1. ​Ansible Tower 3.3 arrives to make DevOps easier than ever

    Date: 09/14/18     Keywords: no keywords

    This new version features more control, greater scalability, better container support, and can now be run on Red Hat's OpenShift Container Platform.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/ansible-tower-3-3-arrives-to-make-devops-easier-than-ever/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  2. ​Nextcloud 14 rolls out with two major security features

    Date: 09/11/18     Keywords: no keywords

    Want a full-featured, easy-to-run, open-source Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud to call your own? Check out the latest version of Nextcloud.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/nextcloud-14-rolls-out-with-two-major-security-features/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  3. ​Hollywood goes open source

    Date: 09/05/18     Keywords: software

    When you think of open-source software, you think about smartphones, servers, and the cloud. You probably don't think about movies, but you should.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/hollywood-goes-open-source/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  4. Even Linus Torvalds doesn't completely understand the Linux kernel

    Date: 09/04/18     Keywords: linux

    In a wide-ranging interview at Open Source Summit, Torvalds talked about programmers, Linux, and open-source development.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/even-linus-torvalds-doesnt-completely-understand-the-linux-kernel/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  5. ​Linus Torvalds talks frankly about Intel security bugs

    Date: 09/02/18     Keywords: security, linux

    Linus Torvalds thinks Intel has gotten better about keeping the Linux open-source community in the loop with CPU security problems, but it started out really badly. And it's still not fair that Linux has to fix hardware problems.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/linus-torvalds-talks-frankly-about-intel-security-bugs/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  6. New OpenStack cloud release embraces bare metal

    Date: 08/30/18     Keywords: no keywords

    The new open-source OpenStack cloud, Rocky, is easier ever both to upgrade and to deploy on bare metal.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/new-openstack-cloud-release-embraces-bare-metal/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  7. ​Storj Labs forges open-source vendors and cloud services alliance

    Date: 08/29/18     Keywords: no keywords

    Open source powers today's cloud, but many open-source developers haven't profited from the cloud's growth. Storj Labs wants to change that dynamic so both can make money.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/storj-labs-forges-open-source-vendors-and-cloud-services-alliance/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  8. ​Linux gaming gets a new head of Steam

    Date: 08/29/18     Keywords: software, linux

    Steam's dream of Linux-powered Steam gaming machines never came to fruition, but the company has returned to Linux by bringing Windows-based games to Linux with a software-only approach.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-gaming-gets-a-new-head-of-steam/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  9. Open-source licensing war: Commons Clause

    Date: 08/28/18     Keywords: no keywords

    ​A new open-source license addendum, Commons Clause, has lawyers, developers, businesses, and open-source supporters fighting with each other.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/open-source-licensing-war-commons-clause/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  10. ​Zowe! Bringing the mainframe to the open-source world

    Date: 08/27/18     Keywords: linux

    Linux has run on mainframes for decades. Now IBM and partners are enabling users to access z/OS using a new open-source framework, Zowe.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/zowe-bringing-the-mainframe-to-the-open-source-world/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  11. ​Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 beta is out now

    Date: 08/22/18     Keywords: linux

    The latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux takes a big step forward into the cloud.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/red-hat-enterprise-linux-7-6-beta-is-out-now/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  12. ​Cloud Foundry survey finds top enterprise languages

    Date: 08/21/18     Keywords: java

    They may not be the coolest languages, but Java and JavaScript remain the top enterprise developer languages for the cloud.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/cloud-foundry-survey-finds-top-enterprise-languages/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  13. ​Prometheus, Kubernetes and system monitoring, reaches maturity

    Date: 08/09/18     Keywords: no keywords

    Prometheus, the six-year-old cloud microservices monitoring program, has grown up almost as fast as Kubernetes container management.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/prometheus-kubernetes-and-system-monitoring-reaches-maturity/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  14. 5 best Chromebooks for school in 2018

    Date: 08/08/18     Keywords: no keywords

    These work for anyone else who want a top-notch laptop.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/pictures/5-best-chromebooks-for-school-in-2018/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  15. ​Yum! That's some good Android Pie

    Date: 08/07/18     Keywords: no keywords

    Android 9, aka Android Pie, brings numerous tasty improvements.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/yum-thats-some-good-android-pie/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  16. ​Container adoption speeds up to the detriment of VMs

    Date: 07/31/18     Keywords: no keywords

    As containers grow more popular, virtual machine deployments are declining.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/container-adoption-speeds-up-to-the-detriment-of-vms/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  17. ​How to upgrade from Ubuntu Linux 16.04 to 18.04

    Date: 07/30/18     Keywords: linux

    You can now smoothly move up from Ubuntu Linux 16.04, or later versions, to Ubuntu 18.04. Here's how to do it.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-linux-16-04-to-18-04/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  18. ​Dell XPS 13 now ships with Ubuntu 18.04 Linux

    Date: 07/29/18     Keywords: linux

    Want a top-flight laptop with a high-end Linux pre-installed? Then you'll want to check out Dell's latest XPS 13.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/dell-xps-13-now-ships-with-ubuntu-18-04-linux/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  19. 10 ways to extend your Android phone battery life

    Date: 07/27/18     Keywords: no keywords

    With a few simple tricks, which are already in your Android smartphone, you can get hours more life from your device.

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/pictures/10-ways-to-extend-your-android-phone-battery-life/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

  20. ​Microsoft PowerShell now available on Linux as an Ubuntu snap

    Date: 07/23/18     Keywords: linux

    PowerShell, the Windows shell language, is now available on Linux as an Ubuntu Snap! Believe it!

    Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-powershell-now-available-on-linux-as-an-ubuntu-snap/#ftag=RSSbaffb68

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