1. Taskforce Initiative interview with Long Zheng

    Date: 03/13/09     Keywords: web, microsoft

    Can an Australian student change the way Microsoft and Apple make their products? Can influence from the community ensure a product is to the high standard we expect? I spoke to Long Zheng, world famous blogger on the istartedsomething website, to see how he is single-handedly using his Taskforce initiative...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/igeneration/?p=1246

  2. Panasonic's 2009 Blu-ray line features something old (VCR) and something new (streaming video)

    Date: 03/13/09     Keywords: no keywords

    Panasonic is covering all of its bases with its new Blu-ray player lineup, everything from a model that includes a built-in VCR for those still semi-caught in the past to one that looks toward the future with its VieraCast network-connected feature. The DMP-BD70V...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/home-theater/?p=441

  3. Why the hell would anyone actually use AOL???

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: no keywords

    Just a brief rant here, folks...I talked a while ago about my superintendent and how he used AOL extensively for calendaring and communication. Basically, I came to the conclusion that if we don't provide users with a range of tools to satisfy their needs, they'll bring crappy ones onsite that...

    Source: http://education.zdnet.com/?p=2240

  4. International Kaspersky sites susceptible to SQL injection attacks

    Date: 03/10/09     Keywords: asp, sql, security, web

    According to a security group going under the name of TeamElite, the international sites of Kaspersky Iran (kasperskylabs.ir), Taiwan (web.kaspersky.com.tw) and South Korea (kasperskymall.co.kr) are susceptible to SQL injection attacks, allowing the injection of malicious iFrames and potentially assisting malicious attackers into obtaining sensitive data from the web sites in...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=2842

  5. Piper Jaffray upgrades Amazon on customer satisfaction; Kindle, iPhone apps

    Date: 03/09/09     Keywords: no keywords

    Amazon snared an upgrade from Piper Jaffray Monday based on a customer service survey and e-commerce innovations such as the Kindle and its associated iPhone application. However, the reasoning behind the upgrade is debatable. In a research note, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster acknowledged that he was...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=14137

  6. Fastest-growing web sites in January, 2009

    Date: 03/08/09     Keywords: no keywords

      Dec-08 Jan-09 % Change Rank Total Audience 190,650 191,863 1 N/A TaxACT 549 5,883 972 205 H&R Block 1,611 6,073 277 196 IRS.GOV 4,313 14,663 240 69 Intuit 6,139 16,172 163 60 Oprah.com 2,539...

    Source: http://www.itfacts.biz/?p=12701

  7. Top news Web sites in February, 2009

    Date: 03/07/09     Keywords: web, yahoo, google

    Rank Website Share 1. Yahoo! News 7.38% 2. The Weather Channel - US 3.44% 3. CNN.com 3.36% 4. MSNBC 3.11% 5. Google News 2.60% 6. Drudge Report 2.35% 7. USA Today 2.22% ...

    Source: http://www.itfacts.biz/?p=12693

  8. Twitter as a district communication tool

    Date: 03/04/09     Keywords: blogging, web

    Broward County Public Schools announced Tuesday that they would be using Twitter to quickly disseminate information to parents, students, and staff. While automated calling systems and school/district websites are fine ways to get information out, this strikes me as a particularly useful application for the microblogging site. ...

    Source: http://education.zdnet.com/?p=2215

  9. Following the money

    Date: 03/03/09     Keywords: no keywords

    It's time to follow the money, and there may be a lot of it to follow as it flows from China, Saudi Arabia and Japan to Washington and then is recycled into states and cities across America. Last week Departrment of Housing and Urban Development HUD started doling out...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/green/?p=2777

  10. Highlights from NetApplications data for February '09

    Date: 03/03/09     Keywords: no keywords

    NetApplications data for February ‘09 is out so it's time to take a look at the trends. by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=3695

  11. Ryanair website bug: blogger called 'idiot and liar'

    Date: 03/01/09     Keywords: no keywords

    See how an apparent Ryanair employee responded when a blogger tried to book a flight, only to discover a bug that resulted in cost coming up zero. by Michael Krigsman

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/projectfailures/?p=2057

  12. BBC hires Yahoo exec as CTO

    Date: 02/26/09     Keywords: technology, yahoo

    The BBC has hired Yahoo! executive John Linwood as its new CTO. He will be responsible for delivering the BBC's technology strategy. The BBC has hired Yahoo! executive John Linwood as its new CTO. Linwood will be responsible for delivering the BBC's technology strategy, including...

    Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2424-9595_22-273304.html

  13. How green is your e-tailer? Survey finds Internet and e-commerce businesses lacking in green tech leadership

    Date: 02/24/09     Keywords: no keywords

    If almost your entire business value proposition was based on IT infrastructure, you would think you would be doing something about embracing green IT. But fully 82 percent of businesses in the Internet or e-commerce sector have yet to really embrace ecological considerations. That's according a survey released this month...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/green/?p=2543

  14. Chinese hackers deface the Russian Consulate in Shanghai

    Date: 02/23/09     Keywords: web

    That was fast. Chinese hackers collaborating with the Chinese Hacking Union, a two-years old training community for wannabe hackers, hacked and defaced the official web site of  the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in Shanghai, PRC in response to the recent accusations that a Russian navy vessel has sank...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=2641

  15. The Yelp Mafia

    Date: 02/19/09     Keywords: web

    Is today Fraud Thursday or something? Did I miss the email? One of my favorite iPhone apps and Web site is Yelp, the free, San Francisco-based business mostly restaurant review guide. Not only is Yelp its own standalone app, but its reviews are also integrated into several...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=3116

  16. $99 iPhones arrive, but they're refurbished

    Date: 02/18/09     Keywords: web

    If you're looking for a $99 iPhone look no further than the AT&T Web site. The company is now offering refurbished, 8GB black iPhones for $99 (with a two-year contract). Optionally you can purchase the black or white 16GB models for $199. AppleInsider reports that a similar...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=3083

  17. Obama's new recovery website launches

    Date: 02/17/09     Keywords: web

    The Obama administration launched yet another website to explain one of its new policies—this time it's the new Recovery & Reinvestment Act. The site is designed to help the average American understand where the money is going, dig into charts and graphs related...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/weblife/?p=261

  18. Has Social 2.0 become too powerful?

    Date: 02/16/09     Keywords: web

    I love playing with new things, new websites, services and devices. But after rejoining Twitter, speared on by extreme peer presure from my colleagues, I discovered how scarily connected the whole world was; suddenly woken up to this world, closely entwined with this new revolution of next generation web technologies....

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/igeneration/?p=1005

  19. Top travel Web sites in December 2008

    Date: 02/14/09     Keywords: web, google

    Rank Website Domain Market Share Nov ‘08 Oct ‘08 Sep ‘08 1. MapQuest www.mapquest.com 10.98% 1 1 1 2. Google Maps maps.google.com 9.81% 2 2 2 3. Southwest Airlines www.southwest.com 3.31% 4 5 5 4. Expedia www.expedia.com 3.02% 5 4 4 ...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/ITFacts/?p=15503

  20. Top US domains by traffic in December 2008

    Date: 02/14/09     Keywords: web, yahoo, google, ebay

    Rank Website Market Share 1. www.google.com 6.38% 2. mail.yahoo.com 4.7% 3. www.myspace.com 3.71% 4. www.yahoo.com 3.65% 5. mail.live.com 1.74% 6. www.facebook.com 1.65% 7. www.ebay.com 1.64% 8. search.yahoo.com 1.52% 9. www.msn.com 1.17% ...

    Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/ITFacts/?p=15504

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