1. ForceDo - Review of an Online ToDo List

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: no keywords

    There's a new generation of ToDo tools emerging to make tasks easier as never before. ForceDo is the new kid on the block with an entirely different stance. It's a beta version launched for public test. It is an online system that sits quietly in a corner your PC and tells you that you have [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/forcedo-review-of-an-online-todo-list/

  2. CBI questions Rajus, ex-CFO in Satyam scam

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: no keywords

    HYDERABAD - The investigations into Rs.78 billion (Rs.7,800 crore) scam in Satyam Computer Services picked up momentum as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Tuesday questioned the IT firm's disgraced former chairman B. Ramalinga Raju and four other accused. The CBI's multi-disciplinary investigation team (MDIT) headed by the agency's DIG V.V. Lakshmi Narayana is quizzing the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/cbi-questions-rajus-ex-cfo-in-satyam-scam/

  3. Maharashtra wants Google Earth censored

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: google

    MUMBAI - The Maharashtra government is examining legal options to censor Google Earth and curb it from showing sensitive locations to prevent terror attacks such as what happened in Mumbai, a minister said Tuesday. 'We want Google Earth censored. We shall submit a proposal to the centre and other concerned agencies to implement it as soon [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/maharashtra-wants-google-earth-censored/

  4. How to Download and Save YouTube Videos from YouTube Only

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: software, web

    Yes, you heard it right. Today I will tell you a trick by which you can save a youtube video from youtube only. No other software, no other website for your help. Its a very easy process but a minute one in detail. So, without further ado, let me tell you how. Type in about:cache in [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-download-and-save-youtube-videos-from-youtube-only/

  5. Telegraph.co.uk Hacked: Trend Micro has a Solution

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: sql, web

    Are you one of those Telegraph subscribers? You must have known by know that the online website of British UK newspaper Telegraph has been hacked. The proofs in Hackersblog confirm that the site has been hacked by Romanian whitehat hacking group. It also revealed that the hackers have used SQL injection technique to  access Telegraph's [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/telegraphcouk-hacked/

  6. Dell’s Latitude E6400 XFR: Just Released

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: no keywords

    After the notable success of HP Pavilion Tablet PC series, its now time for Dell to come with its hands up and with a strong fist for that matter. Dell's Latitude E6400 XFR laptop is first of its kind where a rough and tough gadget holds hands with delicacy (touchscreen). The company claims can withstand [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/dells-latitude-e6400-xfr-just-released/

  7. Top 5 Reasons Why Samsung LCD TVs are the Best in India

    Date: 03/09/09     Keywords: no keywords

    With a global trend of dumping the CRT TVs, India is of no exception to the trend with the market of LCD TVs growing nearly at a rate of 100% per year. According to Display Search analysis the LCD TV market of India will surpass the CRT TV market by 2012. This growth is mainly [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/5991/

  8. We Are Hiring

    Date: 03/26/08     Keywords: php, software, java, jsp

    Check out our career pagehttp://www.taragana.com/career and open positions. We prefer candidates from Kolkata, India. Exceptional candidates out of state will also be considered. In short we are looking for: 1. Software Engineer You will be developing very high quality software products and services catering to a worldwide market. Java (JSP, Servlets etc.), PHP and Javascript are the key [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/we-are-hiring/

  9. View All WordPress Options

    Date: 03/25/08     Keywords: php

    Browse to http://your.blog.domain/wp-admin/options.php Replace your.blog.domain with your own blog domain like for example blog.taragana.com for this blog.

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/view-all-wordpress-options/

  10. US Non-Immigrant Visa Application Rejects Firefox Users

    Date: 03/23/08     Keywords: browser

    The online US non-immigrant visa application site - https://www.vfs-usa.co.in/ doesn’t allow you to submit the visa application using the popular Firefox browser. However it never says it explicitly. Only when you try to go through the screens, it will incorrectly throw date errors which are impossible to fix in Firefox. While US Government warned against [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/us-non-immigrant-visa-application-rejects-firefox-users/

  11. New Forum for 3 Column widgetized Anaconda Theme ( WordPress )

    Date: 03/23/08     Keywords: no keywords

    A new forum for 3 column widgetized Anaconda Theme is now open. It is a highly popular free WordPress theme with tons of functionality built-in and a cool look. Looking forward to see you there.

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/new-forum-for-3-column-widgetized-anaconda-theme-wordpress/

  12. How To Fix phpBB Error - The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again.

    Date: 03/23/08     Keywords: php, spam

    Users, including forum admins, sometimes gets message while editing a post, sometimes for quick edits and sometimes for longer edits - “The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again.” This is not really an error but one of the two protection mechanisms in place in phpBB to protect your forum from spams. Here is how [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-fix-phpbb-error-the-submitted-form-was-invalid-try-submitting-again/

  13. How To Display Yearly Archives of WordPress Blogs

    Date: 03/22/08     Keywords: no keywords

    WordPress provides an easy way to display archives of any year. For example here are the archives of this blog for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008. Here is the archive of Stem Cell blog for 2007. The idea is simple. Just add the (virtual) directory archive followed by the year. So, for [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-display-yearly-archives-of-wordpress-blogs/

  14. Solution: Missing Dependency: faad2 < 2.5 is needed by package ffmpeg-libs & Error: vlc conflicts with faad2 >= 2.5

    Date: 03/22/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Have you seen the error while installing a package using yum / yumex? Error: vlc conflicts with faad2 >= 2.5 Error: Missing Dependency: faad2 < 2.5 is needed by package ffmpeg-libs The error is because of using freshrpms repository or other repository to install recent version of faad2. Now let’s see how you can solve it. This is a [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/solution-missing-dependency-faad2-25-is-needed-by-package-ffmpeg-libs-error-vlc-conflicts-with-faad2-25/

  15. How To: PHP Script To Windows EXE File Generation

    Date: 03/22/08     Keywords: php

    PHP files are scripts which are interpreted by php interpreter (php.exe in windows). Converting them to exe files makes it easy to distribute PHP applications to Windows users. Unfortunately Zend, the PHP company, doesn’t provide a way to convert PHP scripts to Windows executables. Today I am going to show you a simple way to [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-php-script-to-windows-exe-file-generation/

  16. Live Blogging from JavaOne Conference 6-9 May in San Francisco

    Date: 03/21/08     Keywords: java

    I got an invitation for covering JavaOne and received a Press pass for the conference. I am planning to attend the conference from 6-9 May in San Francisco and live blog about the event. I will be updating soon on the sessions I plan to attend and more. Looking forward to meet some old friends in San [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/live-blogging-from-javaone-conference-6-9-may-in-san-francisco/

  17. Wish You Happy Holi / Dol

    Date: 03/21/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Holi is the festival of radiance, colors and usher in spring. I wish you all a happy Holi / Dol (as we Bengalis say) and hope that you all remain safe (no colors in eye). Holi / Dol is also used as an occasion for old foes to come together and forget their feuds, at least [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/wish-you-happy-holi-dol/

  18. Dating Spam: With Love From Russia

    Date: 03/21/08     Keywords: spam

    I received a non-typical email spam, a well written (spams are usually filled with bad spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, especially those from Dakar, Senegal for example) email from Maria Wyatt (most likely forged) claiming to be Nadezhda from Saint-Petersburg in Russia. The full email without the headers: Hello! How are you? I hope that all good [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/dating-spam-with-love-from-russia/

  19. Windows Vista: How to Install Second OS / Manage Boot Configuration Easily

    Date: 03/21/08     Keywords: no keywords

    Editing boot configuration in Windows Vista is complicated for most users. You have to manually edit the BCEdit file using bcdedit.exe. However there is a simpler and better way - VistaBootPRO. VistaBootPRO was developed to make changes, backups to the Windows Vista Boot Configuration Data (BCD) registry quickly and easily, and faster than manually editing the [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/windows-vista-how-to-install-second-os-manage-boot-configuration-easily/

  20. XnView: Cross Platform Graphic File Viewer & Converter (400 Graphic File Formats Supported)

    Date: 03/19/08     Keywords: linux

    XnView is an cross-platform utility for viewing and converting graphic files. It can import about 400 graphic files format and export about 50 graphic file format. It is a must have for viewing graphic files, fax documents etc. from various platform. XnView works on Windows, MacOS X, Linux x86, Linux ppc, FreeBSD x86, OpenBSD x86, [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/xnview-cross-platform-graphic-file-viewer-converter-400-graphic-file-formats-supported/

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