1. How To Fix Buggy PHP strip_tags Function

    Date: 12/21/07     Keywords: php, css, html

    strip_tags() in PHP has several problems. It doesn’t recognize that css within the style tags are not document text. It will not remove HTML entities or content within script tags. strip_tags() fails for invalid HTML. In short strip_tags() is not advisable to use except for trivial cases. The best solution I have come across is [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-fix-buggy-php-strip_tags-function/

  2. Down With Fever

    Date: 12/21/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I am pretty down with fever, possible viral. Yesterday night was 100% sleepless. Let’s see how it goes tonight. ciao… Share This

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/down-with-fever/

  3. How To Forward Local Host & Port via SSH Client To Remote SSH Server

    Date: 12/21/07     Keywords: no keywords

    SSH is aptly termed as poor man’s VPN. You can use it to either forward local host host name and port to a remote server running ssh daemon. You can also use it to forward remote server’s port to a local host and port. For example you may want to make a particular host and port [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-forward-local-host-port-via-ssh-client-to-remote-ssh-server/

  4. Comment Guard Pro: Over 1 Million Comment Spam Blocked

    Date: 12/20/07     Keywords: spam

    Ever since we installed Comment Guard, anti comment-spam plugin on this blog, it stopped over 1 millon spam comments (1001011 spam comments were blocked by Angsuman’s Comment Guard plugin in 335 days 8 hours 38 minutes. 99.338 % of the comments received during this time were spam.) so far (look in the right sidebar for [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/comment-guard-pro-over-1-million-comment-spam-blocked/

  5. Look What Akismet Approved Today…

    Date: 12/20/07     Keywords: html, spam

    Akismet continues to get in spams approved these days while sometimes rejecting valid comments on my blog. To give you a small sample, here are some of the comments which passed through Akismet plugin today - Note: Adult stuff ahead… you have been warned. Name: Anonymous | URL: vorginfilms . hitcoat . cn / thons-and-ass-and-voyeur . html [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/look-what-akismet-approved-today/

  6. 10 Simple Reasons Why GMail Filters Suck

    Date: 12/20/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I am amazed that GMail is the product of the search engine company. GMail filter leave much to be desired. Here are 10 reasons (and a bonus) for starters. With GMail filters you cannot: name filters filter on any folders, only incoming emails can be filtered exclude terms from From, To of Subject field. filter on cc or bcc which [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/10-simple-reasons-why-gmail-filters-suck/

  7. Web 2.0 Here I Come…

    Date: 12/20/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Yeah baby! Share This

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/web-20-here-i-come/

  8. AirTel Broadband Brings Broadband @ 8 Mbps

    Date: 12/19/07     Keywords: no keywords

    That’s about the best you can say about the 8 Mbps plans from Airtel. The starter Combo 1299 plan provides 8 mbps @ only Rs. 1299 per month. If you think that is good, think again. There is a big catch. Combo 1299 plan comes with a ridiculously low free usage of only 4GB. Additional downloads [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/airtel-broadband-brings-broadband-8-mbps/

  9. On Loving Jesus & Shrimp…

    Date: 12/19/07     Keywords: no keywords

    On my question on what you love to some selected Twitter users, the best answer I received so far: “I love Jesus the most. I also love shrimp and lobster but in a totally different way!” - bubarda Share This

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/on-loving-jesus-shrimp/

  10. Guess What Request I Received on my Contact Form

    Date: 12/19/07     Keywords: spam

    I receive different kind of requests on my contact form, some genuine business requests, many thank you notes and few lame attempts to spam. Today, however I received a rather strange request through my contact form: mamdooh wrote: i want hot and nice girl IP: I am not sure, what gave this dude the idea that I [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/guess-what-request-i-received-on-my-contact-form/

  11. How To Uninstall GrooveMonitor.exe

    Date: 12/18/07     Keywords: software, microsoft

    GrooveMonitor is a service utility that tracks groove behavour and creates reports for error reporting to MS (what else does it report?). It loads on startup. It gets installed when you install Office 2007. However it doesn’t get uninstalled when you uninstall Office 2007. GrooveMonitor starts upon Windows startup (via registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run). In the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-uninstall-groovemonitorexe/

  12. How To Truly Delete Pages in MODx

    Date: 12/16/07     Keywords: database, web

    MODx is an excellent AJAX enabled content management system, which is leagues ahead of Joomla / Mambo. One of the features of MODx is that pages aren’t fully deleted. They are marked as deleted (displayed as strike-through items) and they are not displayed on the web. However they still remain in the database. This is [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-truly-delete-pages-in-modx/

  13. Solution: ntpdate[4933]: no server suitable for synchronization found

    Date: 12/16/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Our local setup consists of a single ntp server which synchronizes time from asia pool of ntp.org ([0-2].asia.pool.ntp.org) and several ntp servers in the intranet which synchronizes from the above server. This setup ensures identical clock on all the machines on the intranet as well as reduces load on ntp.org servers. However we faced with [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/solution-ntpdate4933-no-server-suitable-for-synchronization-found/

  14. BEA SmartConnect 3.0 Enables Rapid SOA Application Development for Enterprise Resource Planning Apps

    Date: 12/15/07     Keywords: no keywords

    BEA SmartConnect 3.0 aims to reduce total cost of ownership and time-to-market for ERP applications by allowing rapid development of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) based applications. BEA SmartConnect 3.0 consists of complete connectivity solution designed to allow service-enabling enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications to quickly build new service-oriented architecture (SOA)-based applications. The connectivity solution can provide [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/bea-smartconnect-30-enables-rapid-soa-application-development-for-enterprise-resource-planning-apps/

  15. An Indian Wedding… “What do you do”?

    Date: 12/14/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I just came back from a semi-traditional Indian wedding. It was an interesting experience. I met with many first-cousins and other relatives who are supposed to be close to me, but this is the first time I am seeing them, ever. Others I am seeing after 16-20 years. I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t sad either. [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/an-indian-wedding-what-do-you-do/

  16. Linux Administrator Required

    Date: 12/11/07     Keywords: php, mysql, sql, linux

    We are looking for a full-time Linux system administrator to manage our dedicated servers and our internal servers, computers and network. He will also have to manage the MySQL server and other servers in-house. He / She will be trained as necessary. Experience in scripting (perl / php) is a plus. He should be a [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/linux-administrator-required/

  17. Two Cliff Richard Favorites (Video)

    Date: 12/09/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Here are couple of my favorite Cliff Richard songs. Enjoy the videos. Finally an impromptu concert by Cliff Richards during a tennis match at Wimbledon. Share This

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/two-cliff-richard-favorites-video/

  18. CMS Talk: Goodbye Joomla, Hello Modx…

    Date: 12/09/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I have been an avid user of Mambo and now Joomla since 2001. taragana.com is designed using Joomla. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to maintain the site very well, our fault not Joomla’s. I wanted to re-design the site to highlight our products and service, and to cope up with our plan for several micro-site development [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/cms-talk-goodbye-joomla-hello-modx/

  19. Error of Spam Protection by Restricting Comments on Old Posts

    Date: 12/07/07     Keywords: spam

    There is a widespread assumption by many bloggers that comments on old posts are mostly spam. There are several WordPress plugins to stop preventing comments on old posts, even posts as recent as one month old like, for example, Akismet. This is plain wrong and can result in losing many valuable comments. Such practices should [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/error-of-spam-protection-by-restricting-comments-on-old-posts/

  20. How Crappy Is Your Java Source Code?

    Date: 12/07/07     Keywords: java

    How crappy is your Java code? Often we find others code crappier than ours, especially if we are given to maintain their code. Crappy code authors are almost always happy with their code quality. Can we quantify crappiness? Crap4J claims to be able to quantify crappiness in Java code with a simple formula (applicable to [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-crappy-is-your-java-source-code/

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