1. Medical Terms for WordPress Blacklist To Protect You From Most Drug Spams

    Date: 09/28/07     Keywords: spam

    Just copy-n-paste the following word list to Comment Blacklist section in Options->Discussion (in WordPress administration) for protection against the most common types of medical / drug related comment spams. The list was derived by analyzing hundreds of thousands of spams. citalopram cymbalta lexapro lorazepam valium paxil levitra oxycontin tramadol clomid ultram doxycycline lipitor valtrex cialis viagra hydrocodone percocet oxycodone adderall propecia xanax ambien ephedra fioricet texas holdem adipex phentermine Additionally you may also want to add these words for protection against other type of [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/medical-terms-for-wordpress-blacklist-to-protect-you-from-most-drug-spams/

  2. 1/2 Million+ Spam Comments Blocked By Comment Guard Pro; Zero False Positive

    Date: 09/28/07     Keywords: spam

    508903 spam comments were blocked by Angsuman’s Comment Guard plugin in 253 days 21 hours 54 minutes. 99.503% of the comments received during this time were spam. - All these spams for this blog alone. Check my right sidebar for the latest stats on Comment Guard Pro (pre-release version) for this blog. We are working hard [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/12-million-spam-comments-blocked-by-comment-guard-pro-zero-false-positive/

  3. Thunderbird: How To Automatically Forward Email in Certain Folders?

    Date: 09/28/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I solve this problem in a different way. Normally we write rules to send messages to a particular folder. In that rule I set one of the action as to also forward the email. Remember to use one of the email accounts for specifying your rule, otherwise your forwarding will fail. Read the details on [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/thunderbird-how-to-automatically-forward-email-in-certain-folders/

  4. Solving Failure To Forward Emails in Mozilla Thunderbird by Message Filters; Understanding Thunderbird Account Architecture

    Date: 09/28/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I faced a vexing problem with the otherwise excellent Mozilla Thunderbird email client. I was unable to forward emails to another account using the rules in Message Filters. I can normally forward emails. I can also execute other actions in the message filters except forwarding. It fails with a simple error message: “Sending of message [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/solving-failure-to-forward-emails-in-mozilla-thunderbird-by-message-filters-understanding-thunderbird-account-architecture/

  5. How To Update nVidia Driver From Livna for Fedora Core 6 Linux Kernel

    Date: 09/28/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Fedora Core 6 has recently been updated to Kernel version When you depend on compiled kernel modules, as in the case of nVidia drivers from Livna, you have to update them too. Livna does a nice job of providing updated drivers as soon as, or even earlier, Fedora repositories are updated. However with the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-update-nvidia-driver-from-livna-for-fedora-core-6-linux-kernel-26225-49/

  6. Technorati Succumbs To Ringtone Spams

    Date: 09/26/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Who tags ringtone or ringtones? … sploggers, who else? Ringtone and ringtones are two of the most popular tags on technorati and displayed on its front page. It makes me wonder if anyone actually looks at what information is displayed on their front pages. I dug in further to look at the contents of one [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/technorati-succumbs-to-ringtone-spams/

  7. Stats: Over 55.5 Million Pages Powered By WordPress…

    Date: 09/25/07     Keywords: google

    A simple google search reveals over 55.5 million pages are generated using WordPress today. The WordPress search volume shows a healthy increase over time as can be seen from the graph. As an aside you will also find over 47, 000 pages displaying the dreaded error page of WordPress. However that is an insignificant volume (.085%) [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/stats-over-555-million-pages-powered-by-wordpress/

  8. Top 12: Best of Humor in Simple Thoughts

    Date: 09/24/07     Keywords: technology

    Simple Thoughts has always been about technology. However occasionally I like to post something humorous. Today I was browsing through the archives looking for a smile at the end of my day. I collected the 12 best humorous posts since 2006. I present them to you in no particular order: Action Hero Gandhi 2 (trailer) - [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/top-12-best-of-humor-in-simple-thoughts/

  9. Improving Site Performance…

    Date: 09/24/07     Keywords: apache

    I have significantly improved our site performance in the last month. I did all the site optimization steps by the book, found a lot of new things and fine-tuned existing ideas. There are a couple of good ideas I am yet to implement like using Lighttpd server instead of Apache 2. I am writing a detailed [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/improving-site-performance/

  10. How To Connect Broadband & EPABX on Same Line

    Date: 09/24/07     Keywords: no keywords

    In small businesses you will often have the ADSL broadband and telephone line from the same connection. You may also need to setup an EPABX on the connection to share the phone line. For example we use an EPABX to provide 16 internal connections over two external lines, one of which also has the broadband. [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-connect-broadband-epabx-on-same-line/

  11. 9 Popular Social Networking Sites: Public Profile on LinkedIn, Pownce, Twitter, Facebook, Friendster, Hi5, Orkut, MySpace & Ryze

    Date: 09/24/07     Keywords: no keywords

    My public profiles on 9 popular social networking sites: LinkedIn - I have started adding my friends to this. Found some old IITians from this network. Also was able to find some old friends. Pownce - Just started… Orkut (requires free Orkut account) - Looks more like a dating network, similar to Friendster. Ryze - I was one of [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/social-networking-my-public-profile-on-linkedin-pownce-facebook-friendster-hi5/

  12. Simple Open Source Trouble Ticket System / Customer Support System

    Date: 09/24/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I was looking for a simple free & open source trouble ticket system. I checked several of them, all the popular ones and more. I scanned through all the lists, which unfortunately haven’t been updated for years. Anyway after slogging for several hours, I present you with the simplest, easy to use and well featured [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/simple-open-source-trouble-ticket-system-customer-support-system/

  13. How To Make Free VOIP Calls From Nokia N95

    Date: 09/24/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Real-time demo showing how to get free VoIP-rate calls on your new Nokia N95 phone by installing Truphone. Truphone routes your mobile calls via the internet. That means free mobile calls to other Truphone users. If you sign up before 30th September you can get free mobile calls to 40 countries worldwide for the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-make-free-voip-calls-from-nokia-n95/

  14. The Other Fedora: Open Source Software Repository

    Date: 09/21/07     Keywords: software

    Do you know about the other Fedora, the open source software repository? Fedora open source software gives organizations a flexible service-oriented architecture for managing and delivering their digital content. At its core is a powerful digital object model that supports multiple views of each digital object and the relationships among digital objects. Digital objects can encapsulate [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/the-other-fedora-open-source-software-repository/

  15. IPC 498a: No. 1 Reason Why Indian Men Shouldn’t Marry

    Date: 09/21/07     Keywords: no keywords

    IPC 498a Indian Penal Code 498a makes it super easy for any wife to systematically harass and make life miserable for her husband and in-laws, including but not limited to jail time and routine torture by cops. All she has to do is file a FIR (first information report) at the local police station, [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/no-1-reason-why-indian-men-shouldnt-marry/

  16. Raw Opinions on India Today 9/21/2007

    Date: 09/21/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Some raw unfiltered opinions on India today: On cricket: 1. 20/20 cricket is a joke. I have a better idea: 5/5 cricket and there should be no fielders except the wicketkeeper to fetch the ball and the bowler. And give the bat to lathi-wielding cops. It will be much more entertaining. 2. Only in India you can shelve [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/raw-opinions-on-india-today-9212007/

  17. Question: Videocasting / Vodcasting With Mobile or Camcorder?

    Date: 09/21/07     Keywords: blogging

    We will soon get into vodcasting / video blogging. I am looking at using either a decent mobile camera with video capabilities like the Samsung U600 or using a digital camcorder. What tools would you recommend for a good quality video casting / video blogging? What mobile would you recommend for moblogging? I am looking for good [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/question-videocasting-vodcasting-with-mobile-or-camcorder/

  18. Translator Plugin Pro API: Powerful Usage Tip From User

    Date: 09/19/07     Keywords: web

    Jan Dembowsky uses Translator Plugin Pro for his WordPress blog, which provided him with a good traffic boost: “My web traffic went from 5,000 hits (900 visits) last week to 21,000 hits yesterday”. He made a cool & informative sidebar element with Translator API to indicate to his viewers of translated paged (only) that the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/translator-plugin-pro-api-cool-tip-from-user/

  19. Digg Down…

    Date: 09/19/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Digg is down. It comes up with an amusing message directing you to several sites like TechCrunch, PaidContent, BBC News & others. Share This

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/digg-down-2/

  20. Which Web Celebrity Are You?

    Date: 09/19/07     Keywords: web

    TechnoSailor has created a funny test to determine which web celebrity you resemble most. It determined that I am mostly like Matt Mullenweg: You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/which-web-celebrity-are-you/

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