: 03/17/05 (WebDesign)    Keywords: templates, css, web

    guys, I'm a real beginner. I'd like to get my feet wet by creating a website for the salon I go to. I have a good rapport with the owner.

    I'm comfortable enough using DreamHost and Dreamweaver, but what I'd really like to do is skip tables altogether. I'd like to design using pure CSS -- but how does this work with Dreamweaver? do I just get some templates from somewhere (where? free? Macromedia?) and then paste the templates onto the Dreamweaver code view screen? or just skip Dreamweaver altogether? I actually took a class in this, but the teacher rushedthroughitsofast that most of it went over my head.

    I know about sites like http://www.csszengarden.com/ but I just don't know the nuts and bolts of turning that concept into my reality.

    thanks in advance for any thoughts!

    also, what in your opinion would be a reasonable fee to charge to set it up? or, the equivalent in barter? ;) (on top of DreamHost's yearly fee for the site.) let's assume it would be a basic 5- or 6-page deal with photos I would take and upload, and the copy written/edited by me (that's what I do for a living IRL).

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdesign/833626.html

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